Filice, Carmen E. ) . : .", , -. RECORDING REQUESTED BY .. .. -" eoc~ ~668 \','1CE 206 4175Ll05 Name [Special Projects Dept. Escrow No. 2l2497/JPD I eoo~ g668 fAGE 206 flU:.:' i ',' I'l.I..;ORO AT HI::QUE T OF dlJ Transamerica Title Ins Co. AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO City state Zip L ~ OFF1CltL, hi ,_,)((1)8 SANTA CLARA COUNTY GEORGE E. FOWLES FEE RECORDER NO SPACE ABOVE:: THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE - street Add ress Ll175l\05 ~ MAIL T. AX STA~MENTS TO N~':: I ~.~_ ~ h Street U:;t:;;;"~ Address /-_ - - Z g~~e L ~ D. ~..X ~ ~ ''" /74J/J. ~~ I ~ TRANSFER TAX S NO TAX nut GRANT DEED (Escrow No. ~~_?J~_?J;r~R December 10~ 1971 By this instrument dated _h__.mm_m____._um_mumm__mm__.mnmmm___n______nmm_____.nu' for a valuable consideration, CARMEN E. FILICE ~ who acquired title as a single man hereby GRANTS to CITY OF GILROY~ a municipal corporation ; the following described Real Property in the State of California, County of.m_S.e.J.lt.e.__C:J:::t.:r.9-__m___mm_.___m____mmmmn City of ___mnG.iJ:r.QYnmnnnunm_________nmmmummm SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF: 11" - /; ".~ ~~4"- C. :-!~ Carme'il-E~---Fnrce------------------------------.------.------------------- o } 0 ~~k""',z.. 1& 19 7( b~ h d . d N P bl" d f 'd ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA n................................................, .........., \.....t me, t e un erslgn~, a otary u Ie 10 an or sal 11 ~ 0 SS, County and State, personally a ed...............~...... .......... ......~..~....6..(~.~t...~.................h..hnn. ':; COUNTY OF............~......J~.~lt::... .................................................m... ............................. "hmh. .............. nm....known to me to be the ~ person........ whose name.................J~.....m..m.........subscribed to the wit~instr n and aCkn~dg~ ,..........he.......... executed the same. t.' ' ~ Notary's Signature ...............,. ......................... ......:.. ~ \-::.~.~-j\L~~AL \ o Z C r' ,. 1 , ': ;:1 r: : T [ ,~ } ~ A N ~ r1C}~,>;.\;>Z~i,-d-; ~'-~.::W~N1A r.:.. I.\y Lc'T..';",," :I' '"' /I..,y 4, 1972 110 No. Monterey Stroct Gilroy, C~liiornia 95020 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE -"'L.. X. }'JAHCEL OJ\jE: Being a po:ction of Lots U and 13 of Tract No. 5089 - Gilroy Meadows and being more parUcularly descri.beclas follows: BECINNING at a point on the Northeasterly line of Lot 12 of Tract No. 5088 "e"1 ]\" ]" ' l' 1 f'1' f d' 1.'3' 1 n iJ. roy '!eac ows . 3. n1ap oj \\,,1:(.1 was 1 e:jor reco:c Hl I 00 \: ot Maps, page ~ Santa Clar" County Records; distant thereon South 220 I'l' East~H.-X':7' fe'2t frorn t!Y2 Nortbeasterly corner of said Lot 12; thence leaving said Point of Beginning along a Une parallel with and distar,t 20.00 feet Northwesterly, me;lsu:~ed at l~igbt angles, fron1 the line cornn1,on to LO!:3 12 and 13 of said Tract No. 5089 South 6,/0 43' West 24.69 feet;' thence leaving said paraUelline from a tangent bearing of South 480 ,101 17" East along a curve to the right with a radius of 45. 00 feet through a central angle of 520461 34" for an arc length of 41. 45 fe,::;t to a point on a line parallel with and distant 20.00 feet ~~outheasterly measurc;cl at right: angles from said line common to Lots 12 and 13; thence along said parallel line North 670 43' East, 24.69 feet to a point on ~he bound2.ry of said Tract No. 5089; thence leaving said parallel line along said boundary North 220 17' West 40. 00 feet to the Point of Beginning. CONT J-\INING O. 020 acres of 1 and~ more or less PAnCEL TWO: Being a Portion of lots 31 and 32 of TI'<1ct No, 5089 -. Gilroy J\lfeadows and being more particularly described as fol1ows: ,__~ . . ".-..---> BEGlNNlNG at a point on the Northeasterly corner of Lot 31 of 'I'rac1: No. 5089 00 Gilroy Nleadows, a rnap of whjch was filed for record in Book of Maps, pa,ge_.___, Santa Clara County Records; distant tJ1E:reOn SOlJth 22'\T17i-EcF;t 109. :36 feet from the I:-Jortheaf:ter1y cornel' of said lot 3]; thence leaving said Point of Beginning along a Ene paraHel "'IUh and distant 20.00 feet Northwesterly measured at right angles from the line cornman to Lots 31 and 32 of said Tract: No. 50S9, South 670 43' West 24.69 feet; thence leaving said parallel line from a tangent bearing of South 480 40' 17'1 Ea~,t along a curve to the right with a l'udius of 45. 00 feet through a central angle of 520 46' 34" for an arc length of 41. 45 feet to a point on a line parallel with and distant 2 O. 00 feet Southe2sterly, meas:'1red at right angles from said line common to lots 31 and 32; thence along said parallel line North 670 43' East 2t1. 6~) feet to a point on the Boundary of said 'rl'ac:t No. 5089; thence leaving said parallel line along said boundc1.r:y North 220 171 West 40. 00 to the point of beginning. 0'_. C> :;>OOt co 0') 0') 00 :;;; C'"> p, N ::::; -J CONT J\lNI1'.JG O. 020 acres of land, more or less. /')<.:--<'" . / /~ .....,~" "- .........,' , ~.. \: _':>0.. "<4.- -a. 0 "~- ',~ / ,I I / / / ..... " \, \ \\ ,/ 'f..... , ......... / I /, ::, I / / / I .;:-.' ""-.., ,.\.,\ \ \ I BOOK 9668 f'f,CE 208 / // ) // / "".' .~/ :...', ~ \. '- " , '-/ . ~< '" ". '. " " L) ! ".......! ......... ,"- / ! \ / / i\ll /1}) /!>l' ~ / . ">o! / ':",.,p".., /. 0 /l D "-"""'''"' i...' r'~ 'C',"~ I I'v~ /9~ ~::~~"",,'pARCEL 2 ~!.~ tJ. ~2AG,t. I~ ~ 6..>:"'~ l\i S9oc< ~ 37 / "'- f f / , -- ~ / J~ ill.' 't( 1....~4RCI:Z I c), 024c.!: / I........ /' (..: ," /'~ ------ --' . T '- --- i i ! i " .....,. I / / ;Ir "4- - .c.., '. ' / '::::1 / / ; :,.1 /c '. ")1" . .-/~ . , ~,' // ::.;.: )/ / ' ....~./ ~~ .-..- r A ,......:. ,,,,",, .- " /' ...,' ";1 - 10"" ,<'/. ! 'l/~.i ~.~ . I:: . ;. !, ~. ,/- - L. C./k /1, 1Itae~~ & S~ CIVIL ENGINEERS 1130 WEST EVELYN AVENUE SUNNYVALE CALIFORNIA . "'~';:..J />..'1 J N ..::;.....)5 BOOK 9668 PAGE 209 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY CARMEN E. FILICE I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Ca rmen E. F i 1 ice of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 16th day of December , 19 -Zl, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of January of the City of Gilroy.