Oyao, Baleriana (2) \I) -' -t ** .,.. ...,;I 0 ~ 0 \ rf) 0 \:P e*/f)//Au7/<lJ7ltJ<j;ZY Pages. 4 DOCUMENT: 18812344 .11111111111111111111111 *' No Fees Fees. Taxes. Copies. AMT PAID RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020-6141 Attn: City Clerk BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Chicago Title RDE fI 009 2/17/2006 8.00 AM SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE RECORD WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 6103 GOVERNMENT CODE OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA APN llf-cJ-CC(c) The undersigned de~lares: /) (J9 Documentary transfer fax: e:J - ** ~lf {Lt!'i/ Wallace for Chicago Title QUITCLAIM RECORD WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 6103 GOVERNMENT CODE OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Benjamin Oyao, Executor for the Estate of Baleriana OyaJ\ereby REMISES, RELEASES AND QUITCLAIMS to the City of Gilroy, a California municipal corporation, all of its right, title and interest, in the real property located in the City of Gilroy, California, County of Santa Clara, State of California further described in the Attached Exhibit "A": *deceased, and pursuant to Letters of Testamentary filed in Superior Court of Californ~f' County of Sanna Clara, case number 1-04-PR-156210 pursuant Inde~~~~i~tration of Estate Act - june- 29-- -2()05 .I Benjamin Oyao rtI I' Executor, Estate of Baleriana Oyao ." 0 p ~ to the [xeculcJ<- Mail tax statements to: Same as above address. STATE OF California COUNTY OF Santa Clara On February 2. 2006 before me, Janet K. Wallace rJ (Name of No ary Public) personally appeared Beniamin Oyao personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) rSJbre subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same inJ1jsftler/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by@er/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s'j;'or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. r' . .~.~.: . . ~~~E~'K~ ~~~L;;E'1 !:@.. .'~ COMM. #1592532 m I/) ~ tb Notary PubHc.callfornla ~ W' SAHTA CLARA COUNTY ..... ) . . :: ~.: . ~ ~o:'~'. ~P; ~u~ 33; ~O?9. E (This area for notarial seal) (notary)(07-02) Escrow No.: 05-98700423- JW Locate No:: CACTI7743-7743-2987-0098700423 Tifle No.: 05-98700423-RG EXHIBIT "A" THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF GILROY ,COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Portion of Lot 13, in Block 1, South Range 1 W€st, as shown on Map No.5 accompanying report of the commissioners in Henry Miller et ai, Plaintiffs, vs. Massey Thomas,et ai, Defendants, in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, Case No. 5536, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly line of Seventh Street, distant thereon 114.24 feet from the point of intersection of the said Northwesterly line of Seventh Street with the Northeasterly line of Eigleberry Street as said Streets are shown upon the Map above referred to; said Point of Beginning also being the Easternmost corner of that certain parcel of land described in the Deed from Mary Berri, a widow to Florinda Benson, dated March 23, 1911 and recorded April 14, 1911 in Book 370 of Deeds, Page 163; running thence Northwesterly along the Northeasterly line of the land so described in the Deed to said Benson 96 feet; more or less, to the Northernmost corner thereof; running thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line of the land so described in the Deed to said Benson 12.80 feet to the Southwesterly line of Lot 13 in Block 1 South Range 1 West, as said Lot, Block and Range are shown upon the Map above referred to; running thence Northwesterly along said last named line 13 feet to the Northwesterly corner thereof; running thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line of said Lot 13 a distance of 44.26 feet to the Southwesterly line of an alley 12 feet in width, as said line was established by the Deed from Marie Berri, a widow, to the City of Gilroy, A Municipal Corporation, dated February 12, 1908 recorded March 8, 1908 in Book 338 of Deeds, Page 596, Santa Clara County Records; running thence Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line of said alley 107.20 feet to the Northwesterly line of Seventh Street; running thence Southwesterly along the said Northwesterly line of Seventh Street 35.74 feet to the Point of Beginning. Exhibit Page - Legal( exhibit)(8-02) ~ CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) Certificate of Acceptance of Conveyance to the City of Gilroy by The Estate of Baleriana Oyao This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the Quit Claim Deed dated June 29,2005 from The Estate of Baleriana Oyao, to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 2004-20 of the City of Gilroy adopted March 15,2004, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, document #17703402, dated April 6, 2004 and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on F I:\CTYCLERK\FORMS\ACCEPT ANCE.DOC