Gilroy, City of to Creekview Properties (3) "RECORDING REQUESTED BY DOCUMENT: 14301218 Tit I es: I / Pages: 3 --- U III II III II III III Fees 13.00 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Taxes r I Copies. Qhol"\...~P~II'V' "'0014301218"' AMT PAID 13 00 CITY OF GILROY BRENDA DAVIS RDE l:* 007 CITY ADMINISTRATION SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 7/23/1998 7351 ROSANNA STREET Recorded at the request of 335 PM GILROY, CA 95020-6141 Grantee L Escrow No. Orde~ No. --l SPlICE ABOVE THIS UNE FOR AECORDER'S USE QUITCLAIM DEED The undersigned declares that the documentary transfer tax is - 0 - RELEASE EASEMENT INTEREST ~N STREET O . . NO CONSIDERATION andas computed on the full value of the mterest or property conveyed, or IS C&J computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. The undersigned declarc:s that the cityl ~ty transfer tax is $ 0 0 . 00 . The land, tenements or rea1tyis located in 0 unincorporated area 00 City of GIlroy FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION ~ receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, THE CITY OF GILROY do(cs), hereby REMISE, RELEASE~ and forever QUITCLAIM to CREEKVIEW PROPERTIES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP the following described real property in the County of SANTA CLARA ~ State of California: DESCR18Jm IN THE A'lTACHED EXHIBIT A Dated {p -/7 _01 g STATE OF CAlIFORNIA COUNT'( OF SANTA CLARA } SS. On ,.:n.,cV\ e. J 7 I I 9 q ~ RHONDA PELLIN a Notary Public In and for eaid County and State, personally appea d JAY BAKSA CI GILROY JAY SAKSA, CITY ADMINISTRATOR person.Oy known to me (ef 'l'OU8d te Me tin Ute ~aei. iii' lldi8fetory- -$Vide/a) to be the personjtl(whose namejtJ' la,,,, subscribed to the within Instrument..d acknowledged to me that he,JtM(~ .~ted the same in hl.~/ttJelf authorized capacltyM and that by hi./j:K!f~ signatuf~~r on the Instrument the perso~ or the entity upon behalf of which the personlsl acted, executed the Instrument. VYITNESS my hand and offidal eeaI. 1- - ~ - - -;H;;N;A ;~N - -, e Commission # 1142623 j.' Notay Public - CoIifania ~ t Santo Ciao County f _ __ __ _My::m,:. ~~J~ l:~l ~ s4~ ,/VZ. dA ~ ~~ SIgnature of Notary MAIL TAX. STATEMENTS TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING UNE: FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAlL AS O1RECTED ABOVE Name Strut Addl'e8$ City. State & Zip QCOEEDI BIM ksn "EXHmIT A" BEING a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 32 of the Las Animas Rancho and' being more particularly descnbed as follows: BEGINNING on the centerline of Carlyle Avenue at the southeastern most comer of Lot 1 in Block 7, as said Lot and Avenue are shown upon that Map entitled "Map of North Gilroy Tract", filed in Volume 'W of Maps at Pages 14 and 15, Santa Clara County Records and running thence along the easterly boundary line of said Lot .1, being coincident with the said centerline of Carlyle Avenue, North 22~0' West, 85.33 feet to the southeastern most comer of those lands conveyed to the Santa Clara Valley Water District by grant deed recorded in Book K276 at Page 1575, Santa Clara County Official Records; thence leaving the easterly boundary line of said Lot 1 and said centerline of Carlyle Avenue, North 86008'56" East, 51.14 feet to a point that is 37.50 feet distant, measured at right angles, from the centerline of Church Street, as said Street is shown upon that Map of "Tract No. 6663", filed in Book 489 of Maps at Pages 32, 33 and 34, Santa Clara County Records; thence running parallel with and 37.50 feet distant from the said centerline of Church Street, along a curve to the left whose tangent bears South 07043'20" West, through a central angle ofl3057'31 ", and an arc length of 82.22 feet to a point; thence South 88051 '50" West, .17.55 feet to the point of beginning and containing therein 2,652 square'feet more or less. Iw\win\hew\1 ~6 ~Q:: ~ ~t5 . C5 g [:~ - ~C: II ~~ a - .. ~G Iou ~ ~~. -.J ~~ ~ .~ V) ...... ~ ~ ~Ea s: )..,~ ~~ .~ ~8' .. ~~ ~ 8~ .0) - ~c ;x:- C" ~ " ~ .....~ ~<: a::5 TJi'A CT It) ~HlJRCH.. ~ it, '" ""> CI \ \ \ ~~ ~~ l5~ ~~ l\., li:~ ~ ~ C$ ~ ~ ~ ~ .t::S ~ ~ l) c I CI) I ~ \() !t') r~ I~ let !rl I ~~ - I ~...... I t::S ~ ---J ~C$ 7' ~~ / l)to;; .~ / (r)~ / / ~ a .... ~~ ""> rs. ~et ~~ (I) I II a - hb ''It)~ ~"C\j "">~N -"')llC . II II II <]Q::....., NO. 6 6-6 3 ~ ~ --------- ~~~ ~ E E T ~~ S 1 . .Q5 -- - ~ bb N.~ ~:g :e: ~ ...... -~- ~~~ Q5 ~~ !::)--- "") ~ ~-~- .~~ ~, - If)- - ~ }..., lr) (1)(...) / /~\r:) t(: / }..., / _L_______ o "- , .> l-... .L ~ ~ I ~ ~I ~~ ~~ ~ l( ~-~ I ~- ~~ ;,0078 I I 01 ;,6078 ~ ~ I !,u I I I ".L07 ~ ~ ~~ o 7 .L J I .L07