Morton, Benjamin (2) - - P 3 8 7 PA GE I 847 (I,L'{Ij<' j}u'/7/71ti/ DOCUMENT: 13342549 1111111 U 11I/11111I1/ '0013342549' Tit I es: I 1 Pages: 3 Fees. * No Fees Taxes. Copies. AMT PAID Ci t,,' Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy. CA 95020 NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Chicago Title ROE fI 014 6/24/1996 8:00 AM RECORDING REQUESTED BY, AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: AGREEMENT TO MAINTAIN SOUND ATTENUATION BERM EASEMENT I, Benjamin Morton, hereby reserve a ten foot wide easement for a sound attenuation berm and agree to preserve and maintain said berm in perpetuity, over the real property located in the City of Gilroy. State of California, more particularly described as follows: A ten foot wide strip of land the easterly line of which is the easterly property line of Parcel 2 and the westerly right of way of Santa Teresa Boulevard as shown on the Parcel Map recorded in Book 666 of Maps, page 27, records of Santa Clara County, California. I bind myself, my heirs, executors, successors, and assigns, Jointly and severally, firmly by this agreement. /---)"" ' .// ./ ie-~YJ ~;:;~:;,'f,:r.t' ~c;. ''-,c . Notary Seal: : ~ ':.: ,- ..' . , . ~ r P 3 8 ,J P t\ GE I 8 I.; 8 SANTA TERESA '1",1,"'11"),., NO ACCESS ~ .' 1"=20' ~~-- BL VD ' - .~ \ r -10' WIDE So.UND A TT lJA TJoN BERM EAsEMENT u1 . () PCL~ 2 6227 5.F. w tl ~ ~ "iJJ ~ .~ ~ If . N ~ c,(\ ~ ..... - - - z , " z PQL~ I -, ~., . 7941 SF. F5S.po' -', ~~------ . . · S'5.1t' : . "11. ...... MESA ROAD .. " f ....,; ~ -_, - 01 0 . f\j <<J ...... ~ .. . C\J C\J ., ~ tfl , . \... ./ --- / P 3 8 7 Pl\ GE I 849 S'l'l\'l'E OF Cl\LIFORNIl\ COUNTY OF S1\NTl\ CLl\Rl\ SS. On JAM,! (/ c/j ( ) -_>{ I "\ /"\ (i( .. / / ''{ '1-- / // /1 ( C-') , 199~, before me, /. JANET K. WALLACE ----. appeared l~(;)/! ((lJ,CL;i.: (.) or 0 pl"oved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person (s) whose name (st0/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tha(l~~/she/they executed the \ same in r1i~/her/their authorized capacity (ies), and that by , · Notary Public, personally / - i J." / I j /0/ 6-/!c]\. ,( Dpersonally known to me ~ " hi$/ller/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WI'l'NEi my hand and, official seal. I / i(/~1- ( ( /Signature K/// ~ \ ,.. ... / ... s<:.~.. ! U ( 1L"~f of No ta-:ry--- / JANH K. WALLACE 'j) Comm. # 999526 . it. :> NOTARY PUBUC - CALIFORNIA '1'\.' :> Santa Clara Colmly _ Ai 0.. My Comm. Expires July 23, 1997 .). ~~'~....,.""..., ~ ~ ~ .....,--....'<;:;:I'J. v