Princevalle, James
THIS AGREEMENT, Mad.e this ;;2 0 -- day of' Jame:ry 1916,
between the undersigned Owners Of real property situate in
BlOck 4 North Range 1 West Of the Oity OfG1lroy, the parties
Of the first part, and the City Of Gilroy, a Municipal CorpOratio~
Of the state Of California, the party Of the second part,
That the said parties Of the first part, dO hereby
grant unto the said partY'fof the second part and its assigns,
a right Of way for a pOle line to carry electric light wires,
wires for an electric fire alarm system, wires for telephone
purposes, and wires for a pOlice telegraph system through Block 4
North Range 1 West Of the City of Gilroy, the center line Of
said right Of way being described as follows:-
Beginning at a point in the Southerly line Of Second street,
distant thereon 157 feet Westerly from the pnint Of intersection
Of' the Southerly line Of Second street with the Westerly line
Of Monterey street, and running thence south 20Q East 153.83
:feet, and thence south 2lQ 31' 398nfeet, more Or less to
the Northerly line Of Third Street in the City Of GilrOy.
The pOles shall have cross arms which may extend for a
distance Of five feet On either side Of said center line, and
the said party o:f the second part,. and its assigns, are hereby
granted the right to construct, erect and maintain said pOle
line in the place designated, and the right to suspend and
maintain On said pOles and cross arms, either singly Or in cables
wires to oarry electrio energy for light and power purpOses,
wires for telephOne purposes, wires for an electric fire alarm
system, and :for a pOlioe telegraph system.
The said poles are to be plaoed on the property lines
rU:Pn1ttg East er ly and West erly dividing prOperty ",ot' 11 the parties
Of the first part in said block,and are to be Of' suffioient height
sO that the wires thereon will in no \vay intf~rf'ere with any
building or structure now On the line of' said right Of way, and
all cross arms On said poles carrying light and power wires,
shall be at least thirty feet abOve the sur:face O:f the ground.
ShQuld the parties Of the :first part, their heirs Or assigns,
at any time wiah to mOve any building or structure across said
right O:f way and under any wires suspended On said poles Or
orOss arms, the p~ty Of the seoond part, and ita assigns,
agree at its Own cOst to raise its wires or remove them temporar1J;r
to permit the moving Of any such building Or structure.
The party O:f the second part, and itA assigns, shall at all
times have the right to enter upon the right of way :for said
POle line in order to maintain and oare for the same and make
addi tions and repairs theretO, but in sO dOing care must be used.
by the said party of' the seoond part, and its assigns, l~t to
injure any property of any owner O:f property in sa10 block, and
care must be taken by the said party of' the second part to olOse
all gates opened by" it to reaoh said pOle line, and it is under-
stood that i:f the said party O:f the seoond part, and its assigns.
repeatedlY fail to oomply with the terms~f th~s clause after
having been noti:fied by the owner Of any property in said blook
sO to dO, the parties Of the :first part may terminate and cancel
the privilege hereby granted, and the party Of the secOnd part
shall :forfeit all rights hereby granted to it.
The party O:f the second part, and i tS8ssigns, di,all be
liable for all injury that may happen Or accrue to any property
in said blOck belenging to arty Owner Of prOperty in said blOok,
by reasOn O:f said pole line Or any wire thereof.
TIle party Of the secOnd part shall have the]j" ight to ereot
said pOle line on its Own account Or in oonjunction with any
other person, firm Or oorporation, and the right to sublet Or
assign to any person, :firm 01' corporation the right to suspend.
and maintain any O:f suoh wires On any pOle line ereoted by
it on the right of way hereinbe:fore mentioned, 811d any person,
firm or corporation oonst~lcting said pOle line in conjunotion
with said party Of the second part, or having secured any right
to suspend any Of such wires On said pOle line, from the party
Of the secOnd part, shall have the same rights and privileges
O:f entering said right Of way to care :for and maintain its
said wires as is hereby granted the said party o:f the second
part, upOn the same terms and Qonci1 tions.
IN WITlmSS WHEREOF, the parties O:f the first part have
hereunto set their hands the day and year herein__~irst written.
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State of California, I
County of Santa CIa ra, ) 55.
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ON THIS_.__h~n--=-=nn--day of ____nnn_n_n _no' in the
year One Thousand Nine Hundred an hefore me, WALTER G. FITZGERAL, Notary Public i and fur said
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
known to me to be the personr_described in, whose name~_~_subscribed
State of California, ~
County of Santa Clara, 55. ON THIS_____:?_.z__i___ndSy oLk-Aa-:~--, in the
O Th d N. H dred a .-1.' .,Z"::. before me WALTER G. FITZGERALD, a Notary Public in and for said
year ne ousan IDe un ~- ,
~~~_~~~ _~~ ~~~:~ _ ~~~ra~__ _ ~di~~_ th~r~~n~ ~_~~~~~=-~~:~~~~~I~ ~~~~~~:~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -. ~~ ~ ~~ ~ -. -.-. ~ ~ -.-. ~ ~ -. -. -. ~ ~-.~_
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known to me to be the person____ndescribed in, whose name__c~-n-.--subscribed
to, and who executed the annexed instrument, and f1 he_on acknowledged to me that
State of California, I
County of Santa Clara, ) 55.
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ON THtS_____ _..~_. ________n__day oL_..__
year One Thousand Nine Hundred an _ before me, WALTER G. FITZGERALD, a Nary Public in and for said
. /
County of Santa Clara, rtlSidfng the ein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally llppeared_____nn_nn___jn. _nn___u_n
State. of Wiifornia, ~
COUnty 01 Santa cra..., 55... :. T.:::. ON" OL./~m... ,,, th,
year One Thousand Nine Hundred an~efore me, WALTER G. FITZGERALD, a Notary puill?c' in and for said
County of Santa Clara, rtJsiding therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally llppearedn_.____n___nn____. un___.__n_.
n_n_ n_. n__ nn _n_ n__ u__ -hd(J- -- - nn_ - __u nu n'_ - _u_ ___uuu_ ___n_ _n - --- -- - u - - ----.-- - - -- . _u - n -- -- -.. n__
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known to me to be the persun__n__described in, whose name___~- __...subscribed
to, and who executed the annexed instrument, and ~ he__::-;cknowledged to me that
Cnhe-n-executed the samenu__ n___u_n_n_ ____ .____ __n_nn___ _u _ _n_ ___n_nU
IN WITNESS W~EREOF I haVi he nto set ~:e;;r;d a xed my official seal
at my office In the co~nt~ _~:~d.7-- r___ st _~~_O_~~_~_I:::e n
In and for the County of I ara, Q,tatc of Calif rnia.
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