Gilroy, City of to Santa Clara County --- .....---... I 'iH 'r -.,:::,1 (- _ _ i t"':: ~ ;.,;:.; ( ; .;;..:::' 1 L.:; r~.'_,:- Cr::. I i (:-: ;- ,-Hi-'i!'.j 1: 'i:_"1 I::':,,-! 11_[. '. "-'+-.;..:0 :"-:'__'_' - "_"':'_: ,.;.. .. I" U f,/ '. . ' . ~,,' . When recorded please {.,{.I return ton r.()l.~~)j:l1' ' I,' "'j ( . . COUt'.1 ''''\ M,....., 7,0 \'l( i"dV :' Sa~ ~ ~ ~ v ,.l,1>- ~. 01~1 !IB( R City of Gilroy 10th.street378 t:" 6 "\ t- 2919-4 :J I ~ 8876 ~554 . FILED For.~ nEOORO f, 1" 1:>1-....11'..-- "/' OF C.. .~-~. '. \L.:..>..j~".~:;"~ . F9:Y~"!;i. CQYl'l r?!fb MR I I 50 PH '70' r i- r' . '3785615 ( GRANT DEED OF[-;,..." :.. ;,)Oi~DS 8J\N"U~:';,. ' >;.:. GOllNTY GEe r~ Cii, i:, ~~ O';'(U: s does hereby:'''' "i~,~O property Ft ';t l' THE CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation grant to the County of Santa Clara all ,that real I! situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the point of the intersection of the Westerly line of Alexander Street, 60 feet wide with the Southerly line of that certain 1 acre parcel of land described by the deed from Mike J. Filice, et a1 to the Gilroy Telephone Company recorded in Book 2311 of Official Records at page 532 in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa C1aral State of California; thence from said point of beginning North 21 10' 16" West 14.17 feet along the Westerly line of Alexander Street to a point; thence on a curve to the left wi.th a radius of 20 feet and a central angle of 900 to a point in a line parallel with and 34.17 feet measured at right angles Northerly from the Southerly line of said 1 acre parcel; thence South 700 41' 44" 'vest 378.92 feet along $aid parallel line to the Easterly right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; thence South 19<'1 18' 16" East 34.17 feet along said Easterly line to a point in the South line of said 1 acre parcel of land; thence North 700 41' 44" East 398.92 feet along said Southerly line of the 1 acre parcel to the point of beginning, containing 0.311 acres of land. Witness my hand this March 6, 1970,..- a Municipal . I B j", .' 1.1 STATE OF'CALIFORNIA ) ) 55. County of Santa Clara) ,On this 6th day of March, in.the year 1970, before me, Bruce M. Jacobs, personally appeared NORMAN B. GOODRICH and SUZANNE STEINMETZ, known to me to be the mayor and city clerk of the . municipal corporation desc~ibed in and that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the municipal corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such mt11~icipal CO'L'pOL"ation l~xe(;uted the same. . . IN WITNESS ~1lEREOF I have her~tl.nt0 set. my hand and affixe:":d my official se,ll in the. County (.If Scmt;;.~ Clara" State of Cali.fond.a, the day and y~ar in this certificate first 'above writt.et"l~; .,.-1/,' I . " ~,.,,' / . , ( / I I 'i '/ /' ,.. ~ It" I /" .. II '. . (.( (,, .... '" t (" ,"/~,., , ') ,,' ..' ,,,- , , ~, 11.'t,., .(.. -,' 'lfn'J"Ce' 1T:-'"J8c-015s;- t;6tary Fun"Tic, ' in and for the .Co'~lrlt:y of Santa Clara~ Sta~e of California , -. -.':.. ~l:In~.~'~~n'S'J4:c.~l!nG U~ ~'lItr4U:~ !~l.uu): th ~ .'HI UHJ ~ 5! ,C;'~";i'~~\ [~f~UCf f\t ;l'.l':~:'~~~ t; ;; (i~'''''''' :'.~~\\ 1o..',......I'~ I.' ..1....' I'" .' .,.. ':1 ..' '.' , ,./ ;...., .. \...' : \.' ....'-. 'w_ t' I :i~\).'. 't~ '. :': . ~,", . ~.,{ J "'! " . . .. .. .,. ..,"'" ;~ ." \' '.- ''i ....,.. .'.,,' ',' .. .. ~ ....:..:..:.; :}t\i~'L'\ CL....l(r\ C~.~~~lY ,~ !:. fl.., C",;r''''':Hin'l hlM!1S ~q"(;:~,I;.:,, 11. t~'I:! ~~ L'UUr~i,;"c~nt;~'a%~':;! :.,: :.\':,\: ~ ,! '.i .~u :ti~':' t; ,~:.] t~.l ,\11 ~i