Bonino Costa, Jennie et al -r J-' , GY 314070 EL 786-10-18 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO @fl.,. 1:' ? ,,' Bee<< 8_28 f.~. .1 3466956 RECORDING REQUESTED BY rcity of Gilroy Name 4 10 South Rosanna Street Street G ' 1 C l' f ' Addre.. 1 r 0 y, ,a lor n 1 a 9 5 0 2 0 Attn: Fred Wood I Recenfed at tit. r-...-.: of TIll' -_ a" lnst ee.,., AUG 15 9i8 k... All (S~~:S.~~~~R.~~ \...~~ (;~~ ~~~, ~;cr&il"" 1 1 .il. &I ~ lM1<<I City & State L ~ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAil TAX STATEMENTS TO I No FEE Name Street Same as above Address City & State L ~ Grant Deed l'iQ ,TAX DUE AFFIX I.R.S. $----wn-o-n-e-muwum--m- ABOVE TO 405 C (4-67) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JENNIE BONINO, COSTA, FORK~RLY JENNIE BONINO, A HAHRIED l!JOHAN AND TONY BONINO AND HELEN BONINO, HIS WIFE hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILROY, A Municipal Corporation the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara , State of California: NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SANI'l'AHY SEWER FACILITIES OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY. BEING a Dortion of Lot 3 as shovm on 'Nan of the Lion Ranch", \vhich map is filed for Record in Book "p'" of Maps at pages 46 through 50 inclusive, Records or Santa Clara County, California, and being a Temporary working right or way for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewer pipe li~2 over) on 2nd across the northeasterly 20.00 fe~t of th2~ cer~2in parcel o~ land described in the Deed to Jennie bonino, et aI, Recorded ~zrch 30, 1930 in Book 501 of Official Records et page 492~ extending from =~e northerly line of Fitzgerald Avenue to the northwesterly __ine of OdP l'--- d ",' '-i .c' ,.,0, '-G'l . dt sal arce OI uan. ~LL rlgn~ OL toe v~~y OI l ray In an 0 said temporary working righ~s of way shall terminate upon the acceptance of said sewer line from t~2 Contractor by the City of Gilroy. f"'- II- 11 800K 8228 PACE 387 FOR DESCRIPTION, SEE "EXHIBIT A" ATTACHED~HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, BY REFERENCE. 1"'1 ~:~~ff STATE OF CALIFORNIA OUNTY OF Santa Clara X rt.~~'~&U~lr~ G~ cl'JENNIE BONINO WITNESS }SS. /' before ~ under- otary Public in and for said State, son ally appeared x < ~ /3 .r.u<~6 ~~N~. ,. . )( ~ ~... #?~ . known to me subscribed to the within executed the same_ / / Name (Typed or Printed) (This area for official notarial seal) j J- /' ./ / 'Title Order No. GY 314070 EL Escrow or Loan No. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE TO 443 C @ (Witness) STATE OF CALIFORNIA } SS_ COUNTY OF Santa Clara On June 28, 1968 . before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for I said State, personally appeared Everett C. WentwOr,t!lrsonally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, as a Witness thereto, who being by me duly sworn. deposes and says: ~ ThaI he ~sides.)n Gilroy A Ca1ifornii and that he was present and sawJennie wBOn1nO ~osca Tony on1no & He en ' h. ::t Boni~o ' -- . ' personally known to 1m to be the same ~ person_described in and whose name S are subscribed ~ f. ~ to the. within and annexed Instrument as 1r s t III Part 1eS thereto, execute and deliver the same. and I they acknowledged to said affiant that-----.!=.heL- t executed the same; and that said affiant subscribed his name thereto as a Witness. ~--- WITNF.j.z ;"d "q<1~1 ".\ ) SiJ~~re- ;'-'~'.~'~~t:~:-- Name (Typed or Printed) ......11 n.. ....11..11 ....II..U.,lll. II....IIIIIIIIIIIII! g i"'''s;",., JOSEPH F. BIMORE, JR. E :: -, lfj)" NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA :: : " PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN = 5.". .:. SANTA CLAJ{A COUNTY 5 ..............................11111......................11I .,.\-1- J My Commission Expires:4/25/71 (This area for o1licial notarial seat) GY 314070E1 600. 8228 it'\tGf 388 '.A "'. CERTIFICATE~OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY Jennie Bonino Costa et a1 I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said I City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Jennie Bonino Costa et a1 of the premises described In the attached conveyance da ted the 26th day of Jure , 1968 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of/said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of ... , 19 &.. ... ([~.. i , :-:::.../.' l. '.\ J .Wd. ,/ j ,t I' // .. I' I " ./ F~;';' - Xij · ./tity Administrator of the City of G it roy. ;, -j-