Gilyim Company - SCRWA DOC U MEN T : 1 431 0222 Tit I es: I / Pages: 4 I UIII~ II mill U ;:<0014310222;:< Fees * No Fees Taxes. Copies AMT PAID RECORDING REQUESTED BY South County Regional Wastewater Authority c/o City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Attn: City Clerk BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of County Agency ROE 1:* 007 7/30/1998 11: 3\ AM WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE THIS DOCUMENT IS RECORDED FOR T BENEFIT OF THE SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER AUTHORITY AND IS ENTITLED TO BE RECORDED FREE OF CHARGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 6103 AND 27383 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE AND SECTION 11922 OF THE REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE APN 841-28-001 MEMORANDUM OF PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT 1. This Memorandum of Purchase and Sale Agreement ("Memorandum") is entered into between Gilyim Co., Ltd., a Limited Partnership (hereafter referred to as "Seller") and South County Regional Wastewater Authority, a California Joint Exercise of Powers Authority organized and created pursuant to the laws of the Sate of California (hereafter referred to as "Buyer"). 2. Seller agrees to sell to Buyer and Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller the property located in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described in Exhibit A, which is attached to and made a part of this Memorandum by this reference. 3. The purchase and sale of the property shall be on the terms and conditions fully set forth in that certain Purchase and Sale Agreement by and between Seller and Buyer dated concurrently herewith (the "Agreement"), the terms and conditions of which are made a part of this Memorandum by this reference. 4. This Memorandum is prepared for the purpose of recordation, and it in no way modifies the provisions of the Agreement referenced in Section 3 of this Memorandum above. IKKS1353735.01 71-100704706002 -1- Executed on the date set forth below. Dated: ?-:J:Z~ 1f ~: -:t/~l7Jq<l APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~t1.6. ~ GENERAL COUNSEL IKKS1353735.01 71-100704706002 SELLER: GIL YIM CO., LTD., a Limited Partnership ~ '-ekE CHOW, Its eneral Partner By: BUYER: SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER AUTHORITY, a California Joint Exercise of Powers Authority organized and created pursuant to th s of California ~ ~-. J ~/). .J" i.i 1/.) -//vv;/ --t::..f'- -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA }ss COUNTY OF Santa Clara On appeared 6/22/98 Teresa Gill , personally CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER , before me, Yim Chow o personally known to me -OR- 1m proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s)@are subscribed to the within 0 instrument and acknowledged to me 0 that @she/they executed the same in @her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. --~~l --..-...-..-.-.-..&....~ i eor::~ ~1~718 I $ _. Notary Public - California - ~ 't:r 5clnta Clara coun1V ~ ~'." My con~r~: Expires Feb I, 2IXXl _~:':..'~~~-'!''':.:.'!.J<.~..... IKKSI35373501 71-100704706002 -3- Though statute does not require the Notary to fill in the data below, doing so may prove invaluable to persons relying on the document. INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICERS(S) Title(s) o PARTNER(S) LIMITED o o GENERAL o ATTORNEY-IN-FACT o TRUSTEE(S) o GUARDIAN/CONSERV ATOR o OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Name ofPerson(s) or Entity(ies) EXHIBIT A All t~at cer~ain Real Property in ~~e County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows'; Eeginning at a Sycamore tree 30" in diameter on the Westerly bank of Washer-,o;oma.."l' s Creek at: the common corner of lands of Crews and Wentz and on t~e Easterly.line of lands of Shepherd, and r~ing ~~ence along ~~e Sout~erly line of Wentz's la..~d Nor~~ 290 5' East 28.82 chains; ~~ence Nor-~~ 380 45' East 4.55 chains to the Southwesterly line of Frazier Lake Road; t~ence along said line of said Road Sout~ 500 ~5' East 6.44 ~~ains and Sou~~ 3~0 40' E~st 13.09 chains to ~~e Northwest line of land of Br~en; ~~ence along said line Scut~ 450 20' West 31.67 chains; a.."ld thence North 350 30' West 10.70 chains to the place of beginning.