Wheeler Housing Corp - Dedication for Street and Utility Purposes .A~C6H'UING m::QUES'l'EU 13Y: . . /.' ( NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 Susanne E. Steinmetz,City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 B W W IJ. o Z 1096'3848 FILED fOR RECORO }.' ;:~( QUE~)T OF HE'1'U" .. ,tift. Of GILRtrf. JUl 9 ~ 41 ';Y '91 C>=f.:;:Al. PEG(}RDS SANT/ (( .';Ht.. COUMTY LAU;;;![ KAME RECORDER L 777PAGE0152 D8lJIC^,1'.lON FOH S'l'H88'l' J\ND U'l'lLl'l'Y PUHPOSES 'l'he undersigned, being the legal owners of tile real property hereinaEter described, hereby dedicate to public LIse a right of way for street and utility purposes, illCludillg but lIot lilllited to electric, gas, tele(Jlaone, cable TV, water storlll drainage, sanitary sewers, etc., under, over, on and across the real property hereinafter described. 'fhe undersigned further irrevocauly offers to dedicate to tile City of Gilroy for use of the public a right of way for street and utility purposes over, under on and across the real property hereinafter described said dedication to be accepted only when the City Council of the city or Gilroy adopts and records in the of Lice of Hecorder of the Coullty of Santa Clara a resolution accepting said right of way. Until said right of way is recorded the City of Gilroy shall not be responsible for maintaining said right of way and improvements thereon.. If any change in change in alignl\lent, length or width of right of way approved by the City of Gilroy results in vacation of tiny part of the real property dedicated herein, such vacatioll shall tenllinate the dedication as to the part vacated. 'fhe provisions hereof sl!all inure to the benefit anu ue bindillg upon the heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives of the respect- ive parti.es hereto. SEE DESCRIPTION - EXHJBIT IIAII L 777PAGE0153 BEING a portion of Block 1 North, Range 7 West as shown on the Map of "Jas. A. Clayton & Co's. Addition to the City of Gilroy" as shown on the map thereof filed for record in Book "V" of MaJ;5s at page 22, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL ONE BEGINNING at the intersection of the southeasterly line of Fifth Street with the southwesterly line of Carmel Street, as shown on said map, and running thence along said southeasterly line of Fifth Street S.69057'W. 20.02 feet; thence leaving said line along a curve to the right with a radius of 20.00 feet, from a tangent bearing of N.69057'E., through a central angle of 90003' for a distance of 31.43 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of Carmel Street; thence along said southwesterly line N.20000'W. 20.02 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL TWO BEGINNING at the intersection of the southeasterly line of Fiftll Street with the northeasterly line of Princevalle Street, as shown on said map, and running thence along said southeasterly line of Fifth Street N.69057'E., 19.98 foet; thence along a curve to tho left with a radius of 210.00 feet, from a tangent bearing of S.69057'W., through a central angle of 89057' for a distance of 31.40 feet to to a point in said northeasterly line of Princevalle Street; thence along said northeasterly line N.20000'W. 19.98 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL THREE BEGINNING at the intersection of the northwesterly line of Sixth Street with the northeasterly line of Princevalle Street, as shown on said Map, and running thence along said northwesterly line of Sixth Street N.69057'E. 20.02 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 20.00 feet, from a tangent bearing of S.69057'W, through a central angle of 90003' for a distance of 31.43 feet to a point in said northeasterly line of Princevalle Street; thence along said northeasterly line S.20000'W. 20.02 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL FOUR BEGINNING at the intersection of the northwesterly line of Sixth Street with the southwesterly line of Carmel Street, as shown on said Map, and running thence along said northwesterly line of Sixth Street S.69057'W. 19.98 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet, from a tangent bearing of N.69057'E., through a central angle of 89057' for a distance of 31.40 feet to a point in said southwesterly line of Carmel Street; tnence along said Southwesterly line S.20000'E. 19.98 feet to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT "A" (See Plat - Exhibit "B") F/FTH STReET l777PAGE0154 s ~?d 57' W 2.8rO.08 Z 4 LD , oe: PA'/i'Ccl.. TWd P/?~ce:l.. t'1VE' ~ = ,(7":""- _ ~ _--R::, 2t7~f-.~ IS :6";; B9<157' 24&>,OB .6 ~ 7'd. C7:3' .... .\~. ~ = 3/ .?-tJ ~::' 3/."1-3 -.J L ~t I I t -, \......$ ?.4RC5L. THREE ~<' ~ =20' Z4(.o.oej ~-f'C7dd::9'- ---^y- G =- B/.4J. ~ I ~ I Lu lij ~ ~ I ~ tyj 0 V) ~ ~ 0 ~ iP (f1 Q ~ t!' llJ '-l ~ ~ ~ l1J , \) ~ u.i . ~ \I ~ " ~ 0: ~ '\J '0 Q" ~ - , ) p.O.B. 1~ o (L 01 r' ~~ 1 \ , of &~ ~"'o P ~ (l '~I 1 I I I I I J r ',T PA'Rct:~ rlf7UR ,/;1 /<? "20 , r~7s '--;2)-:; 8?;57~ ......... ~ :: .:fJ1.c;t~ 2.4&> .05 s r::?O ST' W .z8~.(7a S/XTI/ STREeT f , ~ '1\ '\) ~ It) 'Q ~ 6' Q ~ -=- ~ , u.i ~ ~~ ::S , c: '\) I\.j - ~ 0 - ~ PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR DEDICATION TO THE CITY OF GILROY FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES ~ ltJ 4J ~ "'- V) ~ ltj ~ ~ \t U BEING A POHTION OF BLOCK 1 NOH'l'lI. W\tJGE 7 WEST "MJ\p OF JAS. A. CLAYTON & CO"S ADDITION TO THE CITY OB~ GILROY" Book"V" of Maps, page 22, Santa Clara County Hecords. May 1991 SC-'9.t.E: /"=2.0' EXHIBIT "A" J. WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Owner(s) lIa...... executed this DCl.J on /J~ ._........ '", ...........'V.~...~...kf ':I': ~~ ......~.?U.. .. .. ... ......._....".,.~ ~....,.............................~.??..?.r.^.~E. 0 155 NER) (OWNER) .............................................................................................. (OWNER) (OWNEIt) The undersigned, .....mtee ulllll'r Deed of Trust recolded in \look ....,........... OHicial Recold~1 page ..,........, Santa Clara County Recolds, hereby joins in, consents to, and subordinates its rights under said DCI'd or Trust to the easement herein conveyed. ............................................................................................ ................................................................................................. (1RUSTEE) On this tho ~ day 01 --r- I-- /10 201 ~.?~~... 19 9/ belo'o me. ~ A~ ~ IENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT the undersigned Notary PubliC', personally appeared L' o personally known to me o proved to me on the basis 01 satlslactory evio-~ to be the person(s) whose name(s) subscribed to the wllhln Instrument, and acknowledged thaI executed It. WITNESS my hand and olllclat soal. I' ~ . Nola,y'o s;g.;iiiiiio ' ~__.<Y.....~~?Z""'.;>Z,e<=>x.>.2?~~-"%~y~/""-=.....-"~-.J, 1110122 tlA'lONAL NO rAllY ASSOC'A"ON' 23012 Venlu'. Ol.d, · PO. 001 .825' Woodll'''' ~tllI.. CIl 81)64 } $S. ~~, 19..1l. belore me, ~ I~I}I /Acf!-/ $ /" \ ~~//~/~A?"//~ CORPORAlf ACKNOWLEllOMENT FORM mOO~2 ' ur N4J PubliC. pe<sonallY appoa"d , 0 personally known 10 ,~~ o proved to me on tho basis 01 satlslactory ovldence t~e the person(s) wJ't? e~ecu~ the wllhln Instrument as ~ ~;~ ~or on behall 01 the corporation therein . acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. n;!Yhand~C~ ~ IYllatu,i XC: /L.I ~ ~~-!'~"'~,~"'//<"~""~<""'?///r'!~.J//"//,.,:;-'..r'///~r'r'/~~.....-'j tlAlIONAlllOIARY ASSOCIA llON' 23012 Venlu" Bhd,' Woodllnd Hill.. CIl 81:101 ~~__"""._-""""""""..-A."\ \---':<:~n;:",. 1 I',,~.,.::./,:;~ ,1 , (f~".''''''''''',\,.~ JP-,NET K. WALl~CE . ~ . . ;;..\ NOT P,R'f rUBI.\C.CA~\\-OR~"IA. \ ~...(;> . ~ SANT P. CLARA COUNTY \ < 'A. '. My commission. ExPlr3S July 23. 1993 J --- County 01 } $S. -~~~~~~~~ On Ihls 1100 _ day 01 . 19_. bolo" mo. ~ the undersigned Notary Public. personally appeared State of Ree f:,4'N, ORD", COp/[::" W,c1/f,A, t:.t1'.;;;, <. .. .". 0 '~G ',;',i." 'YIAf(o R 'I} "',.,;, , C POo Do, fJIN~ .... Rp "4,.1.,..'::'. C '/tOli ,., I Afl( ~ "4,1:; , OG'" ",-, "~'I -hAPH/c' ~~Vli:AS COFf/) o personally known to me o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the pllrson(s) who execuled the within Instrument on behall 01 the partnership, and acknowledged to me that the partnership executed It. WITNESS my hand and olllclal seal. Notary's signaiuro .....-.&~&~~-"""'~~~-<0".<0"'.&",& PAAtNEA&Hlll ACllNOWlEOOMlHt FOA'" '130 ~2 NA llQNAlllOI An... ASSOCI/I liON' 71012 Venlu..lIl.d · v/O')<1llnd ""III ell g')64 L 777PtGE0156 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY . WHEELER HOUSING CORPORATION I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified'copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Wheeler Housing Corporation of the premises described in the attached' conveyance dated the 2nd day of July , 19 91 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. N h h h . h' 3rd I WITNESS WHEREOF, I ave ereunto set my and t ~s day of July 19 91 . . trator of the City of Gilroy