Rocha, Luis B. and Deborah P. ?fib L 814 PA GE 2 0 13 DO NOT ""UTIl A.OVIl THIS LINIE UCulmING REQUESTED BY, AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: 11 0 7 6" 8 3 4 CAL-COAST INVESTMENTS 2600 BRIDLE PATH DRIVE GILROY, CA 95020 . , PACIE A.OVIE ';HIS LINIE "OR IUECORDIER'S USIE- . . EASEMENT DEED DOCUMENT NO. WE LUIS B. ROCHA AND DEBORAH P. ROCHA, AND ,-_..... CAL-COAST INVESTMENTS t A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, HEREBY res~rve for each other as owners of Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 as said parcels are shown on a parcel map recorded April 24. 1989 in Book 8 of_Maps. page 46. Santa Clara County Records. our licensees. v sitors. and tenants. reciprocal rights of ingress and egress and for maintenance or installation of utilities over a twenty-five foot wide access and utility easement. the centerline of which is more particularly describ~d as follows: Beginning at the common corner of Parcels 1 and 2 on the southeast~rly right of way of Mayock Road as shown on the map above referred to; thence along the common line between said parcels. S 320 OS' E. 280.00 feet to the terminus. 8/23/91 11076834 18" - IICM I. UBI .... . PCOR 'f '(i') :>> ~ ~~.~!~ . ..... .. ,t-: ... _ . Ci ~~ ... ..:. ~ ml"'::'; r .'> ..,~ ... CI'lo ~:;; ::o~~~ I"'1c(')..... (') ;'Q r' r- g;;;~:>J O"'l>o~ 1"'l~(,)Q ::OZO:lO rrtc:o :zen = ~ , I "''-I'\L..c.: I · IUU' l 874 pn GE 2 0 14 ROSSI LANE -- -1- JS I", 1 ~3Z.'O"E I I I- I~ I' I~ JII' If(. I R' -.0.00' i I 60"- S~. \ .....7..0 --- . t~ QI2, ~ .~ -... ~ ~ P,O ,B. 0 I \! I. , 18 ~ . I 1'1 10 'If I~ I I ~ (Jw ^ - . :'-I1\t'l ~W\ ~: ~IZ 10' P.U.E. I ...,.... lOt r. . co ...~ ~ ~ .,oft ":.:.,,"" :.~\ 0 I .... . I. .. S 32.- OS' E. I I. 18 ~ci.- ,! I 328.00' 2.80.00' PC L. 1 .,~.' ~ ~ - tC\ ~ V\ ~ ~ 0 't .. .. ':,. .... J. .-r ~") pel. 2 . '0 Ac.. 2.&0.00' lU In In ,f) "~:;' ". .. PC L. 3 \.10 ..... o ,... - In ~ Z ~ --- :..- --- ,. i."'.... ,.0 ,f; w_.-- __J! OBATA RE'COADEA'S MEMO FAIN'f~-WAtTltla; . TVPm," CAABOf.f COPIIiS ('1\ Dot MA1AlX PRINTERS MAI<I POOR PHOTOORAPHIQ RECORD I:~nq t\;\ 45, .... ..... .' . . """'~. m"~frT",'If~"". , , ( , r l a 1 4 P ^ GE 2 0 1 5 DO NOT ","IT. A.OV. THIS LINIE ~C>(!)~C(!Itor;<?t c f! OFfiCiAL SEAL VJIJ'" REICHEL ~ N01-'U p,*IC.C"L1fOlHI" ~ ~t" CV.R'" cOUt'll't . . b. 're' ./J., 28,1995 M'I c;onwnlnlon ~ -~~~~ ~~~~-_. " !)aced' chi. . day of .~_ 19 -' ivi;, f!J. RochA Siped _d deli~ered ill the pre.eace of Oc:b~l. P. A.OCk~ - ~ ,. 1(Yl,,~v~L e . P.>f:-.rCt'l(.... - ACXNOWLEDGENENTOF SUBSCRmlNG YlTNESS STATE OF CALlFOIlNlA }.. r COUNTY or ~'- .' Oa , . ' 19_ before .., chI uadertlpled. . Noaary PtabUc ill _ lor dae Saul of CalUarala. rllw.. t be u 1 Do duly COIIID1..loDecl uti .wot1I. I*IOD&l1y appeared ' t IaIowa co .. co be the petlOll wbo.. aIM 11 I1Ib8cribetl CO the wldWlluttlDlllt U . wlco... thereco. ., beJD. , by.. cItaly IworDo dePOI.tI .... nid: _t b. tIIid.. ill th. eowuy of . Scat. of Cal1Ionl1a; th.t 1M ... "".lOt .... ... perlOllllly __ . Ia1a . be .. 1*101I_ c1eKtibeclill .... ....... .' .lIIIacribecl 10 th. withUa la- _t, IUcwe .. ....; .... _t affl_t .ul>>acribecl bI. .... ...co II . wl..ss . ..w ...cutlo4. WITNESS ., ....tI .... offIclal aesl. (Ses1 ) HIM (f~ .. 'rlahNl) ".,., htU. .. .. ,. ..u,.... 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT , . GRANTOR(S) STATE OF CALIFORNIA. \ . COUNTY ~~ k. Ct tJ ,'-J.... Oa _..s~efembt'r ~ r .19 2L before ae, th. ..tleralpletl, . Noaary Publ1c ill _ for chI Scate of Cal1fonala. tIIitliII. tb.niAtl~1. ~..l.ecl uel ~~t.l~ rc1llNl.le~k! - __ 10 .. co be th. perllClll _ wllol..... 1..5 , . _.~. wltbla iII.~t .... acbowleclaed tbac . eantecl .. ..... ~;:;:;i;.'O ~ i.J Jlltn/4 , K('I'/f~ L N_ <T7fe4 .. Pt'''') He..."..,.. .. .. ,. .., ,... (Seal) , (In,l1\ 1\lual) La 7 4 pn GE 2076. TICOR TITLE INSURANCE } <:A T NO NN00fl21 . TO ,..... CA (11-841 ~ OFFJCIAL SIAl. SAMlA aElCH& . , NOTARY PU6L1C.CAUFo.NIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Commiuion Expiro, July 28. ~995 ~~~~~~~li>>Ci>>Of (This arca for official notarial seal) . TICOR TITLE INSURANCe t:kLr~ a. if I 'gned, a Notary Public in and (or I . penonally known to me or proved to me on the basi. o( satiS(lIctOry evidence to be the pejf2!l_ who executed the within instrument as ~ o( the partnert o( nenhip that executed the within instrument lid ackno edSCd to m. that .uch partnenhlp executed he same. WITNESS my hand and (ficialleal Signature CGCGC0] OFFICIAL SEAL SAMIA REICHn ~ NOTARY pueLlC, CAWORNIA ~ SANTA CLARA COUNTY Mt CotnIIIIulon bpi... .lYly 28, 1995 1QI~~~Qlt~~QltQlt (ThIa area lor offic:1oI nowlal atoll I ! CAT. NO. NNClOnO I' ;(:~~:.a~;t'''M' . TICOR TITLE INSURANCE I ,~ ~~~~~~~A~~~ rhJ~ } a- t On .yOJpJJ1~r ~;,~I be;se m~e undeni8n~ said Slate, penonally appeared J pL. J.Ie.nlIJl.~ I , penonally known to me or I proved to me on the bali. o( satisfactory evidence tu be the p,'};~ who executed the within Inatrument sa o( the pannert o( the pannenhlp ~ . that exeC\lled the wllhln In.trU , --- -"'~. to me ~hat'llI~il ip tlIte tel the WITNESS my hili d off leal, Sl,nature l!~ OFFICIAL SEAI.: SAMIA arICHEL . A HOTAl' PUlLlC'CAlIfOlNIA . SANTA ClARA COUNTY My c:o.nI'" """'1 JyIy 21. 1995 ~ (TIIlI alta lOf offklallloudal ....1