Ellis, Harriet r Lorrt ninet8en h'mdred and c~ /J--iI ~ (I-- day of March in the year of our a W1'.dfA~ *w/l.F five, Between Harriet Jt:alis'A Jatrlesll. .' THIS INDENTURE made this ff Jf.~ -&>. 1,Iullen and F lorence ,,_Mulle~, hi 8 wife. all of the Count~r of' Santa Clara, state of California, the Dartien oJ' the first part, and the City of' Gilroy. 8. i'lunictpal oorporation, of the same Oouhty and State. tIle ~arty of the second Dart, WITNESSETH: '?ha t the said par'ties of the first part. :['01' and in consideration of the smn of Ten Dollars lawful noney' of' the United States 01' America to t11em in hand :::>8.id 'hy the said party of the Rec- and part. the recei)t where01' il~ here'hy acknowledged, do by these pr'3S".mts erant, 'hargain. sell, convey and confirm unto the said pc;rty of the second part. and its successors. all. that certnin piece and p1.rcel of land situate, lyine, and being in the City of' Gilro~r, County of Sant~ Clara, state of California, r)ounded and particularly described .., ~, f"l.":) follows, to ~~t: neginningqt a point in +,he north3rly line of' sixth street distant thereon 140. feet westerly of' the interRection of the northerl~r line of' Sixth Stre'3t with the Westerly line of' Monterey street in said City or Gilroy, ~!1d ru.nning thence northerl~' ~n(l "pArallel to (the westerly line of Monterey Street 133 f'oet,more or less, to the) northerly lj.ne 01' Lot No 15 in Block 1 North, Hange 1 West of the City of Gilroy as the same is sho\'iTn upon Map No 5 a.ccompanying tlle rdport of tIle r,,:;f'erees in the partition Ruit of' Henry Mill.fJl' et al va Massey Thomas et al 11m the Superdl.or Court of tRe county of Santa Clara, Strrte of California; T_hence westerly and. along the northerly line 01' said lot No 15, 20 feet; thence southerly and. parallel to . the '.Masterly line of' Monterey street 133 fefjt, more or less, to the Northerl~r line of' Sixth Street; and thence J;~asterly and along the ... .. North :}rl~t line of' Sixth stre,:>;t 20 feet to the place of' heginning. Together with all and 'singular the tenements, hereditaments. and appurtenances thereunto nelonging or in an~~ise appertaining. '. '~ II ~ . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, t ogt3ther 'With the appurte- nances unto the said party of the second part, to be used by it for a ~Jublic alley and street, and in the event of the said Darty of the Becond part abandoning said premises or cea~ling to use said premises for a public alley or street, the said premises is to r:j- vert to the said 9arties of the first part. their heirs or assigns, to be held by them in fee simpLe. and in the saMe manner as they I would hold said premises H.' thin Indentl,j.:re had not been executed.. IN WIT}lJi~SS WHEREOF the said partien of the first part have hel'eunto Get their hands the day and year in this Indenture first written. ../1 /./ I ~ul&t t!k JL~"t:~ ?~-'//-h" , << STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } COUNTY OF SANTA ~A. . SS. On thiS........d:l...t..::::::..............day Of.......~....~............in the year one thousand nine hundred ~..d:r;'~"''''''''..h'' ,before me, WALTER G. FITZGERALD, a Notary Public il~~-~.n~_~~ the County of Santa Clara, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared _..../~...........~.........(.....g.....~.....)...................-...- known to me to be the person............. whne nam€.._~m.._._subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that ..:/he._.__.. executed the same. the said County Notary s'rN 1 j " "'-.i s'rATE OF CALIFORNIA, } COUNTY OF SANTA C::JlP SS. On thiS.......~~:.................day Of....~........in the year one thousand nine ti:; hundred .~L... ........ ._......_........... ,before me, WALTER O. FITZOERALD, a Notary Public in nd for the County of Santa Clara, State of California, e'id'=;=~:~~:~::;Z;:L~ / known to me to be the persoD~ whcEe,nam6~___~m__subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that ..r. h~ executed the same. -' Witness my hand and official seal at my office in the said of Santa Cra, the day and y . bove written. ... ~.n___.. ... County ifornia . ~ " .., j{ ,.. .""""", ~'::.-../') ". .............---" . " Q p::j p::j Q. ~ 1l'" '. .... ~" . .-t a5 ~ co Y.J H H ..::: 0 ~':'.' ..... ~ E--l PO: ffi -< ::r: . ~ H rl 'r-! o fH o ~ ~ 'r-! <:;> co ,t:: 8 . .. '\ " ; I .~ ;;" , , . ,..\... .t j ~~. I ~ i'l: I J ~ cJ~~~~ ~ ~'4D ~ '* '~1: ..:::. .1 ~i ;~. : ,~' ,', ~ I , . .. ~ . . ~..: t~~'l ..~ c.; ~. ~' ~ cv i3; ~ i ~i r~ I u' ~:' l~ ~.~ ~; 8 ..,~. , ~ C\) veL: ~!~.: I 55::, ~ : c."' : : _.J "-,_ : .~~j~1 ':::'5 ~! ! / ~c>-_I ~t & g~ ~ ~~1~~ ;J:;gl . 1.0 o OJ .-t -~r '\J I ~ .c. o ~ ~ 't:: (!) +'" c6 q ~-=> ,~ "J./ ~ ~ ...... :::! 0.. (I) CI j ,