Packard, Harold and June ~ 9L\24SS'O FILED FOR HECORD AT REQUEST OF )~ A;), SE; ~ ~I 26 AH~ OFFICiAL RECORDS SANTA CLAR/\ COUNTY LAURIE ~:A"'E RECOR[\[F C Qr/ HUl v~ HECOH',HNG HEQUE's'l'EU BY: NO FEE PER GC SEC 6103 Susanne E. Steinmetz,City Ci ty of Gil roy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 Cler ~? · ~r~UH I1J?q 4..... , j -,---- ,,- ---- MIU::} , --"'. ...--- ~ _ _ ..-- LIEN NCll ' HB'1'UHN '1'0: 'f' SMPF peOR K 288PA6E 811 lJElJICl\'1'ION l;'on S'l'lU.:;E'l' l\NlJ U'l'ILI'l'Y PUHPOSES The undersigned, being the legal owners of the real property hereinafter described, hereby dedicate to public use a right of way for Street and utility purposes, including but not limited to electric, gas, telephone, cable TV, water storm drainage, sanitary sewers, etc., under, over, on and across the real property hereinafter described. The undersigned further irrevocably offers to dedicate to the City of Gilroy for use of the public a right of way for street and utility purposes over, unc1er on and across the real property llcreillafter cJcscrilJecJ said dedication to be accepted only wilen tile City Coullcil of llle City of Gilroy adopts and records in the office of Hecoruer of tile County of Santa Clara a resolution, accepting said right of way. Until said right of way is recorded the City of Gilroy shull not be responsible for lIIaintaining said right of way and illlprovelllen ts thereon. If any change in. change in alignment, length or width of right of way approved by the City of Gilroy results in vacation of uny part of tile real property dedicated herein, such vacation shall tenllillate llle dedication as to the part vacated. The provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives of tlle respect- ive parties hereto. REINl, a porI inn of Parcel 2 os showrl on Parcel Map filed for Record in Book ') 4 fl 0 f f'1 ~ IIJ ~; ; d, r II <] e 6, 1< e c () r c! S 0 f ~i ; I nl n C I Ll r a r: 0 u n I y, (' a 1 i for n i a, ,1 n d be i n C] [!lore pLlrlir'ularly described LJS follows: REl,lNNING at a point in the soulhwesterly line of Mesa Road distant I he rr: lJ f1 S.5 6 n 3 n ' E. 1 79 . 61 fee L fro rn the in L e r s e c L I on t he reo f wi L h Lhe northwesterly l,ine of said Parcel 2, as shown on said map, and run n i [ll) I hen c e a Ion g the sou l h w est e r I y 1 i n e 0 f ~1 e s a R 0 adS. 36 0 :3 0 " E. 9.41 feet: thence along a curve to lhe right with a radIUS of 20.00 feel, Ihrou(jh a central angle of 77039'')9'' for a distance of 27.11 fee I t 0 a poi n tin the nor l h \'1 E~ S t e r 1 y I i n e 0 f D awn Way, ass how non saie! m,!pj thence leaving sCiid n,d'lI1VlesLerly line N.40 027'46" f. 2.26 [[;ct j tl1ence LllonCJ a curve to lhe left with a radius of 20.00 feet, I h r 0 lJ q hac en l r ,I I [I n q Leo [ 7 () n '; 7 ' 46" for a cI i s l a n ceo f 26. 87 fee t lo the poinl of bcginninCJ. SEE MAP E:8'IlIBIT !fA II K 288PAGE 812 / I I 0'\ <. \;:) ~ "'- ~ -:.... -- \l\ ~ (J t-- "'..I) ~ l;\> Gl c:. -\ "'\ f'1 ~ EXISTING PL. 'pA,RCEL. c 5~8m(O' N 48-so'OI"W 9. I';; N 40<> 27 '4(7,"E 2.2G -r R = 20 L a ZC,.B7 L1 = 7,;;;057'4{O'" r eXISTING Po L. 179.~1 __ . . ....~ L; :~;:I::,;VALK: ..:.::., ~E ~r, ~ PIfOPOSED IMPROVEMENr(sH/1/)ca ~ IT) E%IST/NG EDGE Or" PAVEMENT 1: MESA RO/lD , en EASEMENT PLAN SCALe /"=20' ~ c;'1ScMEN r /IRE/! (/57.17sa,cr) PIAT TO ACCOI:v1PANY OFFER OF DEDICATION PORTION OF DAWN 1,~AY & NESA ROAD in the CITY OF GILRUY EXHIBIT "A If No. G'T38 K288PAGE ,813 IN WITNESS WIIEREOF~ the said Owner(s) ha,..... executed this Decd on .........z:;.:.~,.'-.4:~~;0::;~.!;.~!~~............. ..... ......... ..... I, . 1 /~',/ ;-- '\ -'"' (, / ....1. ...................... ...... ...... .......,.....,.."..' ......... ... ......... ...... .... .... .... .........."......"...,...,..."..".."..".."..,....,...,.."..........".. ,.... (OWNER) (OWNER) ............................................................................................ .......................................... ......... ....................................... (OWNER) (OWNER) Thr. undersigned. Trustee uneler Deed of Trust recorded in Book '........,....' Official 1~l'c()r<ls, P;l~('. Santa Clara County Records, hereby joins in, consents to, and Slloordinatcs its rigllts undcr said Dced of Tnlst to the easement herein conveyed. (T1U1STE/':) (Individual) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, j!S' .Counly or..... On this.., ..l___ _ t ~ 288?AbE 814 '" " :2 :> 'ii ,I: ,- STAIT 01 C\LlIO~~~A CLARA COL;:\ 1 Y 01 25 h August ,111\he\eal o \. t da\ ill o.t 1\:-. _ _ . 's It"lr\ Puh\i( in and f\lf ...,;ud Cllunt~ and StatL'. belilre l1\e \he Ul1del "~I1ClL ,I, \ , 'J PACKARD & , . HAROLD. persill1alh appealed CKARD _ JUNE ~'. l~ ~ ed \il l1\e ill1 \he basis illsaltsj'a(\ilr\ e\ Idel1~e I, ~" p~r....( lI1a\l~ klh 1\\ nll) i11L: (,)\ t. I . --bed III thi" in:-.trumcnt. and a..:kIH)\\ kd~L:d be till' pcr....lll1 "\1l1:">C nall1C \" ...,Ub-"LII that he I she III the\ I e \e(uled It. \SS FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP C III E 01 i 1987 -'" -~ "'. ",-j"-" -:-~"":;.~.~-~ --:' ..... (, , , " ; ;_1' , I - l....t _" ,..,', :-!\;\ ~ Si~naturc . 7' M/~ c..:::::~ t', \ " , . ;:. )::..~'V-/--' .....,."'... ,c, .j ~_.; f " ~.{ \f\~t; ~ (; ,-",VIU.,II:):UUIl 1'.xplres (Corporalion) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ,,,,,,...lss. ,,,..,,....Counly oL.."..,,,,,,,,,,..,,, On Ihi....".....,..... day of '" ,.111 Ihe year one lhousallll nine hunureu anu before me, Slale of California, duly COllllnissioned and sworn, personally appeared , a,Notary l'uulic, known 10 me 10 be the of the corporalion uescrihl'u in and that eXl'cllted the within imllllnwnt, and ;J1~(l, known to 1111' to Ill' tlw pc"on who execuled Ihe wilhin instrumenl on I,,'half of lhe co~poralion lhl'rein naillI'd, anu acknowledged to lIIe thaI such corporation execnted the S;Jlnc IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have IlI'fl'llllto sel Iny halld allli affixeu Iny offical seal III till' COllnty of year in lhis renificate filst allll\'e wrilll'n, tllf' day and Nulal y I'llblic, Slale uf Califulllia, My COlfllllissioll Expircs