Gilroy School District of Santa Clara County (2)
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Schl"'\ol District
of Santa Clara Ceunty, California, Grantor, for valuabl~
con3id~rati~n, receipt of which is her~by acknowledged, do~~
hereby grant to
Ct'toT 0 t GlInT
certain real prlllperty s1.tuate' in the County rlf Santa Clara,
Stat~ of California, and IDl"'\re particularly described as f~ll~ws:
.IHO a pc>rt1on of roM! AniEiU Ranchlot 2) ..s aMI e.
Map No. 7 aeOG.lltpBn11ng the final npon ot the rteterHs
in the w A,dMU llanChi.;1 Part:.ttJ..on S\d t. Aotlon No. 55"
had 1n the E:uper1or Court or the stat. ot C..uto1"D1.a,
in and t(\J" t.tte CrlUl\t,y of ~Mta Clan, Utft being a180 a
port1cn 01 Lot 8 u sbown on _? ..\1 tled "Map othnl'1
H1ll.... Subdiv1810n of LaJa Anb.. Ranehlclt Ho. 2)-,
wnich .ap 18 rMt)rded 1n look "Hit or MIlpe. at pag- "
boord. 01 $N\t& Cl.,.. CountT, CUil,}m1., and bfdnl
more pal"tlcula.1"17 d.lllerl bed ..r011o_1
"a&tu~fflitQ at a conorete QIOnUl't,ent set t(} Mtpl.....
onJ1nal ~M x 4" .t4\.~t'l S:t:t' 88 echown on Nd,(~ i'I1~~ f~Q.
7 at the oomer ~n to Ranchlote 23 and 24 in the
8Outherl;r lin. ot Ranch 1.ot 15. tnU rwmlng thence
along the eout.ltwesterly line 01 Ranchlot 24 S. 22 de._
1" R. 224.42 te.tJ theMe S. ., deg.lO' W. 46l-49 I..t
to a -po1nt in the centerUne oti~"U'l Avenue (sholm ..
AvenuR H on .aid H"nry ~il 11-.. SubcU Vision) J then_
along the o_"1'Une of mn AvtmUe I. 0 de._ 42' E. 209.00
t., to 81'1 b~ft pl:p4t at the inteJ'HcUon t.t-A'nOt wi tb the
eout.ber1;y 11M ot 'ltanchlot 2'. thence along the eouther17
Un. 01 ~."eb1ot #; N. 89 del. 10' E. 37'.35 teet to the
po1At ., beg1mlna, eel
GO~'.r AUlI~ Tttti;~~Itl 2.00 acre&1 at land, IJ"O...
IN \^JrrNESS 'lrJHEREOF, the
District of Santa Clara County, Grantor, by and through its
duly authorized Clerk of its Board of Trustees (Education),
bas executed this Grant Deed this
day of
, 1956.
QUro)" School
District of Santa Clara County,
State of California,