Rea, John and A.J. t ~~ , ~', /~ ~r THIS INDENTURE, made this /t~..m-day of December, 1921, between JOHN A. REA and A. J. REA, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, the parties of the first part, and the City of Gilroy, a munioipal corporation, the party of the seoond part, WITNESSETH: That the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged, does hereby grant unto the said party of the second part, the right to lay and maintain a storm sewer, i:r accordance with the plans therefor prepared by H. B. Fisher, City Engineer of the City of Gilroy, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, the center line of which storm sewer as it passes through the property of the parties of the first part, is particularly descrieed as follows; Beginning at a point in the Easterly.line of Eigleberry Street distant thereon 272 feet Southerly from the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Seventh Street with the Easterly line of Eigleberry Street, and running thence North 840 34' East, 154.99 feet to the Easterly line of the property of the parties of the first part. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands the day and year herein first written. ~. . ~} . \ J // .. . ~'~~, v..-~lH....:'" ',_ <<:(fl?eq t -'-llJsc!'jb - ", ~!i.' '<'f:l-lfflo... '" " It} eq ll)~ ""~)~1!'ii,.} -<'~ij -"'" e (bqt l)<ir. '''_-,/~ It) ", 0" the ~,".~_:lI!' In :J' Dill . ". " Co/Jl)t~~';;';:;:-C.~t lIh~ ,,?illloS " Ot'S <<1""" ~kL- ell} ~l)t~ l>UlJ"', ,-::t~ W!'jt ' CJ~,",,~~V_.., _ tel}, Slate of California, } 55 '::i !Z. County of Santa Clara, . T--:" ON THlS---_~-n------------daY ofa::6.~in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and~-:-f!~. before me, WALTER G. FITZGERALD, a Notary, Public in and for .::~~~:ty_ 0'_ s.~ta: C~?i]J{:i ::;:t":: ,wo'". ~_ _~..II~_'P~:ed:_--:_:::::-:::::::::::-:::::: m___ n~ _______ mm ___ ___ m ___m m m _ __ m ____ __ m _ m __ _ ___ ___ n _~-m---- known to me to be the p son_5?__described in, whose namSn______n___subscribed to, and who executed the annexed instrument, and Apr- acknowledged to me that I~_-~n_executed the sameUh ___n_ _____. ____n ____ _. __,_ __ __ hh. _h ._. n_n .n__ r-- IN NESS WHEREOF I aye hereun,,,~Y:: at m~office in the C ~' .' a --._--- ------- --- Q 'd ~ ~ f:il .. O::~ W .p::; ~ [::ij i:i1 Q . ZI-:> ::r: o. 1-:><<: :>-t o 0:: H H 1:5 o +' ~ o :>-t E-l H o . r-l Oil 0, r-l "'> II ~ N cr - 1- I ;(7)-;: t, ~ il ,_ _~: -.:J ' Cl : ci ~ I~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ \: < "(:\(\:(.,._: Q) \.:J , Cl ~: :" l .Jk.><:~} ex ~ J'" . : ! -= 1 >= ,:I ,.1 ~ ~~ ;a: Jll : : ....; c:~:..gw 0: ~ ,~. <J> ,.... \' 0 .~ ! 0: '" -0 : 0 Z \ " 1 I-l \""\' i Q.. Q) : ~ \' : ~ ~\I ~ ~] t~j~j l~~ ~ .~ "1 1 I J ~ \ " !" . , 1 Ji S d~r < I Jq~J /. Cli r-i ~ (]) ..0 ~ (]) o (]) Q .. Q r:1 ,-Lj E-I ~ H Q -1z <0 Cl::CI) ~z N :I: ,.;; E-t 0 o~ --, ~ .~ .CI)O ,,,. ~ ....., >- ,.;; 0::: L:J S (.TJZ E-<Q -1;>- <eel? a: