Gilroy, City of to PG&E and Golden State Telephone AfTIR 1lE000DG RBTUU to I d'7~ roa RlCORDDt8 USE OILY .. em 01 GILROY, here1aafter oalled. t1n1', P41V', <loa hereb7 &rant to PACIFIC GAl AND El..I.iC'l'RIC COOANI aDd GOLDEN STATS TiLEffiOO COOANI, Ca11tom1a ooJ'P01'&UoDe, h~ eall. Pao1t1o aD4 Golde S\ate, napeot,lwq, _. "'erred to 1nd1~.1'7 IDd MOOncl part1. -. referred \0 jo:1ntlT, \he r1.Iht. aDd privUep trea t1M to t_ .t U"tlOt1Da, :1DaJ*rt,1ft&, replac1na, .-1nt,ai,,~'QC, aDd ua1n& a Pqle llAe ot ~ v1t.h awm w1Iw and o&bl. u HOond puot.1ea ...., ~ th.re.trcm and all neo-8&l7 aDd proper pp, uobon, OJ'OehNe &Del bno_ and othU" tixt....., tor waraatt.1D& and dJ.8trihuUaa b.r Pa.e1t1o ot eleet.r1o ....., and tor rencl4tr1n& b.r Go14erl State ot o~.t.1oD eentoea, nepeot1~, to.....h.. 1d.th a. richt ot wq t.b.tr.retor, ..... aDd &OJ'O" iMH eerk1ll po_l... UtMt.e 1D the Cltt7 ot G1lro7. County of s.m.a Clara., State of CaUtol"D1&, which are cleHr1bed .. tollow: The parcel ot land deMribed in Onliml'1Oe No. 607, 4at.ecl Aupat. 3, 1"', and. rtlCOrdecl in the ott18e ot the Count.,. n...J'd.. ot aa.1d Couut7 ot Santa Clara u.adel" me No. 1678JJO. The route ot ea1d po1.ea J wine aDd cabl.. acro.. aa14 la81 IhaU be .. loea.t.e4 .. the p:nmcl ... .t.at.. Nt, b7 the 1aIin.... of MCOnd puU... Pint part1 4180 &rant. to ...0Dd part1.. an4 euh ot th_ the r1&ht to tria ID,J' v.. aloq Mid pol.. aDCl 1d.rM whenever couUered. nec_hZ7 tor the oaaple\e "'.,..1', ot the r1gbt. hereb7 Il"anted.. The pl'O'rial_ henot aball1m1N to the beMt1t 01, an4 bW, t.he ....peet.1ft he1n, ......n, eel ...Spa ot the pan1. hereto. II Vi'IT1i5S WHUEOF tint party hu exeout.ecl theM pr_.ta t.h1a 29 t h cIq ot Apr 11 , 19~_. __ell 1ft the preecee or: ;; - , k';: I .-- Wlt1l_ ( " '... '-. '- ,- . tfl _"I cm OF GILROY 87. /zd7~<./~~-4: Ita Ma yo r Ii'; Tf ,,\7 San J... W.O. 4-1OJ9-D NL-ma, APH 786-" DlC 28690-G, Auth. GL-O.336 "SCL St of SW~ aDd SWt ot 8E~ Sec. 35, T.1OS...~ a.~':'f and. N* of I"wt aDd. If~ o.t ~ of See. a, T.llS., 1.31., M.D.B. . H. i.f V "~~t; ~'l '; ;,;, ~ ;;.:, 0{ ['t ~ Chtllk. ~'n,,,,,~~J&~u@oog~ @@~\2 o ;;.; t.,1: ~ . {!. f.i#": STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SSe COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of April, 1969. / . 1 .//~--'../ f~/\; 7 ri'10/YZ-C) ~. /r21 c. Dt'12 <'?1.,' /V? City C l'~rk. C f ty of 'c f1 roy } County of Santa Clara S~at. of California (S... J) 82.1004 (30008.66)" .. . .- ~ '- ''-,- I L I I ----- "- "" "", "- "'-. -.. Xi ~"'cc I IN!:: 1\, " C;lv 01 0/ JI'C V v LI ~)rdi/):.jl7o~_' No 00'/ ;;/e tJ /( 8/:50 ^ " \ \ l- I \ ~;) \ I~ \ t%i~ ~ t ~ --------------/ "- . I ~ ) ~ <: " . _.' .--j -- -- _. "':.',-"... -.'" "-1.,._'... t .I'.....) ~G ...,.. . / [; ~ I' /:1.;l ,- . A 1---- /. /yS, n. ,) -, IL!-/..[~U/17 .. , - \ '--/~ ~:';:.' ----- ;,- >~ ;/) ---'-- _u_____. --0- j /1 '-':' ,i, '.Y '- ft'J. [) v > / I, ~'. I I I ; : I I I , , ! - ~-' i ! , I j _i-. - - - - , I ~ -----.----------.. ... _-'1'---- --- .. .- - ..-- -. - - --. -- - llecf.'e1A /) .- c- I"':Y~)"_' /_/y/)w'~vr (j t'l r)r~'I/I'I)Y r ,J _ ~ APPROVED BY "j 'II) 1 I/O C ""f) L- J - '1 "..,/.. ,) r) .' '..l'. . ,0"..'- /I/.JJ IY(, /d/O;:'U ., I I (:,/ .<'~/ C.II ,'JL -'-' ro ~J{r j'. I F/5 ( I:' 7S-.~!/ ;;""'on/O (/..-//;:7' (0. SUPV. BY DSGN. /;/ DR. ,/-~...,::.tC7I. CH/,j O.K. CAn: SCAut )';'/_"r(j //!. ')/1'0' "-~ V\/";"';V J T I1:J 1./::: I... / A }(:~- 1._-:-;.: 7c:AJ. 'c;) () II. / ELKS (_OLJ61'.;- d /567 (-:FTY t?/ G/LRO Y' PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO. CAUFORNIA GM BY eH. APPD. CRAWINQ LIST SUPERSEDES SUPERSIlCED BY SHEET NO. SHEI!TS DRAWINCJ NUMBER CHAM.. CHQ. D"TE CE'CRIPTION $JL 7//8 "