Rush, Courtland and Alma BOOK2381 PA6t116 I # .. .. ""'~)~)~'~....q lOr...lOiJ . Application NO"'__'''____m..__...m I.R.S. ~rant 1!leeh 1Jnhibibual COURTLAND M. RUSH and ALMA M. RUSH, his wife, .. '~. ^\ [} ,i. " BOOKt.:u(~J. IWi 116 the first part ies, hereby GRANT TO FILED FOH RECORD ) .6. T P E Q U r-" ,.J T 0 F / ~~Y ~'-'C $'"1-'<-'7 '-J l tANI') I") '1tl P !O~? (f ,':Hn. t, l ",() H '-'_IL CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the second part y , all that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, ,h~/ County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Above space for Recorder A right of way of a strip of land 10 feet wide, being a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot 16, according to Map No.7 accompanying the final report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536, had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being further described as follows, to-wit: COMMENCING at a point on the southeasterly line of Tract No. 165, "Sunset Park" recorded in Book 5 of maps, pages 28 and 29, records of Santa Clara County, California, distant thereon northeasterly 160.99 feet from the most southerly corner of said "Sunset 'Park" subdivision; and running thence S. 200 E. along the dividing line between premises of grantors and Giretti 10 feet; thence at right angles northeasterly and at a uniform distance of 10 feet from the said southeasterly line of "Sunset Park" 108.90 feet; thence at right angles 10 feet to the said southeasterly line of said "Sunset Park"; thence along the said line Qf said "Sunset Parkrl 108.90 feetto the point of beginning. -This right of way is granted for the purpose of, and shall be used for, the laying, installation, maintenance and repair of sewer and water lines and other public utility lines over, under, on and across the said strip of land; any such lines shall be so laid as to interfere as little as possible with the use of the land by the grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns. WITNESS our hand S this /3~ day of , 19 50 C (J'Yl~ ':~~..~..L:il::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ....................................................................................................................... .. ....... n........ ....~.. .~~..u~.~......~.n........... .~... .n.... ...... .~.. ...... ,....~~..~......._....~~~~~... ..... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ! ~ COUNTY OF~,~NTIlARAfss' ~ O,."l~{f,~,(~,f.>~ay of . 19nJ. before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON a Not . !~'C;m'aAd f0l)1$JP.sl County and State,. personally appeared COURTLAND M. RUSH and ,':. ! .,'/'~ ,,- ,-'." ,? " /:~.~. ,;~;~, hi wife ' }, A.: , " whose nam~ii~s are ALMA M. RUSH, .';~~'~-~:~::"/;""" ~.';'", "H: ~~~;~ >,:.' /:/;i~~:Y>': !;~r::~',:\; .,'....,.. , "'j" ' known to me to executed rhe same. AI , ,. " . ~: M: \, \ . <i CIS: - = ::&Ii Pi ~ I'''::P -rot: S Q,) <1 Oi :s 'j -rot: "1:l '01 cu ns \'\\,.0 S::i cu ... i-< s::: ~1 "1:l ~t ClS1 III = ~ :s .! ~ .N ~~~ ::x::i <<Ii 1 Q,) rIJ e (J): I ::e r- ~ l:J. .-: ... .1~ ~ 8 ~ 4> i 0 >t .. 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CL:RK'S S[~TIFICAT= T P :: '';C1"r t1-,P (]"I r" 01 ~'.^,-_rl(= C":i. t~r r... ~_; lroy, ,5() 1.'lE'reb,.""r .......,........0__..' .:...~__,._'..I.., J_,... --_ -_ -- ('()(,ti. 1~:2.t t. =<1'>(:(' C""r.::-Y:- PP:::.lu.tiJrl ;~...'.,:~ 1 ,"E co,EpJ.red b:' IrP and j s a r,Y'l'(' 2.nd co:rrc,rt C0r;Y ''If the 1,i'l'Jle:lf ~"'!.ch rte.'3')lnti on duly J.d.':\i~t:n( :;.~~, 3.::10. ::':';:':;fc::".r~:^'~L :':""..')~lC +'\.:..,,-)f'''i.,~:-iJ.l m~nnt"'.'3 (:-,f flli? ('0 ' t~8 8) n ~0~nril of s~i2 Cit~. ~f Gilroy hpld on September , 1?51o . .'-' ""ll.'n, C&,,~ , C~Lt:y' Clerk ()f Cc:-'unty !:):f S,:.!lt C aliforr!ia. CLERK'S C~RTIFICA~= I, P. A. COX, C;t~r Cl"r1::: (~f the Cit~T)f Gilroy, do hereby cert:lfy ths1.t the C'.1':lQlr),Q Ci)nnr'tl Jf saic1 Cit~r ,)'f Gi.lr(~'~., at a rpgular me~ <held on the 18th dJ.~T 'Jf .september , 1';- 51, ?ccepted the fo veYJ.nce ::;.nd consented to the reroraation the~eof. C itJT (:'~11J.nt3r of S::.:rJ-ta.. Californiao . l ....,J DC f..:J fl"r_~".... 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