Leon, Joe P. and Jennie L. BCrfK36GfJ ~AGtn12 1255714 ()'Ir() "~11 BOOK.jtlU; f~GE{)- FII.E 0 F') :', E:; OR:} A"" c r: ::,', n ~ q[nCACJ~',~ ' Application No......................... I.R.S. ~rant 1!\ttb JJnbibibual JOE P. LEON and JENNIE L. lEON, his wife, ~ the first parr ies . hereby GRANT TO :;,,:: i';" ../ . ~.~::. ;- . diny .{"..{,~(~-c..:.... :cr../ CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the second parr y , all that real properry situated in the City of GilroY' ....P..... 'yti Above space for ecorder County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: A richt of wa,. over, in, under, and through a strip of land of a uniform width of 6.00 feet, the westerly line of which is described as follows Being in the City of Gilroy and Las Animas Sub Lot XVIII as shown upon Map No.8 accompanying the Report of tb=J Referees in the Las Animas Ranch Partition Suit (Case No. 5536) had in the Superior Court in and for the County of Santa Clara and is more particularly described as tollows: BEING a strip of land six teet wide, the westerly line ot which is described as tollows: Becinning at the point of intersection of the easterly line of East Street with the prolongation easterly of the southerly line of Seventh StreEt ; thence along the easterly line otEast Street and the westerly line ot Sub Lot XVIII N.20000' w. 35'0 teet more or less to the Miller SlOUCh. The said right of way is granted to the said City 0 f Gilroy for use in the construction, ~aying, repairing, maintenance and replacement of a storm sewer through the premises above described, and the right to enter upon the premises at anytime for such purposes. WITNESS our hand S this ! 1- /'tt . day of ._ Sept ember , 1956 ...............................::h..t!S.......r..f...........~............. ..m..mmm..I~.~m.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SANTA gARA 55. On this / d rz day of Sep tea ber I &::6 bef -,. ,'Y , ore me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared JOE P. LEON and JENNIE L. LEON, --> / be the person S" whose name S his wife, ' are subscribed to the foregoing ids - o ~ ~, m ~, M::J Q > ..... Q Z ..... . -~ ~, ~,:, to"'" ' . 1l'!1 r,. .p . Q.t; V1: ." ~/. r .~ r...:i , .~ I' ~. Q I""'" 4:') ~ == ta ~ ~ :1 o ',r".,i' 'I :::r- d 'T: -: '..... c.!1. crj. a i' -H ........,..,: ~1 . i'n> . . , Ji. J..- V) ...t- V) ~~' f\ ~ r ~. ')o-o-fJ) a,-~ tfi_.' ' '::rr' , rv (j ;d) q ..,...' > ~ ~Ci":'\ ' .- , ,./ " ~ " , , . !j. \ ~ ',' ,; ) r : o ~ .... G.1 ,1 ~ ~:: ~, ~ ~ ,~ , Q, ','I,rtl, ". -5 ",' ~, .' , ~ , -:!!t< ..d '::"'; ..e: ~ ,~' '~ 'rj);c "l, . ~ .1......,1 : ,,<U rcO"','~" ;,~ ',:I.""';dJ" ':'"'2 .~ '." '; '"0 ~ fzl :d",", : i ~ Q M O. .~ ~r~., ,.~. : <U , . : z~.. ,r: ',' : t ~.'.:: 1\ ~ ''-''f;,,'l.-':i 0" "'; ",':" I 1 ~)..'-., , .. .1' , "" , . ~ e o . .. ft-.t "'"' ,711, Q , .. ~ O. 'Il-t n .,; ~ ~ ::~~-,-,"J.." -.,~~f ~ 'f":.... ~,. ~),i.\ ~ - = i:.' ,1-:;" E Q c.:>> 'c '.. CD c.:>> cu - cu = ; ~~ t=. = cO: oa ~ c.:J zj ;.... . ~ ,"= 0 ~ N''>fji,~ , I.;. ,,,,. m,w 'tiS'!~ (Ie I ~ ;.1:1I ::: ~ 1--, c. :t,;;.e ::~ z cu'< ='z<( en en lJJ Q = 0 - - t'- ~ ~ 'C " i f'C- cu E. .... = "- - ,iT <( z . "0 LL ~::i <(<( ll!U J~:~ I-. ci <(I- Z ..J 0<( jo - ..J ~ <( <( 0. I {;. -- ., ~ r: . lJJ~ lJJ ..J lJJ<( wU 'z . -w lJJ'lJJ ':j,o m-, v z - <( ~lJJ w . > ~ <(..J >-<( IU 0. . ll!W ::J..J ~~ >- uiz z O::J ~lJJ 1255714 ~/ .':~ ~~)60a ~1fIH" RESOLtITION NO. 393 . IT RESOLVED BY THE MAym AND CODON COUNCIL OF THE CIn OF GILROY: That said City of Gilroy hereby accepts the attached conveyance and consents to the recordation thereot. PASSED and I.DOP'I'ED this 17th .day of September, 1956, by ! he following vote at a regular tooeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. '1i AYES: Councilmen: C.M. Rush, Kenneth Petersen, Everett Wentworth, Chas. Gallo, Sig Sanchez. Counci lrnerc None NOES: ABS'FNT: Councilmen: Carl W. Pate APPROWD: t....1 , / ,..1 t:t---,,'r"-' (fMYOO fl-- "7"]'7 ,,/f ."." " '-,;........(..c<-.....,<?'--- . v /