Filice Estate Vineyards County of Santa Clara Parks & Recreation Department 298 Garden Hill Drive Los Gatos, CA 95030 z o .." rn rn g 11126302 1- :. .. , .ae'ONF~.~~'" ~(,PY: This document has ~_... .' .c_~.<_-_._ net :.<;;:).;.~ l...'..lly,pared with the original. .SANl~~'n~~6h~~Ye~uTJ't~ECORDER . fiLED r Oh h:-~0:JRLJ AT RFOl.H.::;T OF Hoy 7 2 00 PH · 91 U r. ,; - J rw s SMn.\ C COUNTY LAUH!E KANE ttt. I.., U t\ rJ t: .~ Park: Project: File No. APN: Uvas Creek Hoey-Filice Subdivision 3358-70-19-87S 810-20-3 - Filice EASEMENT AGREEMENT This is an Agreement for Easement by and between the COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, a political subdivision of the State of California (COUNTY), FILICE ESTATE VINEYARDS, a California general partnership, formerly known as San Martin Vineyards (FILICE), and the CITY OF GilROY, a municipal corporation (CITY), as assignee of COUNTY. RECITALS A. FILICE is the owner of the real property in the Uvas creek corridor (Filice Property). The Filice Property is currently in the urban service area of the CITY. FILICE has applied for the annexation of the Filice Property to the CITY. B. The Uvas Creek area is designated on the COUNTY's General Plan as the Uvas Creek trail corridor. FILICE has agreed to grant a trail easement over the Filice Property as shown on the attached Exhibits A and B (Easement) to fulfill the conditions of development of the Filice Property. C. When the Filice Property has been annexed to the CITY, COUNTY is willing to release all jurisdiction and control of the Easement to the CITY, and the CITY is willing to accept the assignment. D. The COUNTY, FILICE and the CITY wish to specify the use, alignment implementation and assignment of the Easement. THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. GRANT OF EASEMENT FILICE grants and COUNTY accepts the Easement described in Exhibits A and B. The use of the Easement shall be restricted to pedestrians and bicycles. At no time shall any horses or motorized vehicles of any type be allowed on the Easement other than public vehicles as may from time to time be necessary for maintenance, patrol and public safety. 2. TRAil ALIGNMENT The parties shall mutually agree on a trail alignment having a maximum width of 12 feet which will be generally located along the northerly boundary of the Filice Property along Uvas Creek to the extent reasonably possible. Once the final trail alignment and all areas necessary for fencing, berms and/or vegetation barriers are reasonably determined, all unused portions of the Easement adjoining the Filice property shall be quitclaimed by the COUNTY or the CITY back to FILICE. 3. EASEMENT BOUNDARY The responsible jurisdiction (COUNTY or CITY) shall reasonably prevent trespass onto the adjoining Filice property. Additionally, it is acknowledged by the parties that the Filice Property or portions of it 1 ~cn ~ A ,qq\ adjoining the Easement may be used as and for a golf course. 4. ANNEXATION TO CITY Upon annexation of the Filice Property to the CITY, the Easement shall be assigned to the CITY, and the CITY shall have sole jurisdiction and control of the Easement and its use. 5. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This instrument contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the rights granted and obligations assumed it in. Any oral representations or modifications concerning this instrument shall be of no force and effect, except a subsequent modification in writing signed by the party to be charged. 6. SEVERABILITY In case anyone or more of the provisions of this Agreement shall be held for any reason to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had not been included in this Agreement. 7. SUCCESSORS This instrument shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. The parties have executed this Agreement as of the latest date shown below the signature of each party. cou~ Dianne McKenna, Chairperson Board of Supervisors Date \ Attest: Donald M. Rains, Clerk Board of Supervisors Date lo/ltl'fl I Date 6--'1- 9/ _J / / ) /1 ~ - -/~};:;L:t,~/ ~~ CL -c ' L-"'Bruno Filice, Trustee Date C. - cf - 7' I \ ~~~): a /~ijLJ;-~ Fred Lico, Trustee Date t - ---I - q r ~ ~ Date le ... 1- - q 1_ c-'l~ G3- - Craig P. Filice, Trustee Date P-~ e- 4- J ) 7C? / . 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- State of California ) ) County of Santa Clara) On June 4 , 1991, before me, Faye R. Roscoe Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared John M. Filice. Jr.. Bruno Filice and Fred Lico~who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to this instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacity as Trustees of the Filice Estate Vineyards, and that by their signatures on this instrument the entity, upon behalf of which they acted, executed the instrument *and Timothy J. Filice and Craig P. Filice 1- (L /l" /!;. - .. 11I1I1I111I11I1I1I1I1I1I1I11I1I1I1I..1..1..111....IIII1II! __~I/ V. ). ',(;J('(,~. ;;~ OFFICIAL SEAL i Not~ry Public 5 . . FAYE R. ROSCOE 5 U ! -lib NOTARY PUBUC - CALIfORNIA! ! " COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA = = ~ = ____________________________________~-- :=4=~m=&~~~~~~~~--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i;..~.~IIIIIII.IIII...................I....I.........iiii - - - State of California ) ) County of Santa Clara) On ()tfcber ", /qq , , ~, before me, 'fA-T1licUf- K6SkJT~ a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Jay Baksa, known to me to be the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, known to me to be the person who executed this instrument on behalf of the City of Gilroy and ed to me th ity of Gilroy authorized execution of this instrument. ~ OI'I'ICIAL SEAL (.~ Palrlci. K. Bentson NOrMY PWUC . CALIFORNIA IANTA CLARA COUNTY ... Comm. Expnl June t. '885 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- State of California ) ) County of Santa Clara) On SEP 2 4 1991 , 1991, before me, Public in and for said State, appeared Dianne McKenna, persona known to me to be the hairperson of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, and acknowledged to me that Santa Clara County executed this instrument. ~#_dh.~~ NOtary Public .. ,'":"C:::"" (fi1t1AL IlIl1 /,".;.~,. '. ';~"< tI .. --- ""y" RAlT A TTER .. "'~'~ # """,l~ . (, i-.._ ' . .,' NOTARY NllIC- CALif CRIll s SANfA CUM eoJITV MY COftSSICJf EX'. APIl \7. ,em 3 EXHIBIT A Park: Project: File No. APN: Uvas Creek Hoey-Filice Subdivision 3358-70-19-87S 810-20-3 - Filice EASEMENT AGREEMENT All that real property in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: A 35-foot wide pedestrian easement located in the Solis Rancho, Santa Clara County, California. The Northeasterly line of the easement is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of Parcel 2 as shown on the Parcel Map filed in Book 571 Page 24 of Maps, Santa Clara County Records, said point being North 00 16' West 405.79 feet from the Southeast corner of said Parcel 2; thence North 510 20' West 683.42 feet; thence 153.61 feet Northwesterly along a 297-foot radius curve to the right having an interior angle of 29038'; thence 509.40 feet Northwesterly along a reverse curve to the left having a radius of 400 feet and an interior angle of 750 58'; thence South 850 20' West 202.56 feet; thence Westerly 99.37 feet along a 427-foot radius curve to the left having an interior angle of 13020'; thence South 720 00' West 154.00 feet; thence Southwesterly 169.28 feet along a 748-foot radius curve to the left having an interior angle of 12058'; thence South 590 02' West 233.24 feet; thence 269.25 feet Southwesterly along a 498-foot radius curve to the right having an interior angle of 300 58'; thence West 145.00 feet; thence North 730 03' West 171.45 feet; thence South 880 33' West 693.00 feet; thence 199.24 feet along a 950-foot radius curve to the left having an interior angle of 120 01 '; thence South 760 32' West 363.00 feet; thence 99.66 feet Westerly along a 424-foot radius curve to the right having an interior angle of 130 28'; thence West 85.00 feet; thence 117.73 feet Northwesterly along a 245-foot radius curve to the right having an interior angle of 270 32'; thence North 620 28' West 58.00 feet; thence 98.50 feet Northwesterly along a 495-foot radius curve to the right having an interior angle of 110 24' 04" to a point on the West line of Parcel 1 of said Parcel Map, said point being South 00 09' 33" East 801.63 feet from the Northwest corner of said Parcel 1. 4 '".1 'W !,.' 9 gl') r. :3 ; I- i \. >-- ~ i 11 :r ill' ~ I'" I V1 V1 4: (L ~ w ~ U W I I I ) I I I I I T ./"' + N f - r- ~ er- r: o Q N i) '0 ,... ~ <Z.. ~ ~ I~ J' ":Ii I-r-J ~ f 3_ Iw r- I~~ )- ::l ;u i ~ --:>, /S '-I'-.Jo ~ , 15_ .9> -"'0 ~~ ~ ,...0.....,(\8 , -t- I .-f' i' 'O~ <2- ~t<' ~ ~ ~~O Y,~ J;..- 0 -f-~O ~ ""'- / f'/'V+OJ ~ - :3,cJ/.OC; ."..; ~i ~i ~./ / 1-/ , ~ ..-'''~ . i- _ - '_ ~ ;/ / -). '1' '~/ C.\ ~ _ / ~,) /-/ - J' CS' /.-./ I 0.6... I-I ~~ '7. /') - \ };~ ( :- / \ ) ~ t: \ \~ -' ,: \ \ ~: \ \ \- ~\. .?r \_ ~-'>~~ ,\ ,-_\ o. \" : \ \,__ \ "'?> ~ cP..... :~ . 'v.:!J '-.". ~ \_ \ " ..... -0 r::P. 7_ ".90 ....g ~,-,--.. \ \-- "~~ \ \ ",-_\ ~ - - , -' - - - - -'-" . \ ----> \~ \ \ ~\ \ ~ ~ ~:'L \ ~\\ ), '~ -, \ ~ '~'" I tl '4 'J' \;/ ,.) ~ E. f \ ~O \>- J I ~~ ~~~' , V 0,,.. I I ~ t'>:J\). -<<~ c. '0;' " -:.> t ~"4.. t . . --_~,~.;r_ L 1_ ~ I: I -5-~\f\t I: I -t- ~ 1 'A- \ 'I: I ..y ~ : I ~~~~~ \ I: I ". -<..r- \ & ~ 1--\ ~ "'6 - '<~ -Y \ T: \ ~ ~ \ I- ~ \ ~:, '>.( \ :.\\ ~~ \ \_' ~ \ :~ .\: \ Park: Uvas Creek \ ~ I Project: Hoey-Flllce Subdivision II '~?"I 1 ~I File No.: 3358-70-19-87S _. ,1., ,/- j) ~s '. ..... t"'--L -.' / ~ S> ~ ~ t JO b f) - .IS'pc> -- - - _ ,,75 'gL SI (go""/!) /.['.vs b / ';~n7 . 3,0;1/00 S ~~'l / ,,}~'cl-~ ! -1.~-<~ ~ / .)y.... -c. ,,} .) ~ .~ ?c1 ~ -<~-Y"" . ~/' ~ ~ 6- .....-- I~ q, - t>/'SHl rr"'fcoQ ~ " , ' oJ~ ~\ y ~ <" ~ (~ " o'-./' -;...' ~ ~~ f/\ Y. - -.D J'&.- ....> ..j. ~ w ... ~2. ~ j0/WIoZ) ~ ~~. ...:,;.... ,b,'bll y~ ~~" ," '~"O -.:> c:s"~ <>-.... ~ 0.... L /) ~ '\ C> ..... ,..../1.. _~_ /~8';~l:- ~ -t ~." A 0 4 61, ~ ~'~ .<" 0 ~ 'J-.....} ... EXHIBIT B 5 __ ,/'L:SO ",--::::;:'''';''"\.I c0 ,(-.. l ) ~ \) '-". ~~} ~ Q\ o T -- LJ Z <i cC " ~ c. ';'~ L .J> u1 J\ VO ~ ~ >(\. ...) ~~ 6-~ ~ O. ~,~j\ ~ 0- -1 o (/10 o "\~ <;"' y- '; ~ -.s- . <P ~'\ ,.::. <.4 '" 0 <t- ':>1 :!~ t." '\ ~.!. "'o~~ ~ ~ ~v.-.lr ,..: 0 '(v ::J v- j'" <r ., d...r'cc. ..> c: "~ <; (!). '8. ~ ;;,.. ;... Q.J - L. ,,-.. '3 ~ ..<0 _ N ~~ ~.J r-:'" r- oo.r'] \P v:; N ci .3 '" () \)0 PI "T if N ]""2: c- '" II" IlJ Z: o I , ~U :s 7 ~ <f 3ci r- 0,..) ~tfl a- ro<t z: L - Z <t . II"' r ..9 Jl ~ ~ "3 .- APN: 810-20-3 - Filice -=---l ) Jl-b-7LC7J! fY\..t;.'t;bOr: " ... ,S8'OLlJ . . Park: Project: File No.: APN: Uvas Creek Hoey-Filice Subdivision 3358-70-19-87S 810-20-3 - Filice CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 27281) This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the foregoing Easement Agreement from Filice Estate Vineyards to the County of Santa Clara is accepted by the undersigned officer on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara as authorized by the Board on July 2, 1991, and the Grantee consents to the recording of the Easement Agreement by the County's duly authorized officer. I have executed this certificate on 'SEP 2 4 1991 ~~ Board of Supervisors A TIES . ~\ Donald M. Rains, Clerk Board of Supervisors flchytrn CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY . FILICE ESTATE VINEYARDS I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified 'copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by ___ Filice Estate Vineyards of the premises described in the attached' conveyance dated the 4th day of June ,199.1 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of October , 19 91 nistrator of the City of Gilroy