Peterson, Edward V. and Madge ... JA (r I; ."" ,~;..- n --- BOO!< r... "1\.1 flAGf t~dt, ... Application NOn....___.....___....___. 8274(1<1 B&13X2491 :rMli~'49 FrLED FOR RECORL AT fH:-n"I="ST OF ~4. ~ ~eCL~ OCT , '11 ~ 1952 I.R.S. ~rant 1lQttb 3Jnbibibual EDWARD V. PETERSON and MADGE PETERSON, his wife, the first part ies ,hereby GRANT TO OFFlC rilL r<Ii(;Oh);;i SAN"'-,I\ CtAhA COlJN~'Y #~ ~~ t:<. ~'- RECO<{PU CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the second part y , all that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, .A-,~ "0 County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Above space for Recorder A right of way over, in and under a strip of land, feet wide, the Easterly line of which is described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the point in the line between Lots 6 and 7 as shown on the map hereinafter referred to that is equally distant from the westerly lin of Church Street and. the easterly line of Rosanna street; running thence . parallel to and equally distant from said lines of Church Street and Ros anna Street N.20COO'W. 1,2.29 feet, and being a part of Lot 6, Block 2 South, Rang 3 West of the City of Gilroy as said lot and block are shown upon Map No.9 aCcompanying the final report of the referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. "36, had in the SUperior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara. This conveyance is made for the purpose of providing a right of way fo sewer lines, and should the said premises cease to be used forsuch purpose, title to the premises hereinabove described shall revert to the above parties their heirs and assigns. The grantee shall have the right to enter upon the said premises for the purpose of laying the sewer and thereafter to repair and maintain the same, and if necessary remove it, and for purposes of inspection of the sewer line. WITNESS our handS this 20th day of September ,19 52 b~.~~~..................... ~.........~............~........................ STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARAfSS' . ,;::-;;:j,::>-::;,,;,, On this 20th day of September ,19 52 before me, HARIE C. JORli.NSEN :;\{~;?~~i~~~j~~.}~j:b):;,. a Notary Public in and for said County and State"personally appeared EDWARD V. PETERSON and :~~J';"l .' Ji, . .'..;~~~ri~:;~:t:.. ~~;{ h~s w~fe, .;:d;;;~;;~":;?;l" h< ,h, pmoo S who", ..m, S are ..hK,'h<d m '~~~".d.:'h"~.~(.~!: .l. mary Public' :<'1/'/ :r: o cw cw ~Ji~ ~"E ~ ~ ~ ~;... ~e ,I~' 'oS" r "~,j(!", ; , ..: : CD: : If..l: 't:! : ...; i ci ~: Cd, . : fJl: l2;: on I 0: .Q: 0): : P::! ..: p::j I :c::; 1:-1: f;t:l! ~ Il.t : p:j :p::j .! 1:-1. l> ! f:il' : P..: Q: : p:j : P;l: ~: 0: ~l ~! l%l! ~. I g I ~1 Pi ...;: 0: ij "'! .,.j l>!: 0: ~! H: C: k;( : I%.i 01 l>!i 1:-1: Hi 0; '~ . . 0, e: $::I: 0: ...;: .p: as': j:.ji 0: P4: j:.j o o ~! 8~ '\1 '"tl "fi ~'U - II '"tl ": (/) : : ~ y' -a.~ 4 "'B~ 1! ~~ ~ ,\ ... u '"tl o 1"1 ... " ~ = ~ ~ = ~ == - I: .. ! - - == ~ . ~ iii- '-W ~ i: eI: ... ... E - - c.= = c:;..) Q,) ~ ~ ::I I-< !! ~ - ~ ,~ Q,) li) c ;a !il ~ ~, e= " -v ~ A - ::c 8 ~I-i-', J= S J ~z <:e Q,) ~ ., = "' ~ 'r r -< .. i 1 1.2 .11 I 1 ~ I I .fl."-- 8b'~;49 j ~~.:~ltJ BErr eYED by t.heM."cr and Cona~)n COUotlell of the CIty of Gilroy, that ~Hl1d C:l ty r)1'G11r~y hereby aceep'" the attact-.t eonveyanoe and consent. to the rE-lcordat:t(;t:n ther~'~ort PASS,;!). PROVED AlID AllOl'TED ..2 'f..day fJt~ .. 19".--- .at a rCg""tlZiil' mect.1i11 the Comm())'l Oouncil ot the City of Gilroy. AYES. rIJ<reNJ PateiRuSh, Kennedy ,Gallo , White, Rona d. :1..."m;.. i None NOES . AS:~ s ~. \.i 11J:;'1t~1. None ~--.., ~p~81.~ CWl1tQA~ It P. A.COX, tl-.. <aty Clerk of the Cit:r of ullroY. do hereby e.1'.....tif"Y Wt the annexed. eO);):'lt ()f R~aolut1cri hat\ be~n eompared by. _. with. and 1s a tt-U& and COrNt;t cop:, of the whole ')f sll.ohResolutlon duly a40p~ed.. at~{' appearing _i)nr~ the ottic1al.. m1n\l;......................................t.......... jl...;''''~......o....t....... tbe regular meet1n& of t.Ile Common Council ot said 1':;1t, ot Ql~<~~;;,IJl,,~ ?~'~"Ad,!iY ot ~Cn1Mempl.. . 19",. ....f',<,,'~.:'f;.'\;:':,{@:y; .. u W. 1 _. . ',.'} .... ..<:,'({:.?(;!;{~;~~,.. ...<Ui>.',.;'f:\,,;K(",,;Q;,if;...t,~~.~;\~~t.. ' ~.~ ~tU..tC4\TJ " . I, P. A. co~c, City Clerk the City {Jt 01lr:!l. do hereby oenU)' that tbe C080n Council of aaid City ot Gilroy :~;Ji.:F .et.1ng.h,e3.d on tl$ 2~_.dl1Y 01". . ~~~t~ll~~ . . l'~;a. a 'a' CHim- veyance.. consented to .E! reeorae.t~{)n t.h.~LH . j .~ ~ '