Gilroy Elementary School District of Santa Clara County Boo~2794 P:Gi 40 942993 Application NO.m.m.m............. I.R.S. ~rant j!\eeb 3lnbibibual l GILROY ELEMENT euii.Y SCHOOL DIS'rRICT OF SANT A CLA.RA COUNTY the first part , hereby GRANT TO CITY OF GILROY the second part y , all that real property situated in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Above space for Recorder Being a portion of Lots 1, 2, and 3, in Block 5 North, nange 5 West, as shown on Map entitled "Jas. A. Clayton & Coo's Addition to the City of Gilroy", Sheet No. 11-, which Map is recorded in Book "V" of Maps at page 25, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being a ~trip of land 20 feet in width, the northeasterly line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Lot 1 in the southerly line of the Bodfish Mill Road (Hecker Pass) as shown on said Map, and running thence along the northeasterly line of Lots 1 and 2 S.19029'E. 120.60 feet; thence along the northeasterly line of Lots 2 and 3 So80035'E. to the intersection thereof with the southwesterly line of the existing alley as shown on said Map." '-VTT'rNFSS ';;t;' .;." hand this rJ( Sf- By: day of December 12.. 53 GILROY ELE1mNTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY ......:k. ................................~m...-;;......;:..m.....m...m.............m.............m.... . , )....., tL~ f\ " """ JJ '\..i.~-y PTe.~.~.erft...B0ard....6r.:.Tr;:rst.ee.S..m......m.m..m..... ,'~~..<". . J :;.;,.., .,.~ //. CTerk....of...1l6"ii"ra....or...Tt..ij"~rtiesm....m..m..mm.m.... :'J(. t . By: :'e I "'. f , I CALIFORNIA } 'pF SANTA CLARA 55. rhis day of , 19 , before me, rb1ic in and for said County and State,. personally appeared 1/....................................................................................................................... ., \ j Ion whose name subscribed [0 the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged [0 me that known to me to executed the same. Notary Public t-;.. ,.. r STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss County of santa Clara ) ON THIS 31st day of Dece~ber, 1953, before me SYDNEY S. JOF~ON, a Notary Public in and for said Coun~ of Santa Clara, residing therein, duly commissioned ~nd sworn personally appeared SAVIN D. CALABRESE and BVFRBTT SHIELDS personally lmown to me to be the President A,nd Clerk r especti vely of the Gilroy Elementary $.~oolAjstrict of Santa Clara County whose name is subscribed to the annexed !nstrument as the first par V thereto, and they duly acknowledged to me that said Di$t.~ic~'~xecuted the said instrument. . "{~;~j~i:;;{~WHJ>RroF, r have hereunto s seal at m 'f ttjee\in. the County of Santa U-j'~~' '.\; .,' ".I.' " .w.~K" ' : ., , " ;OJ ,':'~t7 t A'~\ .. .~~.J .' , ,t t .. , ,_, _ l 11 ~~ "'... '-,~li"..,..P_"""~' t" ~ (' ,j\ ':, ~-,.".ti'l4 /".."'~"_""'.~._... ~"r .,~ .~ .~ n 'Pt \j, -Of ~. My commission:- eXpires March 8. 19560 Ii SODK.2794 ..,....., FMJE '41 B. ]I 2 .Q :& 1I .1 1 .Q 1! NO. 308 BE IT RFSOLVFD by the l-1ayor and Common council of the City of Gilroy, that said City of Gilroy hereby accepts the annexed conveyance and consents to the recordation thereofo PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 4th day of January, 1954, at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. AYES: NOES: Councilmen Pate ,I?ush,Kennedy ,Gal1o,Hbi te , Rona.] d Councilmen None ABSENT : Councilmen None t AP~ Hay or €.. ~~ ',1 ~ J ) . ~;:;...." .(' 1,. , "" ;"". .~~... ,~:;'., .... . .,"'..:. "..-,..,~...,......,...,.~.:......It.,....,....,..\i?...'T. ...ES.......~.... ....:. '........ :'.'.:;.' ',.';" ,',,:; ~'" .,." ..... r.~,> D.' / ~;',,';,' ,...: ".;. ",' "'.' '- :, ",\<~;~~ 'f .~ c:i ,City'S .erk,' J~' ' " t~' ---/' ~;~ (..I d ') ~~ ..., ., .4: .;., ~t3 3 ..2194;a 40 /i~ F '1.g ~ fg RR ,. C OJ!f ..B ~. .../'::;( ,:;.:;;j .;0 <,;I ~;...~ . .// "~, J,4N lq I' l?lf, 195!j ..,i;".." :0'J;.c.a",~.. ~,':::f;:~, . ,: t- <:) . ,....,~.~""'- .6-;1/ . .