McStay, Mary Jane
THIS INDElh'URE, made this
day of April, 1929,
between MAHY JANE McSTAY (unmarried), of the County of
Santa Clara, State of California, the party of the first
part, and the CI~Y O~ GILrtOY, a Municipal Corporation, the
party of the second part,
That the party of the first part, for and in con-
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sideration of the sum of One DOllar, to her in hand paid
by the party of the second part, tbe receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged, does grant unto the said party of
the secopd part the right to lay and maintain a storm
sewer pipe main throlJp,;h th,e property of tbe said party
of the first part in the ~~.Qf"'G3:l.'roy:'j County of Santa
Clara, state of California, the centerline of which said
sewer, as it passes through said property, being parti-
cularly described as fol1~vs, to-wit:
BEGINNING at a point on the Northeaster~y line of
Monterey Street, in the City of Gilroy, distant theren
N. 23u 101 W., 14000, feet from the point of intersection
of the Ncr theaster1y line of Monterey Street with the
,Southeasterly line of First street, if projected North-
easterly, and running thence N. 700 E., 140. feet to the
Southwesterly line of the right of way of the Southern
Pacific Railroad Oompany.
ALSO: rlEGINNLNG at a point on the Northeasterly line
of the right of way of the S. P. R. R. Co., in the City
of Gilroy, distant thereon N. 290 W., 14.00 f'eet from the
point of lnt~rsection of the Northeasterly line of the
right of way of the S. P. R. R. Co. with the Southeasterly
line of First Street, if proiected Northeasterly, and running
thence N. 700 E., 160 feet to a point on the Northeasterly
line of Sub Lot 3 of the La s I~nima s Rancho.
And the party of the second part sh~ll have the right
to enter on the said property of the first part for the
~lrpose of making excavations preparatory to the laying of
said sewer, and when said sewer is laid, shall have the
right to enter said property for the purpose of caring for
and maintaining the same, it being understood, however,
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that when said sewer is laid, the party of the second
part will en ver the same and leave the surface of the
ground in as smooth and even condition and in as good
state as before laying said sewer. It is further
provided that said sewer shall be laid at least three
feet below the surface of the grmlnd.
IN "JITNESS 'iJHEHEOF, thepD rty of the first part
has hereunto set her hand the day and year first above
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