Light, Michael R. and Diane J. -' California Land Title Co. E 891 p~'~: E 891 P~SE 32 Rtcordtd I' "" ",,,,,t of Callfoml. und TItle COmDlny OCT 2 5 1979 ~~~. 6539657 333 So RL\:CORDIl"G REQUESTED 81' .." AND WhtcN HtcL OHDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO, I NAMt ' I 32 snH< ' City of Gilroy AOOHfj, 7377 Church St. e,p Gilroy, Ca. 95020 STAl~~ L_ -.J 1J~. Georie A. Mann, Recorder Santa Clara County, Official Records rille Ulller Nu. E,eru'" No.. Thi=> =>poce for Recorder's use GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(.) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX i. $ None._ GIIANT DEED o computed 011 full value of property conveyed, or o computed on full value len value of lien. or encumbrancCl remainill~ at time ot sale, FUR A V ALUJ\BLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Michael R. Light and Diane J. Light, married to each other ilucll\ (;RANT()S) to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation rill: follo\\ ing dt;~cnbcd real property HI the (~()1I111\ ot Santa Clara City of Gilroy , State of California: . , \ I I (' I (:\ I .11 [ ) I, N 1\ [ ,.1 .~ 1\ (II Santa Clara ''', October 23, 1979 I"ju,' S5. 'L.~~.~k '/.)'lJ~~.~..__..- ," --- ~LJ.~ k~~-/~ I ).11 L< I October 23r 1979 \ /TIC, tht lIlIdel ~j~.',Il(.j, ,I 1'\111.11'\ I'llidli ill IIl,1 101 '"1.11.1 ~t,dl", pt'r~tlllally appt'arecl Diane J. Light 8.... :..Ift JILL M. BOWMAN '" .. Notary P~blic . California . .' Principal office in . Santa Clara County, CA My commission expires November II, 1980 OFFICIAL SEAl 1,1111\\IIIU 1111' It! lie Illl pCI"l'II{:"1 \\IIO'd II,IIIIC\:-'\ I~ (all') 8ub~cribeJ she " I', 1111 \\ Jlhlll 111~IJ :lIlltlll ;lIhl .llh.IICJ\\ If,I~',(',1 111.11 '-, j t~ I. I I I I ! I "';;:~r(rl ". 1 M. Bowman ,."1.llllll,1 'I" (Space abo\ c lor olhual 1I11I.\li;d ,cal, \1\ II I \ \ Itll.l.uWIN<.; UNF; IF NO PARTY SO SIIO\\'!\:, ~l:\ll AS IlII{Fl'TID AH()\T StITt'! Addrell' Cil) & St;lle Zip I (Attorney in Fact) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara} SS. E 891 P~s: 33 t On Ovtober 23, + 979 before mt;, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, I personally appeared Dlane J. Llght , III known to me to be the person_ whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, as the ~ Attorney_ in fact of Michael R. Light :z: wand acknowledged to me that she subscribed the name ~ of Michael R. Ligh t thereto as principal_ Iii and heer own name_ as Attorney_ in fact. t WITNESS J I .~. and Signature 1 M. Bowman ame (Typed or Printed) eo' ., OFFICIAL SEAL ,. l' :'. .... JILL M. BOWMAN ~~ N"'" Public' Ca\if!,rnla ~ Principal office In .."o~.,. San'a Clara County. CA My commission expires November 11. 1980 ... -'" E 891 :llr;; l.......~ 34 , DEDICATION OF P.U.E. & TREE PLANTING EASEMENT DESCRIPTION PORTION OF LOT 3, in Block 2, as shown on that certain Map entitled,"MAP OF NORTH GILROY TRACT," which Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on October 3,1927 in Book IIW" of Maps, at Page{s) 14 and 15, and more particularly described as follows; COMMENCING at a point in the centerl ine of Ronan Avenue distant thereon North 880 351 East 67.17 feet from the one-inch iron bar marking the intersection of the centerline of Ronan Avenue with the centerline of Carlyle Avenue, thence a't right angles and parallel with the centerline of Carlyle Avenue South 10 251 East 25.00 feet to the point of BEGINNING in the new Southerly Right-of-Way, of Ronan Avenue; thence along said new Southerly Right-of-Way, North 880 351 East 94.32 feet; thence at right angles and parallel with the centerline of Carlyle Avenue North 10 251 West 5.00 feet; thence South 880 351 West distant 94.~2 fee t; the n c eat rig h tan g 1 e san d par a I I e' r wit h the c e n t e r I i n e 0 f Carlyle Avenue North 10 251 West distant 5.00 feet to the point of BEGINNING.