Poli, Albert \ DEED OF RIGHT OF VlAY WHEREAS the undersigned Grantors are the owners of certain premises and lands, subject to the administration of the estate of Serafina Poli~ deceased, through which the City of Gilroy~ a municipal corporation~ desires to construct a sewer line, and said sewer line is proposed to be located as follows~ to-wit: All that certain real property situated in the County of Santa Clara, state of California, and described as follows: A right-of-way three (3) feet wide the center line of which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of that certain tract in Lot 6 B. 2 S.R. 4 E. City of Gilroy deeded to Serafina Poli by Luigi Poli by deed dated Mar. 5~ 1923 and recorded in Book 23 of Official Records page 252 in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County California from which the South- easterly corner of said tract on the Westerly line of Chestnut Street bears N. 700 E. 149 feet and running thence N. 210 29' West 289.00 feet to a point on the Southerly line of Old Gilroy Street. --.... NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the location and esta- blishment of said sewer line, as above described, and of the bene- fits to accrue to us and each of by such location, we, the under- signed, owners~ occupants and claimants of the land required for such sewer purposes on the line of the foregoing designated route, do hereby consent thereto; and we and each of us do hereby grant and dedicate the lands belonging to us and each of us~ so far as the same may be required for such sewer line, to said City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation, to that purpose and for use of said sewer; and we hereby waive all claims for damages on account of the same. WITNESS our hands this r::(C:, -d day of February, 1934. 1l"~ ""'C t.\" .~ tt,,0\.: c J h""( -\ I .. --IJI-r:f''<~~:::(. 7-L/.k~.-{' /-k.:....,Y / "~ _ ('~'7~ ./~ .&~ ~A'~/ .1'rantors. ..--/ .... ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ 51. Coun" of Santa ~ ) On thts_.....m".6t.~____......_____....day Ofmm....mm..".."m""E~.b;r.11fl,:ry.... ....n.........in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and ~ ~)r.t:y.::_:fQUr........__", before me,xmum~ a Notary Public, in and for the County of Santa Clara. personally appeared.. R 0 s e Ro 1 :~.nmAJp~r.tuu).)9JJluuJ~~:I:'.g~}:,u~ut.....u.p. 9.JJ"...m$..q\"l..~....PQJ:tL m~p'qumuu.uu:g;rI.1~~~~ mug~~qAB.' ................... ......... ........................... .................... .... ---.".. ...... ...--- ..........uunn_u____....__ ..__ .n......................................... ........................................................ known (.0 me to be the person S ...whose name....!;!..m..... .m......~.:r..~... - "' within instrument, and acknowledged that ......they.....executed the same. . subscribed to the Apr. 291 My Commis.ion ,xPir..~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Offical Seal, at 1934m: offi" in ,h, Cnun~ ~ S'.m Cl'G?:;:~n"b~'=~. Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of California. ,. Be it resolved by the *701' am! e..... 0....11 of the City of G11roy, County of Sauca Clara. State of CalIfornia, that, pursuant to the provisions of ZectIon 1168 of the C1v11 Code or the state of California, we, in behalf' or the said City of Gilroy, consent to tl~ recordation of the certain deed to which. this N801utlon is appended; and we r'l.trther by these presents ae'cept tor and in ber..alt or the said City of Gilroy, the grnnt of' t easement therein set forth. ,; S'l'jAfl1I,; CALIFORNIA, ) ) as. ) COl.nilTY OF UP-UTA CLARA. I, r:. F. IhJGEHS, City Clerk of' the City of Gih'oy, COtmty 'Fh1r of Santa Clara, State of Call:foJ:l111a, hereby certify the forego- ing to be a full, true and correct copy of' the original Hesolu- t10n duly passed and approved by the Mayor and COl''!'''1on CO'llncl1. 01:' the said City of Gllro, OI'l the 5th dey of r"~e.rchJ 1.904 t:md. filed of record 1n my office on the said 5th d.a~'" of H$.!'ch, 1934. VJITlmr~s my hand and seal 01' the said City thIs 6t'h day of ~tarch, 19M.. .1n!l a . ~ r- 'X) n t J ~I ~~ ;:;,. H ::r:: o 1--1 Ct~ 2>1 AI rl~ c - \.J"l r-, r-l c;O +J (j) "' H H o 0., 8 "-' ~-'-f iCc-=l CO H -< I o .p I . :>i o rr:: H H ,.h '-' '\...,. . . '~" I tl".)~l OJ Q: r-l uJ' ", I V I "' <:( c.r.: I ..r:: a..~ .p :z: to if 0J lD j-"::':"" o ~. C'J ~ H .0 (j) (:::, ~ H (J Q f'~l EC-I ~ .. \ --a-t! I :i.E Tj::: ~ ~~' ,'.~t t~j I.. "'4;: g: '~:i)gli UJ ~~ ~' ~ !~E rJj ~Si ~ · ~""I "'CJ ~ I : :~....CltS I O)'J 1'1 >- :') ~ <t: . I I : : ..i: ci !i:: <casbn~~ '.J 0 .- -0 8. =' rJ.) <I: - Iii,.. 0 ~ ~~.21 ~ ~~ II) Woo ''l-c <;,;o~ \ 't;fa~Cj l ~ \ I f . ,. . . Q l LLI , Xl w, ~I "" Ul 0:: ILl )0- m U) Ul ILl ~ <C .., ~ 0( .J ..:. 0( Ii: o .J III Ul Z ::J o U c z 0( >- III Z II: o l- I- 0( ..: ~ J 0( .. u ~ >= ~ o .. II: u .J ii: Cl ~