Marko Gera and Klara Gera Trust - Final Order of Condemnation , RECORDING REQUESTED BY 'ANDREW L. FABER, SBN 61072 LINDA A. CALLON, SBN 99450 LAURA PALAZZOLO, SBN 210954 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO NAME ANDREW L. FABER, SBN 61072 LINDA A. CALLON, SBN 99450 MAILING BERLINER COHEN ADDRESS TEN ALMADEN BLVD., STE. 1100 CITY, STATE SAN JOSE, CA ZIP CODE 95113 - 2 2 3 3 DOCUMENT: 19675633 Pages ,'") Ie IIIIII1 m IIIIII11111111I Fees ~0 00 Taxes Copies Al1T PAl D 40 00 REGINA ALCOMENDRAS RDE Ii 007 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER :2/06 2007 Recorded at the request of 2 52 PM Recording Service SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE TIT L E(S) FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION So~s- L5-201 L<h. Plus 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ILPALA\737585.1 091207 -D4 706080 Aj\DRF\V L F:\IH'R, CA STATE BAR No. () I 072 LI\lDA A, C\1I0j\. CA SI\T!: 8:\R. No, l)l)45() L\l'R:\ PAI:\1I010. CA STATE B:\R No, 21 m54 BERLINER COllEN TEN AL~lADEN BOl'L1'Y.\RD ELE\TNTII FLOOR SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 05113-2233 TL'LEI'1I0NE: (408) 28()-580() FACSIMilE: (408) 998-5388 andrew, faher(a\herl ineLcom Ii nda,callon({l'herl i neL com laura. palazzo lo(ci'herl i ner, com ~..0 ~t,_._.., ~ .':,.- 'J., - '~h+,:i!.2. 0':, ~ f:;, ~ ,J: -' ~~ 1 t:~ 1.'''' '-. . ,j< ~'/P' (I', .\ ..\'.' AnORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF CITY OF GILROY, A f\1lJNICII'AI. CORPORATlOl\ FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, CASE NO, 1-05-CV-042344 Plaintiff. FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION v. NICHOLAS GERA. TRUSTEE OF THE MARKO GERA AND KLARA GERA TRUST, EL VIEIRA, MARGARET VIERRA, CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY. ALL PERSONS UNKNOWN AND CLAIMING INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY. and DOES 1 TO 15. inclusive. Defendants. Final Judgment in Condemnation having been entered in the above-entitled action on October 10.2007, and it appearing to the Court's satisfaction that Plaintiff CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation ("CITY") has executed the Stipulation for Settlement and Entry of Judgment ("Stipulation") herein. and has paid to Defendant NICHOLAS GERA, as trustee for the Marko Gera and Klara Gera Trust ("GERA"), just compensation in the total sum of Three Million Five Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Eight Hundred Five Dollars ($3,545,805), inclusive of all interest due, pursuant to the Final Judgment In Condemnation attached as Exhibit "A" to said Stipulation, -1- FINAL ORllI'R OF CONDEMNATION 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ILPALAI7375851 091207 -D4706080 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: Fee simple title to the property consisting of all right. title. and interest in and appurtenant to thc following: 7310. 7320, 7330, 7350. and 73()O Eiglcbcrry Street and 7353 and 7355 Montcrey Street, Gilroy, California; Assessor Parcel Nos. 799-08-047, 799-08-048. 7l)9-08-049, 799-08-050. 799-08-051. 799-08-0()0. 799-08-0J9. and 79l)-08-040; as more particularly described in the legal descriptions at Exhibit" I" attached hcrcto (the "Propcrty"), which descriptions arc incorporated hcrein and by referencc made a part hcrcof, is hcreby condemncd to and taken for a lawful public purposc, Upon recordation of a certi tied copy of this Final Order with thc Santa Clara County Rccordcr. fec simplc title to the Property shall vest in thc CITY, its successors and assigns, IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that real propcrty taxcs and assessments are cancelled as of Novcmber I. 2006, the date upon which the CIT't' was entitled to take possession of the Property pursuant to the Order of Immediatc Posscssion, DATED: OCTOBER -J!i, 2007 By: JUD I;[vn~ J. MURPH'{ THE FOREGOING I~~S rRU~ErJT is ACQRRECT copy OF THE ORIGiNAL ON FILE IN HilS C:f'F:CE ATTEST: K1RI TORRE DEe - 6 2007 8Y lJtr,n! \,', \'':''U :.~ :j/:"~., FINAL ORDER OF CONDFMNATION F. e;,l Fa9 t31e A IT, , : (;Uroy C~ltnnl & l'erformlng Arts Project ( wert)'), GIlroy, CA SUBJECT PARCEL lVIAP EXIlTnIT PACKET "A" B---~' ,@ - g .~ I ~ . - ~~ t; ~ oJ " 1. s i} . .- ., (0 " .. ! " ,~ ., ... ~ .. ;LJ t;j . l6l c:. ~ .., " ~ . "';1I H1i INJ 4/n IHI "ft. , I' I ~ ~11Il I I " .~ t:J .... · ~J. ~ ~n uT---- I I ~: ~1 I .U "i 'c ~ .'1"""1 ""1 '1. )0 "r~ "'''.1 ..., H)\InU~ ~. , f,"' ~ . r .. C> L ~ :;: , - . \-4 " ~ ~ - .. .. ~ ~ I ~ ~ !i 0 , .... 'U ~ -- -------- " .:xc ~ I ffi .. > e 1M T~;-J- L r : ~~~1-, I v" HHou-i- 'l~, ,) ((0' ~f5) W ~..;'? ~:; li U The Sclunidl-PrescoU Group - C()mplft~ Property ValuatumSBrvices rnHBLT 2A EXHIBIT _~ 41 DESCRIPTION srrF: 1155 Monterry Street RSCRO\V; 943526 AI>~; 799-08-039 EXHIBIT P ACK"ET "A" JllJ. that ("~rtain 1-',."1 Frr,rwrt)" In the- city t"'f \;j]rny, Stilt~ vr Cctl1[ulI1i.a, Jc:><.:::ibeJ t'..:l fo110....15. c()\ln~y of ::;dJJ'~" el'I' '1. >,nrr'inn n( l.ot. 6. iu Dl.!d. 1 .sv\)Lh FOllY!:'), H~~L. <\::, OIJU',",'11 uI'C/rl t-Ul.D lb. ~ i1CCOfT\p~yinq n:pcrt (jf the cotrmiGGioncr" in Henry Hiller et eiJ., Pl;l.i~t~tl:~. ','G Ha.j;j;ey TbOJ1kl!: et ,d. IJr't'('.n:'\,"lntn, In tb~ 1':1J!l~rinr Court Df' tbe StdLt: <.if Cllifo=id. ,iu c1wl Lv::: tile C=ty of :J~ta Cl,,,-"."l, n.~~ l1u.mber 553(;, =<1 m~no p:.rtic:u1.:l.rly dcu;c..-r:i.bNl 3~1 rollo";s, Beginning:lt. a point HI th" W~~t lln~ of Mont~rey Str~'O!t, '"1"('";1111: .L'J5.90 reet ,:mlt,hr>rlY frOlTJ tile so\.:Lbw~~l L;VHJl:'l v[ l'uwleu:y <1lH.l S.l.-<.Lll St1:eet.~, runni~g tLcnt";" NurtberlY tUong ouid I-icDtcrly li1l.c cf HOtlterc.."Y street, :l 0.0 g ,t..liIt: rllenC''' <It r'i'J'h~ !'n!Jl~9 wp<::r:e.rl)' 151 feet and ~art' or: &aic1 line [\.lWlitJ:,( Ull:o\Jqh the cente::: (.Ie }JcH:U.ciCJll wall n-:>w on (laid ,.kacrib<:d prer:d.SC<li thence BoutberlJ" ~d p"l:'dll~l With thli l'Ie~t Lin<:=> nf MnT1rr>r..y hfrl'l!T:, ..'u utJ rr~(>t) thf>JlCe y.a5tt:J.ly 151 1<:;<:'';. t;Q Llm point. o( D~yjllntllcr. ~:'X'N'pr:ing rrnm thp. ,lbvv<J lh:::S~.llJJ<'U IHUlJd L). Llle:: Hl':stel:ly 10 feet. thereof, ;ll; convqed to the City" of Cl.lroy, 7'. H\lnicipal Co q-'Ol:at ion, by LJel?.-1, :""'()T '~ed ;l.llIJli"l 7. J'n? in \iOl\lffif' ,~eB u1 r'ecu:.;, ~t :f'<.l<j-': )el. /;:':":: ('0 fr~~;'~'VI(7 I .\', \ I - J ') .. '..' \~ I t i ---------- ~-- --- bESCRIPTIUN SITE; 7350 Eie.lclJerry Slre-et ESrnOW: 943516 APN; i99-U~-050 EXHIBiT PACKET "R" .'\.11 th~t oort:..in 11.,",.1 I'r"':'t:>Ity 10 tilo C1t}' of \--;i11:c'j', COU."lty 01 S;->nt" {'1;.,.-;.> ~:t "t" 0T" ('<\11 rornia, d~l>C::Lib~<j ,w tollcwr,: Lvl 15 in DIu.:,}. 1 ~but.l:.:, EI1Ilgc: 1 He~l d Lll<.o CiLy ,:[ G~ll(jYI a', the :H\!tl:;! ill l:h"vo"IJ on I-U.p No ,,;>onrl' t 0 "m..ndm~llt~ .cc~u:~{itl3 tb.. r~'I'('rt ("It r-hf> r~t~r~"s in the panitivl1 ",u.i.c vi Hew,:y I1Ulq, ~t <1.1., \"I;. M;\:lBe'Y !1IlJw.a;) , et iLl in the .':uI'erior CCJur~ of lh" r'()\Ir.ty t,r S":otilC.lllr4, St.ate of C~lito:-I1i<, F;.>;oepting t.b"r.tr::"lm tb<'lt rort1~'n ther$()f cc,nv"ywJ to thQ City or r.l Jrny hy fJ/!l!.d or M. Casey. <; L ell l.u ci Lj v{ Gil~uy. recorded 1n tlJ~ 0 ,CLl let: vi tbe County Recorder of: tt,e- County of S:'.llt:> CIur,., S'tHt.C vf CalifcrniOl in [Joo:.c JB8 nr u~n~a, pa~~ 381. ( , f~- f'~- DESCRIPTION SHE: 7353 Monterey Street ESCH()W: 943526 APN: 7YY08-Q40 FXIIIBIT PACKET "A" All tlw.L C'=l-to.in r.-<::ll P-rc?,"x Ly 111 tb.. 1~1I'i' r,f (-;11 Cui, C'uunty :-t ~:"n'..:;> l:J ~'''' ct:J.te of C~lit('\nll.., llescl-ib~d lI.;S follo.....;!. Comll\C'JlCiDg:lot a. poInt 011 U,el'e"lcrly line (.11: Hocteru)' ~ll...'''t, ,4Isr.anL 2~~,'O t'1!t't, l'C1l1t.Ltuly from the point of il';ters:~cti('l:l 01 Aai~ WC[jl~lly line ef J1.=terq StroOt with th.... Soull1e,(ly l.inc ot ::Jixtb Ctrcot I tbenc.. nmniny ::;ou~her1:r "'1~" the; rlc~tcrly li..nG./,f ~(;)ntcx-y Strl'",t 71 [eeL; U1C1ce; o.t: right a,ugle:s WC."3t.c:x:ly 14.1 t~~t !" th~ Easterly lilJl:l u( .0 alley; thtC-llC\l NClrtnprly uong Ull! g;,;'tl""Lly line 0: u..ud. Alley :n to~ti wH1 tl1':'D("f> EaBl~llY'141 feet; JJIUl:e Q;[" letle, to tb~ point nt h~1 nniIlQ' , aD,l IH:~inl,/ .,' f'01- ticn ct Lot f, in DIoeY.. 1 Sleuth XAIl<;le 1 Ne.5t i.i. fialu city uf Gilroy, nb 'i:~irl I..! l'> it! de:;isr=ted OD t-bp Ho.-5 1'il~c\ ':'1.th :mc1 t'nnn1ng a ~cuL u! Lb.e n"P"rt of. thO! r...fB::C<:;4~ in thP, ACLiuu ill \-iilltili<.'Il of UenIJ' l-Ul1= ot ~l.vr- t<1."1b"ey Thoma", .,L <<J.., Cn~e 110. S53'6, in ttlio, ~lrf'c1"T l'n\l~f cr tbe SL,~te ,-,f CJLliiorn.i:a. In Il,'lld :for tb(' r(mnt.y vi 6"nte.. C1M?\. / ( .. ( -> , I .... -. ':-'. , , " L... . \/7 1 . ,I ---' ' l~ F$t1e ^pp ilrrry CllItutill tl p'riormlne Art( hoJl'd (I-.erg J hopw'tJ), GOroy, CA SUBJECrr l)ARCEIJ LVlAP EXIIDHT 1'A ( :Kfi'T "11" " ., / ' ~~ f '0 , L:i (:d) '---' : I : L~__.J I I : I ti v W If' ~- '" C , 0 ~ .I.?lJ3.LN0I1 A/fir J .' " (9 U r X : I )- I ,I ~ > W ... '" I- t. '" ~ ~~_ m_ ;; :-J - r :::~J- J_ ~ . '. I !"m::-t >- >- ~ .~ ~ '1 S ..- The Scbml,dt-Pre~l'utt Gruup - Cvmpletr Properly Vl1!twt;OTl Sen"iCls )1,XHIBlT 2D DEscrUPTION SITE: TH 0 EiglcbcrIY Strf,!.j ESC:ROV,'; 94352b APN: 799-08-04" EXllI1HT PACKET "IV' J\.ll '.:h~t ,:.,rr;1j', ""'ill Fl\'>-":.l.tj' "U tb~ City <,[ Jib:<::y, CDU::ltj' ot C;..nl:;1 ':l;.p', 5 L t1 \. t; (J f C /l. 1 it::> 1;Il i ,) , de 0 O:C 1 b u ,j .ll to 11 c \0" : ; ALL OF LOT 18, In l;UJI'K I, ~:'nlt" k;l11J"] I~"bl. C1Lj (If Gi)LCN and me:::') pg,rriC'1Jl;>r1y ,]n,uiloecl o.CS follo.",. ~~I.NN1NG ;n Il,,' NDr LLr;,,:\ L <.;vUlJ;r ,,( f;i,"~lbel:l., ::;trcct =d r;ovIlont:h S'rr~'Pl ",,:1 .&.wil.ll.ny the::lcG 111<::113 t.ho ll;41:t lira of Migelberry .<:rn,pt l1orLl1r;.cly 109 fcot; Lhunce A::OIit"prly J01.04 ft:t.:t; the:;lce Soutberly ~C,JC feet th~nc~ He!>t:erly 7" [r;t:L tbence GO\1Lh<:rly 61. 'JrJ tOClt to th~ ~IQrth Ii!"... ,,[ ~;"'YT~lltL Stl:cct o.r..:l thODeGl ;>.l~.r,.) ] ;'1"" r:H'1l1 ferl'';.} line HCbtcl.'ly ~7, 2-i feet to tbe poi nt cot b!::)i iuuiDY . ~ -:- (/";=:',, r IJ;';~"/( I '.-,-. ; \ r' DESCIUPTI () N SITE: 7310 EigJeberry Silt','1 ESC1~UW: 943526 APN: 799-08-048 EXHfBIT PACKET "n" 1\11 th...t cl<rtaiu F.cal I'rCl;?c:::ty in tb!> 1,"1 t i' (J[ Gib:o'Y, C~'un:Y n[ Siln'::e. Cl;Jr:., St;,Uo (}f Cp,lifu'l."D13, rl"r.crib,u "" ~(..llc\(3, DBnlG LOT 17. Hloc}o;, 1 Svuth, F,/,Jl';3C 1 loin;;\;, 'In t,li" ellr of Ci lre)}' "nt1 ;.U deg:1~ted uv,:,p Hop No, 5 llct:'orq'''''yiny LL<: j>,eport vi the Ill>fe.l.<:-<::> in th& c'"''''' uf IleJ1rJ" Mill!!r. et ~L Y:3. Ha~oey 'l'bOfll~(J,' et: ;11, ...l,icb M~p ill on t'il~ ill Lur; offic~ nl' tlJ.c: CQUl1tj" Cleric. of ,t:ll"f.'0'lpty uf Santa Cl::>r:.., ~tI1t"" vi Cnlifvrni~, aJjJ tinid }';;)cterly 11.11C of !li~lel-<:rry f,t:rect., d;..ctllnl, Lu(;rCon 1011 [I''!i rtortherly rrow it.:; intcr~ect~'= >ntb tt11' l1ulLLelly line of spv""llt.h Street, t:h~ucc ~o1:'tb\)rly ;> 1 irng said ;!;/S:<te.::ly l~nc of BiglC!b,!,TTY street I 19,90 f"PC; t.henco Eastp.rl:r <11009 tbe tlo:::therly lin~ nf ",ud Lot 17. l.~". <10 r"et. thc-..J:1oe SOIlt:ln:.Lly e.l=S tbe F,Rc:t:~rly limo ui said r,ot 1'), Ill' ~11 [t:et; t.ho;,nc. \oI"r:tF'T"ly alUDg cblt snllcherly li.ne of o.:..id lI,r. 17, J a 1 10 J:e-::t to tbo poi m: "J: r~ginni!lg . p:: l":P.. P1'.oW }>~ley, ~l: r.ll=y, ]\ 1'.llgclC t :l, 'I!lEREF?OM n'" m\Jch tb'!;n::ll[ .;>.~ Ii.e.:! "ithin th"', t"r.ll.u~ of tll!~t r..rT"in GlOil1 allef "a~ '-'<;loYGyed by J \.ll'v(>I"', f:t 11.1, to tnI'> r1t)' ()~ l1\.lni cip:li Cc:q><-.r" ,,' rm, b)' D<'-cd dat.ed F~.'l:,l'lTY o. 1:: 0 0 ~:1 :recc'rrh'r1 1 LJl.L ill V01um:: )eO of D,,<><1', :lor ""y" ~Bl, ~~-=> --, ,(: HESClUPTION SITE: 733V El~lebHr) S(rt:et ESCROW: Y43516 .1. ['1\; 7~908- 049 EXHIBIT I'ACK~T "U" All th~t C'"rl"'lin Real Propert.y in thE> City ,.t' ,;\lruy, CV,lLty (]f S~nt:1 [')..,a, C;L1tl! of C<11iforui.:l.. d(l~crit\>'.(, ?A [ulluWv, A.l1 vf LoOt. J.6, if' I"lnrk 1 Sl.'ulh. r.!lJl.ljC 1 i-T"r.t', '~" S/"><l\.;Tl (l!! Ma.j.! lie. S :.C!cC'>mpan}'1T><:1 :x:-epcrt I"1f the CI.JrTllIU:l,ioncrB in tlenri' ~1111",1. r:L <.1. ,laj"t:i.fir. v~ f-J,lGo;ey nll."".:J.~ el tll. Dcfend=ts, In r-n" 5ulJe~'ior Ccurt. ot th" ~tll.te ",r Ciilitc.,pin, in and 1."1: tho Count)' ()f. SaJ1La (1 /,\~'O, C;:'::;il Hu.~'r ,,<;'>', :1I1I1 c,():-~ particularly rl"",,-rib,~d ~" 1"ollow:): B,oginnlIl\J at. .l point. on tbe y.ctst,,~ly lille'o! Ei'1elbr:rll' S;tr~eL, rlihLclIt thereon 158,:10 feet llorth~rly [lL~11 Ule ipt,cz:oec;t:lon of .ai<'l , In" <"( Biqelben:y Str'?"~ \>lith rhf'! ,No~LLel'ly line ot SeV~!1th F;r:r,,~l; thence llor:thc:x:-ly "l<:>ng 5a.1d liil'~ vf E.iqldn:rry Stroot n nO feet to t},c divid~n9 .1.lr>t:! h~t.,""'n Lut15 1$ =d u; 'in Rl"r..x 1 S~l11rh. Range 1 We~t, ;u::: ~ho""" upon the l".Ll~J lJel:~inaboye roforr~c\ r-,Q; thl:>.l\.-e !':a6t.:rly e>lOl:l3 ~~id t'l1villllJ',J line l~O, ~O feet to the r'l1vjdill~ lin<- bct",<:>aJ} Lot", I .md 16 in r.aid Elc'cJ.;. et-.-,d Range; tb~n,,~ <;rmLuclly "loa.:; tbe di.,~d:lT1g line b~L"eell Lo\..b 7, e ar>d 16 i.n ~a1 rl nlud'. ",nd ~oqe. 7 B, 0:> te..t to ~~H' ell vidinq lino bet:",'~n Lct~ 1_ ~ ], ill ~",id nlocr. [llc1 P.~9": t~,,'nc.. ~t::"lel.ly 1'.1L,r.'l l;>,~t rp1"~r::.-P'.llv divic1ill'.l ~iDe 149,10 f'-?t!r: I'D the ~'oip,t of b..qin:'.ing, Source: Recommended Guidelines for Subdivision Streets - ITE 198! l--- ii, D DRIVEWAY DETA,!LS "PEt- -I- i 20' I I J I: L I' , : TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY I /' I / I / )/ / I I 'T:-' I ~ :__ _ _ _ _ ~t' 5' rLAp.( (llLUsrr:\TEO) 02 r.EGlJl.Ar. :j' ~ADIUS I /--- RIGHT OF WAY V I I I I 'U~R..P P~~~~~~T~Ot~~~~~ -~_ I l CORDEn Af![A (UlIDER 6 fT.) : [l~lA.rlGLE o. 2"' 51 I " e"-' ' 1- .. roo g,c,,"~__ '.-' ~~I I l_~ARI(L:_JQ' ! 10' I SAG CURV~ IN DEPARTURE) DRIVE I I I USE 6~ Ct..:r.O on EACH SIDE ,I ~_ D~f (cr[A)~OV(J1 ^,IGl~) or DRIvE ArlO PROVIO~ Sn:P-DJH"~~ ' AT \'/AU; I ==ttnlOr GRADE _ ,_ -1--- I --.:r=-- - ~ - - "I _ v10 GASEl,!~NT GARAGE CRE'ST CURVE IN DRIVE NOTES: DRIVEWA YS: Because they are deceptively simple in appearance, dri"eways otten do not receive adequate design consideration. Common deficiencies include: A, Inadequate radii at street B. Excessive grades and grade differences (breakover angles), C, Inadequate width. The typical residential driveway should be designed for passenger-car operation only. For a 90-degree turn, an inside radius of 18 teet and an outside swept path of 30-fooi radius will comfortably accommodate most drivers in 011 passenger cars, o A minimum width of 10 feet is recommended for single-lane driveways. At the narrowest street width of 22 feet, such 0 driveway will require 12 foot radii to avoid lone encroachment. At 34-tool street width, the radius roquired to avoid oncroachment drops to only 4 feet. Temporary encroachment on the wrong side of 0 minor street while entering or leaving a private driveway is generally concidered allowoble. Thisu "-"-Slaests a_,desiqn value ot about 5 feet tor dri'le\'ia'l radius. o ~_~'olum~A~iveways for schaols~rtmenls or commercial parking lots, increased widths plus rad:i ':"9-~r:Jr11<)nts_~~2 0- ~~ feat aro recommended. o The common design fault of excessive b.r,JLako_'IeL..Q!lgje and rear bumaer dragging at the gutter line can be avoided by proper grading of the right-of-way cross section, As a general rule, the driveway grade should no! e;cceed 8 percent within the right-at-way area, Of greater importance is the change in grade, which should no! exce~d 12 percent within any , 0 feet of distance, Car "bottoming" on the crest con be avoided by use oi 8 percent maximum change per 10 feet. dwstdrs. I" i p, ,f\ ~'IC:: PO, ,R", T "'-1 (\..1'11\1 III \j" 1'1 Of\l , IV ",J v. ." , i . ~.. ~ L.. ~..... . CITY OF MEf\JLO PAR~\ I Transportation I DATE "3/ q 9~ Driveway Grade Guidelines UFSCRIPTH IN SITE: 7360 EigldH'ITJ Street ESCROW: 9.Jl~26 Al'N: 799-08-0'i1 (, 799 O~-06fl EXHIBIT PACKET "H" All th;j( Ct>rr,ain Rt:al Fl:C1pc:rty In t...'-l" city ct o~lreJ' Count)' of S;;Ult:;. Cl...::::!, 9tal~ ct c~lifulnio, dAccrib~d ~; ~olluu;: Pl.r.CEL om:: Dcginning "L .. p"int in th" y:,.ri.rly lim' nt' ,:j'J,~lhl''rr/ Street., wLl<.:h J:-'vil.t: i~ th~ ~nrnnon cOlw;L uC Let" 1" o':>d IS i:1 DIeck 1 South, H.1Dge 1 Woct ()1 th~ ('iry fir Gilroy, 60 the oamo 111 l:lh:;>"--n on l~;op 1Jo, <; art,'i it~ ~rn"n1ml?nt,~ :J.c:com~~} ilJ'ol Lhe :rllPQrt (It Ul.. r,..t~reeh in the :>J<lLtitiou ~lJit u! Ht:lJL)' t-li11el.: ot e\l va. M.:uJD<:Y TIlCJrnaD et aI, iD the Superior Court of tho CQunt! of ~~ntil Cl:lril, .<,tat~ or' C:uiforni:l ;lpd rill1Il' ng rhPnr~ E;}~t:~rly aM alor,g tbl: line di ~'.il1iUq t>aid Lct~ J.i ;'\.n~ 15, 1';B. 40 Iet;L; tbellCC llvrthcylY,11Dd poro.l1,,1 ...ith the E:u:::torJ.y 1in.. or E~9Clbc~ ~tz;ll.t S9,O' I'!'!,t'; 1:1'>..""',, W"~ff'rl}' ~ncl f'~Y~)1l!1 ,,1Lh Un:: li~e J.iYic1inq ~~1rl J.Clt<1 14 and 15, l4Cl.i.O feet Lv tbe Ili\6te:l-1y lil'c of Ei9,,1~rry btro~t; "-Dd tben~~ Southerly ~d ~lon9 thn Ea~torly ling of ~i9~~erry St'y?Pt: ~9,64 feet tv tl'l~ r1;;rf' or b/o\J'i=i~g, itllU Lt:l.U':J <111 vf L'VL 111::. 14 ....nd a p~rt of Lor 10.'0. S, in Blvc)-;: 1 South, I1Clnge 1 Wed:: of tbn L'lt}' oJ: Gilroy, :1(; <:ho'.o.Ill i'n ""lel Ma., ~lv, 5 .\.1.13 1tg :lroa.ndm~nr~ '>!PTP indLuvt" ,U1eUL.l.(Ju',;\l. ~c"FtiJ-.; tb.,r'''O'(,'n , l''lt i"J~t Icm lll"r'<'.J[ e'"l\' ",}'..-"l t.e> Lue City oi Gilroy by Ix),,:i uf H. CiiLJey, <:l al Li> CiLy of: Cll::::vy, recorded in Lpn OIt'ice or che C"tl.Hey Hocordoz- OI t:bf! c'nlJrity (If' (~';:ltltil ("].''''.1, .C:;r-ill'~ flf C',lli[(;'luic1 iu f\c,~:k JOo {,f DC'c:l:::( cd P"''.le361, l' AI'; Cl:."L Tl'IO; p,ut-tl Que ,,"u :31."..... -.:pon thHtc cc,rt"in r"rc"l Hop f i.lcd fOl: rQcoro J,uy '} Cl, 1 YH I in Houy. S7S o:t M"rn, ;>t" ["'Y"<-: "1 "nt1 ." or ""TIt" r-"];Iril CUlull,i P,e-':::":L~d~, /<--~ I,~\ r~l 1"\\~/} ,( I (\ I~" 11 ').~~-'.~. ",: r--- '..'