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Eigelberry, John
,fj~ d)}z~//&lvvrfJ h&a.a6' 1J'fOQ~~- S' Eon]d/day ;<lJ~df c~~: d tf;/~ . ( d J/f!rY?'f'~z7/^;~d/k/ (eifzU:,'7;>' .J:/7;CJ d.J d/. C~ a./z../a/ ~k.,/~~, . 'Ca.U?,z/z-a;fY ~/. g.,/. ~/6 r-/ ,;:,; '/ . ~/ - (:' .~ // ,J , ~ Pf ~a%r; ;;:;.a//,^" ;?/t<-N'j ~),. ~;? ~,' S uN I i/u01'}> :c. d d ft. {; J (7L-v?/(/ 7,.. ijl vuh/1, 1~),b/ Y))~~ ;( cftZ'~:;;~~.5 / ,) /t ~_, 't//, ~Ob:P,h::/ cy @ UZ/v1~ I;;r- JYatYZn~ ffj~. .)6u~, ,/ de /J~ Ida.cS rt~- FeV I 7JJ. 0 6 s ~d ~a{;)~!' -h",&/cd U ~ .ea.:-ro ;4~ I ~ l/~(' la~ a-u-d,~ o.n_'Z~~~#f //26 f/1MMJ t?1b t7~.~ )2~z-z-&d=d a2cQ~u ~ dd.e:,:",-v/ till /,,/ . ~l '-7 c'-C0 C to Z;?C/ r- /j-2~ ~ /;// /2 () <0O:-I~ c~ i..'f. ta~'J ~6~ ~ .' <I.. CL;d; 0.....</.; 0:--.>.'-:' c:;d ",; ~b f<"O-u4; , ;/ . 'l #/'-. / /'. 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I " /.. ,. 7 / ,'(f /'i.' {y1:/}-~/I'/;"//I.:JW t-:;?/j-Ld (~ /f!./t-, a~/;;-05 ot.-uGJ-dn ~"-) I d \1 l:i I! \,i Ii -Ii'" .J r ""- i~vrl ~I aud :iow~~ /;/:/N~ vtr;d li~t}, 9'lu~~a;<<:i/} , , i~ Ul2.o ~'7(d 4 ~('JJ~ tV& {/dU:?( fu/:/</.-z./c I~ cqfJ- n S??'z2/zdu;!-,& Ed r2;Ptd~ c4,<,-> .:ifc d: ~{~'l/~ cg~ L q ,ij(v/ ~0~d ~ O'fbU~.d4~ i,~t "'/6 ~/:.~ 'a-<~([ ftor~ C<0 ;/ ~ff <1) C' ~h,"a' ~..'C~~ UJxd ;;(/r- ~~cc ~__~A~6 ~I' ----+ - / - 1/ II 0 i / Il /51! j '---v' ~L;;~, i~u 1-'/ z/fnc:L~f ~~h;'~7f//J ~ c{!a<.~ /vj". ----.J I.. /J j',. (~ " / (// .r:/ .d'C')~. 0'1'6 Pi 2. /v,. i ,; ?/..o t2. t- . / I # '6 t!)~ )-/.4'/ I/~, ~LH//;"-!j;a7Zd~ i2Hd <fJ ,B~ 'h15 day i2!!.,a; ikt !/ar .; ;z:/::; Ci'b 3 VO "",.,y7 -#(>>0 , r e)1,.7f n E ~Yd r~> -ry fjit.~! :' ~;t( cd6 j. ~.i~ ,/" ~.T' .._m_-t " >L- ", S l a-l [-/d/{l{ 0/'7./flh7)-'" ) ,/ c. r/ /1 c' .""\ . I I I ~,.",~~'~""', ~,.,!ir,:;.""~>-.~",";.:.,, ....' . ~,tate ~f (!Cali.fot)Jia, / ..I~J1 ,,'> - eounryOf~~~j'U2-. arcu /6 , "~~forem~,"":.~t~o~ 7~;::h~?t!fE: ::~for~;,~~,,-~;.;~~~~ h,s~e, ,,~os~ are subscribed to the ann~xed Instrument as parNes thereto~ pers01lalry known to me to be the lfame pe1sons descrz'bed z'n and 'II-ho executed the said annexed Instrum~nt as part~ies then'to~ H'ho each of tltem aclcllOwledged to me that they each of them respecNpery executed lhe same freery and poluntarily~ and for !fie. uses a'6!:lfrpose:i!:;!;lI1 menli01ud. ~~ffE~lO~l?:.~f~:Z: :kno"t::::r:!:o:-::~::=~:;:;: .from and Jl!z'thout tlze head"g 0./ her husband~ that she executed the same /reery and pollm- tarz'2y~ Jl!ithoutfear or compul.fion~ or undue influence of her husband~ and that she does not 1tIts/t ~o retract the execution of the same. n Witness Whereof, I hape hereunto set my hand and ajjlxed my Ojjlcial Seat, the duY.andy' 7~,in th(jf:cat~::;;;en. t:J. ~ ;Votary Public. /' / cZ '--- H. H. Bancroft & {;eapaAY, .aook.w:.Ll.~l"J :trt.d StationCl'G, ~afl 1"r..nci8co, Cat __.,.",,,,,e ""'_"_'_~......._~.,,".~.,~._. _ _." _..~" ~ _~__,. c " ~ /1 /' r t ~ if N I k , J. 1 " ~- .~. -_...0..-_- ____~.__...;~;;.~- . --..... - _ ~_ "",,'......1I<t ~ ~ . ~ ~~~~ t ~ \~\~~ ~~ ~,~ ~,," '\ , ~.~ ~\ >t\, .~ ~ ~,,~ ~*. .~'" ~ ~' .~ /..'<J 1 '- '- '" I .'", ,~ ~\ ~ t ~ . _~_~ ~ '_n ~__ '''''''''''~7~"?;:t':-'-'' - .' .. . .;t- 0' .. ~ . ,I \i I . ,~ -~~ -.:, ~~' ~J ~ r, ~. Ii,) , ~ (