Environmental Protection Agency - US Federal Government NO FEE per GC Sec.6103 C 644 :'~G~ 362 C174;)I-~1'731 , SECURITY AGREU1ENT AS REQllIREn BY TITLE 40, @1:'1Y~ SECTION 30.810-4 OF UNITED STATES COOE ANNOTATED .3tt-:L 7095430 This Agreement is made between the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation, 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California (hereinafter known as "City"), and the Environmental Protection Agency, a Federal govern- mental agency, 801 I Street, Room 466, Sacramento, California (herein- after known as "EPA"). WHEREAS, City is indebted to EPA as a result of EPA's advancing through the Clean Water Grant Program, $95,625 used to pay part of the purchase of property hereinafter described; WHEREAS, Title 40, Section 30.810-4 USCA requires the City adequately reflect and protect EPA's interest in the property in com- pliance with all recordation or registration requirements of the Uniform Commercial Code; NOW, THEREFORE, City grants to EPA as security interest in the property hereinafter described called "Collateral". The Collateral is security for performance of City's obligation under this Agreement and the Grant Agreement between EPA and City dated August 15, 1979. City warrants, covenants and agrees with EPA that: 1. WARRANTIES - (A) All statements contained in the City's Grant application are true and correct; (B) Proceeds from the Grant were used for the purposes agreed upon; (C) City is the owner of the Collateral free and clear of any lien, encumbrance or security interest; and (D) City will defend the Collateral against any claim or demand adverse to EPA's interest. 2. INSPECTION - EPA shall have the right to inspect the Collateral at any time. 3. USE OF PROPERTY IN OTHER PROJECTS - The City shall obtain approval from EPA for the use of the Collateral in other projects when the City determines that the property is no longer needed for the original Grant purpose. Use in other projects shall be limited to those under other Government Grant programs, or pro g ram s t hat h a ve pur po s e s con s i s ten t wit h 1; !W$ e i\~~ h 0 ri z ~d for support by EPA. n;:'.~:' r' . :-- -I ~-' .... ~ (:~J > .,~' ~~.~ UEN NOT ." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t'"' .. '1 ~ ~ (fi: it~ of (iilro~ 7390 Rosanna Street, P. O. Box 66 GILROY, CALIFORNIA 95020 - 1- REC. FEE MICRO ~:"- .:j ( SMPF 5. DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS - The EPA shall observe the following rules in disposition instructions for the real property here- inafter described: (1) In the case of the real property purchased in part with EPA funds, City, at the direction of the Project Officer, may: (i) Retain title with Federal restrictions removed if it compensates the Federal Government an amount computed by applying the Federal percentage of participation in the net cost of the project to the current fair market value of the property, or (ii) Sell the property under guidelines provided by EPA and pay the Federal Government an amount computed by applying the Federal percentage of participation in the net cost of the project to the proceeds from sale (after deducting actual and reasonable selling and fixup expenses, if any, from the sales proceeds), or (iii) Transfer title of the property to the Federal Government with its consent provided that in such cases the City shall be entitled to compensation computed by applying the City's percentage of participation in the net cost of the project to the current fair market value of the property. -2- DESCRIPTION OF COLLATERAL (6441)~Gf364 G174;'j.GE738 C-: (p If'! tpiJ.. 3b ~ The following is a description of the parcel acquired partially with Grant funds under the Clean Water Grant Program in the amount of $95,625 received from EPA by City, to wit: BEING a portion of Lot 23 as shown on "Map of the EMMA REA-LOUPE SUBDIVISION" filed for record in Book "0" of Maps at page 47, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most easterly corner to Lot 23 as shown on said map, and running thence along the northeasterly line of Lot 23 N. 35012'W. 1390.62 feet to the most northerly corner thereof; thence along the northwesterly line thereof S.54050'W. 2073.19 feet to the corner designated TRM at an angle point in said line; thence along the northeasterly line of Lot 22 and the southerly prolongation thereof S. 32013'W. 66.26 feet to a point in the northwesterly line of Lot 12 as shown on said map; thence along the northwesterly line of Lots 12, 13 and 14 N.54050'E. 950.72 feet, more or less, to the most northerly corner of Lot 14; thence along the line common to Lots 14, 15 and 23 S. 35012'E. 1489.55 feet to the southerly common corner to Lots 15 and 23; thence along the southeasterly line of Lot 23 N.46030'E. 1137.84 feet to the point of beginning, and CONTAINING THEREIN 39.5 acres, more or less. CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation BY:~~ Date: ,June 22, 1981 -3- C 644 f)~GE 365 County of Santa Clara ) )ss. ) G174i)~GE740 STATE OF CALIFORNIA On this 22nd day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and eight-one , before me, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ a Notary Public, City Clerk, city of Gilroy, State of California, duly sworn, persona~y appeared Norman B. Goodrich known to me to be the person he it .executed the within instrument on and acknowledged l.o me that he described in and that behalf therein named, executed the same. r"';;jWITNESP; WHtkEOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of th&.Cil1y of Gilroy in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this c:rtit;;;:::.J at~ wri t "'ty derk" City of Gilroy, State of per Civil Code Sec. 1181; Government