Gilman, Alvah wlfUi 31ulktuturt. Made the....l~ in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and uun:i,n~u u1\~Vab.u(}:i:LlIlclI1. u day of . . J E1,I):t18.I'Yu .. betw eenuuu the County of Santa Clara, . State of California, the part Y of the first part, andu...uuuTheCity ofG:iulroy,aumunicipal 9()r.'p()ra,~.:io11.u' . of the County oLm..uuQ.2J1tua..uC..lar.a...mu.uu.muu..umm.uu.state of California, the part y of the second part, 11lIIiturnnd~. That the said part y of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ..uone. uu Dollars...... u1.u[lW+1J1....ynoney of the United States of America, to... 111m u . ....uin hand paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant bargain, sell convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to uiuts... ~~i~~~~N5':forever, all that certain lot , piece, or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the.. uCi.ty...ofuGiulroyu ...uuuCounty OL...Qu0D~Jl...uC1.a,I'a . State of California and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit: ~eeinning at a l)oint in the nJrt.herly Line of Fifth street di8- t ant thcc:;on 150 :fee~', \'r;8t;rl~~ fro!'" the point of int :~~"H3ction of the w;uterly line or Eigl!~b:;2::C':r strc;et '''ith the northerly linc~ of }<'ifth Str:38t nnd ru.nnine: t.h(mc:~ northerly and lone the \'l ;nterly line of Lot Ho 6 in Block 2 North H~).nge 2 Vf,:iBt of' Lhe Gi ty of' Gilroy 100.20 feet to the north~rly li110 of naid Lot No 6; thence easterly 7 feet; ~hence Lwuth::rly ~tncl po.rallel to T,he Y!'3f3terly line of said Lot No 6, 10 0.20 fent to ,h; !:orth :rly line 0:;' ]:'ifth street; and th'~nce westerly 7 feet to the plnce of b~ginning. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining..uu... .uu , <no linnr nub to 16;olb all and singular the said premises, together with the appurte- SUCC:3Ssors nances, unto the said part Y of the second part, and to...uit.suukm~xNocm~g!l{9CforevE:-r'l. for nn all~y way. . 3111 11lIIiturnn 11lII~rrrnf. the said part yof the first part ha s h~~~? seLh::1.~hand... n u the day and year first above Written. /J J1 /'../ ,.:i?:,.. ./);y ~~ ~. t41~~ J1~~~~ ~.'. ~~~~t?t"A-C~ /f'~ '/7JJ~ /. . 1~ , ~~~,d~~, AAltJ~0 ~~~~7::::L::i7~7 ;r~,?~~ ~ STAT~::~~~~2~A~~.}~'~~f ....mm . hundred ..........u...mm~___.....___.... ,before me, WALTER G. FITZGERALD, a Notary ublic in and for the Oounty of Santa Olara, State of Qalifornia, residing therein, duly commissione and sworn, personally appeared _..,....,"""""',J~" ,..........................In the year one thousand nine known to me to be the person....,......., whose nam6.~m..subscribed to the witlain instrument, and acknowledged to me that ,...... he...... executed the same. ,/ t my office in the said Oounty above written. tx:., ~ p ~~ ~ ~ ml u ~ 0 0 u " 0 "0 OJ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0\ 'b.ll ...... ~ ~ . c:: c:: "til ~~ K) ~ ~ (f) 0 <Ii '-'- ::s '-'- .- ~") r:::r 0 "@ ~ 0 & Vl u Q) ....... '0 ~ H Cl ~ ~ '-'- c:: rl CIi 0 0 ~ t .= .~~ 0.. 0 'r! ..... u ~ '1 0 >. Q) Q) ~ !- H ~ .S a::; ....... ::) c:i '" ~ CH E ~ ....... ~ El 0 ~ if) ! ~ rl " ~ i \ ..-1 >. >-. c..'J ~.., ~ ....... +> 0 cr ~~ c:: I >-. ~\ . 'r! 0 Q) ;:J CO ~ <>:: 0 '0 CO Vl 0 Q) U ....... +-' ......... ~ c:: Q) Cl -= r'. .