Shay, F.M. and Cecilia M. - Easement FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to the undersigned in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CECILIA M. SHAY and F. M. SHAY, her husband, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, do hereby grant to the CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation, the right to erect, maintain, operate, repair and renew a pipe line below plow depth, and to affix thereto all necessary and proper appliances and fix- tures for use in connection with said pipe line, together with the right of ingress and egress to and from the same, over, through, and along that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at an iron pipe standing in the centerline of the Burchell Road, where the center line of said road intersects the East- erly line of that tract of land deeded to Paul H. Cordes by Mary E. Shay and Frank M. Shay and recorded in Book of Deeds 380 at page 373, on January 25th, 1912, in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, California, and running thence along the center line of Burchell Road N. 570 10' W. 1.456 chains to an iron pipe standing at the intersection of the center lines of the Burchell Road and the Watsonville Road; thence along the center line of the Watsonville Road N. 430 07' E. 0.12 3/4 chs. to an iron pipe; thence N. 160 34' w. 2.90 3/4 chs. to an iron pipe and N. 350 24' w. 4.26 chs. to an iron pipe; thence leaving the Watsonville Road and running along the fence line on the North of the lot occupied by the Adams Scho~l S. 690 48' W. 4.17 chs. to a point in the center of the Uvas Creek, from which point a sycamore tree 30" in diameter marked B-T-S-7 bears N. 690 4 8' E. 37 1/2 links; thence along the center of said Uvas Creek N. 33054' W. 3.93 chs.; thence S. 560 06' W. 0.65 chs. to a point on the westerly bank of said Uvas Creek; thence along the Westerly bank of the Uvas Creek N. 300 58' W. 3.81 chs. to a point from which a sycamore tree 30" in diameter, marked B-T-S-8, bears N. 560 .06' E. 67 1/4 links; thence still along the westerly bank of the Uvas Creek N. 180 .05' W. 3.76 chs.; thence N. 560 .06' E. 0.65 chs. to a point in the center of the Uvas Creek; thence along the center of the Uvas Creek N. 480 36' W. 1.06 1/2 chs. and N. 680 16' W. 3.86 chs. to an alder tree 30" in diameter, marked S-9; thence continuing along the center of the Uvas Creek N. 440 35' W. 2.29 chs., N. 180 57' w. 2.77 chs. and N. 40 .06' E. 2.42 chs. to a point from which a willow tree 24" in diameter, marked B-T-S-lO bears N. 680 40' W. 0.78 1/2 chs.; thence leaving said creek and running along the fence on the South line of a lane S. 890 21' E. 17.06 chs. to an iron pipe standing on the westerly line of the Watsonville Road;thence along the Westerly line of the Watsonville Road S. 330 13' W. 2.56 chs.; thence S. 850 27' E. 6.47 1/2 chs. to a eucalyptus tree marked S-l; thence S. 40 19' W. 22.02 chs. to the point of beginning. CONTAINING about 29.92 acres. Grantee agrees to not damage or des- troy orchard, trees, vines or vineyard on said prertlses. Reserving onto the Grantors the right and continued right to take and use from the pipe line of the Grantees, the flow of water through a one inch (1") pipe line, during all the times said Grantees shall have and maintain water in said pipe line. IN wrT~7EOF' these T day of .' 1939. presents STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SSe COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) ~ QJl);hi~ ~ day Of(}J; tM/, A.D., 1939, before me ~ /C./J.J~~~~-' a Not~~lic in and for the said oun y and State residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared CECILIA M. SHAY, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County and State aforesaid the day and year in this certificate first above written. N1..~btt"'f;;-!f ti:-i~ 'County of Santa Clara, State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SSe COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) ./:l 9J1A'this 9' j day of tll1 $>/'v. A. D., 1939, before me d,-it '" _ /~~~~;~~, a Not~iC in and for the said Coun y and State residing therein, duly commissioned and swornl personally appeared F. M. SHAY, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS VVHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County and state aforesaid the day and year in this certificate first above written. ! ;(. ~ CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, P. A. COX, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy do hereby certify that the annexed easement and resolution hereto attach- ed has been compared by me with and is a true and correct copy of the whole of such easement and resolution. IN VITTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City of Gilroy this ~day of May , 1939. G.~~ City Clerk of he City of Gilroy Santa Clara County, California. ..,c",,~ ""'~'"""'.' . f'0 .::-\J :.::. (j) --- , ~ ,..""" 0 ~ ~ .",- a... ~~ ~ 0 c" '0 J../ ~ ~ ~ r-f 0 c.u . -rl U E.. ~;~.~ 0 J.oo:-."" ~ ,;"~:4 f:~; [TJ c.u In 0 I'H .~ [ ~ ~ .... .p 0 r-f 1':1) . .... ~ oc1 ~ 0 .p f:r1 . Q) .... ~ 0 0 ~~( " ~ ~ '....j \ \ \ , f : I '1 I 1.- ~N': 'I' \.:c~,~ ~ J !';::c ,~ .t! I, ,__~ I ~'~ ,0 iii .lii~! '" : I : ~fl-IhJ ' ; "'::3 (/) ~\:j , -iI. . In t,.... ~ .~) , I l ~l- :"'" ~ \ t l- v ~~." I '70" ~JtO ..-<' 0:: "J ,'. ., \ , "'"' Q) -- 0..-.. 0 f- i) ~ \ ' -::;~)) e::: I ~ I-"~ j I q:) \.I : _ 1 :S~' \ , .Q;: .". <: c. M > t.. I' .. .j I ~ r: <.f) " ":: !,"~n..'1 ~IJ J;>toy 0::(-' _~' ,_: <':0".....: ' ,- <.9 ' ~ I , , ' I . f :::J +- ,.,!~" I , IrQ.. \\- c; I~ ~' ;c~: .r;,' ", ~ ! i : ~-~ :;; i,: 1 \;;~ o~ .: I, t'1:,l , '- ! :-,:: j 5:.; \ ('1 , 1.:. ". ::F' '.... --. t (/:: .~ r : ..~. ,: ::.- \ : ; ~~': . '- ?~(' >, f~\ : Ow ~ i. ;:~."- ., ",>:-j> -;::: .J. f 0'- i'; ,~' N,~Q.:5 ~ I ~ ~ ~n;; '~~ ! l; :".~ 8~r '.: 0:: '.5 . I I' 0 ro. C ~ I I -:.JU~~ ~ "I -="-'..2':lI\'.. .~ ,,, C;: () ....,'." 'I l " '?-- , .., N\ "'-. ..... -.-" .. '.. -- '''-''-' REf 0 I; UTI 0 N N 0 109 .... - - ....... - - - - - - - -- ........... I:: 1111 1.)y t'nc j'ay01:' c.nCi Com::1on Om"mcil of the City of Gilroy, that said City of Gilroy h.ereby accepts the conveYf~ce from 1:1'1\ l~. Sl;Jt.Y nnd T. "'" ':l.l','Y, her husband, to th.e GrIT OF' GILfWY, 1:1 Municipal Corporation, hereto att::.ched cmd co~:.:;ents to 1:he recorda t1.on thereof'. Passed, approved and adopted thJ: s2,!th_ (jay of _ May., 1\:;39 at a rogulara.~tj2..!!!!!!.L.~~_ moetIng of the Common Counc:tl of the City of Gilroy. ^ Cj ... ii .....J . Councilmen: George C.Milias, Jr., Jack Rogers, James Battersby,George A.:Martin,George M.Mason. Counc:lmcn: None ,. ,,.'1 Counc.i1non: Nat Heiner .4pproved: c/~41~~ Mayor ' Attest: C~y q.l~~tL - CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, P. A. COX, the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the annexed copy of Resolution has been compared by me with and is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Resolution duly adopted at and appearing among the official minutes of the regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council of such City of Gilroy held on the ~ day of May , 1939. IN ~~TNESS W~REOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City of Gilroy this ~ day of May , 1939. City c/;ers:t~e~'ft.y of Gilroy Santa lara County# Califomia .