Gilroy School District of Santa Clara County (2) ~~ ~ ~V '$'(., ~.9r1 \ 1.> , \ <\ IV ~' .. GRANT DEED QILJm Schl"'\ol District of Santa Clara Ceunty, California, Grantor, for valuabl~ con3id~rati~n, receipt of which is her~by acknowledged, do~~ hereby grant to Ct'toT 0 t GlInT that certain real prlllperty s1.tuate' in the County rlf Santa Clara, Stat~ of California, and IDl"'\re particularly described as f~ll~ws: .IHO a pc>rt1on of roM! AniEiU Ranchlot 2) ..s aMI e. Map No. 7 aeOG.lltpBn11ng the final npon ot the rteterHs in the w A,dMU llanChi.;1 Part:.ttJ..on S\d t. Aotlon No. 55" had 1n the E:uper1or Court or the stat. ot C..uto1"D1.a, in and t(\J" t.tte CrlUl\t,y of ~Mta Clan, Utft being a180 a port1cn 01 Lot 8 u sbown on _? ..\1 tled "Map othnl'1 H1ll.... Subdiv1810n of LaJa Anb.. Ranehlclt Ho. 2)-, wnich .ap 18 rMt)rded 1n look "Hit or MIlpe. at pag- " boord. 01 $N\t& Cl.,.. CountT, CUil,}m1., and bfdnl more pal"tlcula.1"17 d.lllerl bed ..r011o_1 "a&tu~fflitQ at a conorete QIOnUl't,ent set t(} Mtpl..... t.be onJ1nal ~M x 4" .t4\.~t'l S:t:t' 88 echown on Nd,(~ i'I1~~ f~Q. 7 at the oomer ~n to Ranchlote 23 and 24 in the 8Outherl;r lin. ot Ranch 1.ot 15. tnU rwmlng thence along the eout.ltwesterly line 01 Ranchlot 24 S. 22 de._ 1" R. 224.42 te.tJ theMe S. ., deg.lO' W. 46l-49 I..t to a -po1nt in the centerUne oti~"U'l Avenue (sholm .. AvenuR H on .aid H"nry ~il 11-.. SubcU Vision) J then_ along the o_"1'Une of mn AvtmUe I. 0 de._ 42' E. 209.00 t., to 81'1 b~ft pl:p4t at the inteJ'HcUon t.t-A'nOt wi tb the eout.ber1;y 11M ot 'ltanchlot 2'. thence along the eouther17 Un. 01 ~."eb1ot #; N. 89 del. 10' E. 37'.35 teet to the po1At ., beg1mlna, eel GO~'.r AUlI~ Tttti;~~Itl 2.00 acre&1 at land, IJ"O... IN \^JrrNESS 'lrJHEREOF, the GILltlt School District of Santa Clara County, Grantor, by and through its duly authorized Clerk of its Board of Trustees (Education), bas executed this Grant Deed this 30th day of },lo-hmo , 1956. QUro)" School District of Santa Clara County, State of California, By ( (Acknowledgment)