Gilroy, City of to GUSD APN. INSURED G WHEN RECO:O'e~t01\GO TIT /~ Dedi: 1 4695314 3/09/1999 8:00 AM I RECORDING REOUESTED DY . ~ ".'~ OnOE'''I11 Name r HARRISON and HARRISON Attorneys at Law 178 Second Street, Suite D Gilroy, CA 95020 -, Street Addren City SIBle 2Jp L -1 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Grant Deed TRANSFER - NO CONSIDERATION - REPLACEMENT OF LOST DEED The undersigned grantor(s) dec1are(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ ......:::9..:::....................... ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Un in co rpo I"a ted a rea: ( X) Ci t Y 0 f .....J?.;L1X..9Y--..........................................................................-........................--... ( ) Really not sold.NO FOR ~E CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation hereby GRANT(S) to GILROY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT that property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: THIS GRANI' IS MADE SUBJECT 1D AIL covenants, conditions I restrictions, exceptions, easements, rights-of-way, rights-of-access agreements, reservations, encumbrances, liens and other matters of record; and ~lY matter which would be disclosed by accurate survey, investigation or inquiry. SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATIAmED HEREm AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Mail Tax Statements to Gilroy Unified School District, 7810 Arroyo Circle, Gilroy I CA. 95020-7313 Date / - if _L} <1 STATE OF CALlFOHNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA On.::::r l..l {.. ( q q before me, Ihe undersigned, a Nolary Pu lie in and Cor said Slale, personally appeared ::J A L( .6 A t.-<' ~ A J City :af Gilroy personally known 10 me (~cd Ie m8~n-tfl~l'r-Ot-&atimetory ~denccTlO be Ihe person",," whose name(X5 is/lIK subscribed 10 Ihe within inslrumenl and acknowledged 10 me Ihal he/she/lhey CJ(eculed Ihe same in his/llrt/th.m- aulhorized capaciIY(.if:$.), and Ihal by his/herllbctk signalure~on lhe inslrumenl the person(~). or Ihe enlity upon behalf oC which lhe person~ acled, CJ(cculed Ihe inslrumenl. WITNESS my 113" and oCCicial seal. L / /y< 1 ..I . Signature / / L-f 7U{f\... / Rhonda Pellin (typed or prinled) RHONDA paLIN - (i) Commission # 1142623 2 i r-e; Not(I'f Public - Colifcxnla ~ 1 Santa Ciao County 1 My Ccmm. EJcpi'es Jm19. :;ro 1 .......------..---.........--------........... ! Name (This area Cor oCCicial nolarial seal) FfGIS-140B/94 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE ,<11 '~ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION That portion of Sublot 8 of the Las Animas Rancho in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, California, described as follows: Commencing at a point in the center line of La.a.F. A venue (formerly Martin Lane), said point being the point of intersection of La.a.F. Avenue with forest Street; thence along said.center line, South 60027'04" West 795.48 feet to an 3/4 inch iron pipe; thence leaving said center line, North 72036'19" West 41.06 feet to a common corner for Sublots 8 and 9 of the Las Animas Rancho in the Northerly line of La.a.F. A venue, said common corner being the Point of Beginning; thence leaving said Northerly line, North 03045'56" West 322.40 feet; thence North 19015'56" West 418.44 feet; thence North 24030'56" West 155.76 feet; thence North 29030'56" West 354.60 feet to a common corner for Sublots 8 and 9 in the Southerly line of Sublot 6; thence along the line between Sublols 6 and 8, North 58038'20" East 365.50 feet to a common corner for Swanston Lane and Sublot 8 in the Westerly line of Sublat 7; thence alalig the line between Sublots 7 and 8, South 26021'40" East 435.34 feet; thence North 63035'22" East 299.37 feet to the center line of Forest Street; thence along said center line, South 26018'57" East 66.20 feet; thence leaving said center line, South 60027'04" West 538.33 feet; thence South 22032'56" East 711.50 feet to a point on the Northerly line of I.a.a.f. Avenue; thence along said Northerly line, South 60027'04" West 240.06 feet to the Point o[Beginning and being the same property conveyed to the City of Gilroy to be used as a Publ ic Park by Deed dated May 7, 1912 and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County in Book 388 of Deeds at Page 357. Reserving therefrom a right of way for road purposes across the described property, said right of way is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a common corner for Sublots 8 and 9 in the Southerly line of Sublot 6; thence North 58038'20" East 315.31 feet to the Point of Beginning: thence South 26021'40" East 491.0 I feet; thence North 63035'22" East 349.32' feet to the center line of Forest Street; thence along said center line, North 26018'57" West 60.00 feet to the Northerly !ine of . Swanston Lane; thence along said Northerly line, South 63035'22" West 299.37 feet; thence along said Northerly line, North 2602 I '40" West 435.34 feet; thence South 58038'20" West 50.19 feet to the Point of Beginning. Also reserving'therefrom a 30.00 foot easement for storm drainage purposes over, under, and across the described property, the center line of said easement is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a cOlllmon corner for Sublots 8 and 9 in the Southerly line of Sublot 6; thence South 29030'56" East 245.08 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 5 I 043'21" East 307.24 feet to a point on the Westerly line of the above described road right of way and said easement being terminated at this point. The siJelines arc lengthened or shortened in order to .... .,.. . " ,- terminate on the boundaries of the described property. AlSO reserving therefrom an easement for bridge construction and maintenance purposes over, under, and across the described prop~rty, said easement is particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point in the center line of I.a.a.F A venue (formerly Martin Lane), said point being the point of intersection of La.a.F. Avenue with Forest Street; thence along said.center line, South 60027'04" West 795.48 feet to an 3/4 inch iron pipe; thence leaving said center line, North 72036'52" West 41.06 feet to a common corner for Sublots 8 and 9 of the Las Animas Rancho in the Northerly line of La.a.F. Avenue, said common corner being the Point of Beginning; thence North 03045'56" West 29.99 feet; thence North 60027'04" East 56.77 feet; thence South 72032'56" East 36.92 feet; thence South 60027'04" West 95.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. End of Description '." 4':-~.... '.r,," :. / \, ".cf"" '. . ".~' . ,<~ '!--'ftJ ,00 tll':.' i' . .,~~~. .' t ~-,'~'l' .~ j - GILROY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTlUCT Gilroy, California RESOLUTION #98/99-21 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEED FROM CITY OF GILROY WHEREAS, the CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporatio~l, has conveyed real prelperty to GILROY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT as evidenced by a copy of a Grant Deed marked Exhibit "A" and attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, GILROY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, by and through its Board of Education, desires to accept said conveyance of real property and authorize its Superintendent to take all necessary steps to effectuate this transfer including the signing and certification of all documents of acceptance and recording of said deed. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Education of the GILROY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT does hereby accept the Grant Deed, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, as Exhibit "A" from the CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation, and does hereby authorize its Superintendent to take all necessary steps to effectuate this transfer including the signing and certification of all documents of acceptance and recording of said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of February by the Board of Education of the Gilroy Unified School District of Santa Clara County by the following vote: AYES: Blomquist, Carpenter, Good, Martinez, Rodriguez, Rogers and Howard Preferential vote by Ross NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None I hereby certify the above resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution of the Board of Education of Gilroy Unified School District passed and adopted on February 4, 1999. ~/~~ David Alvarez, Secretary Board of Education ..!;'!....,.