Gomez, Refugia - Final Judgment of Condemnation as to Parcel H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 \ 1 11 7;( ~J 12 % ~ 13 u .J Z I- Id ~ 0( ~ 1'I 14 III 0: 0( .. tll 0: 0 Z = ZOO 0: . o j Id 0 .. 15 J- Id ~ ~ 0 0: III .J Z o Z ~ 0( 0 ~ :J Z U :E 16 o 0( . ~ iii U III S 0 w 0 % ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 17 ..., III 0 Z :r . >- Z 0( ~ Z Id 0 III -' 18 o Z 1'I .. ~ ~ OIl J- - ~ ~ 0( 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JEL;mw 632 3~t51099 ~ ana.: 7574 r~eE 177 FILf.O F OFt t'~GORO AT RrrEST~, 0" /{~~f~A~~~: ~t' .,,, ;''''~' t, l R 1;...: vltDS ....ANl ~,' ~J..AAA COllHTY ;'AUl f-. "ElL'" IU.CO"OE~ ..~ .' ", r \ P\_j .... BOOK 7574 PA8f 177 (ENDORSED) F I L E . NOV281966 PAUL R. TEllH, Clerk P. E. NELSON DEPUTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff, vs. REFUGIA GOMEZ, GEORGE T. DUFFIN, HELEN R. DUFFIN" MARX-DUFF CHEV- ROLET COMPANY, a corporation, VALLEY TITLE COMPANY OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, a. corporation" GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE COR- PORATION, a corporation, et al., Defendants. NO. 182510 FINAL JUDGMENT OF CONDEMNATION AS TO PARCEL H .,_.~ It appearing, and the Court finds, that the award con- tained in the Interlocutory Judgment of Condemnation for th~ taking of the fee simple title for street and public utility purposes in and to Parcel H, more particularly described in Exhibit "Alt, attached hereto and by this reference made a. part hereof, has been paid into Court for the benefit of defendants GEORGE T. DUFFIN and HELEN R. DUFFIN, and the Court being fully inrormed and good cause appearing therefor: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the fee simple title for street and public utility purposes in and to said Parcel H will vest in platntlff free and dis- charged of all claims and liens of every kind whatsoever forth- .. with upon recordation of the within Final Judgment. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that said 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 % ~ 13 u .J Z I- Id 14 ~ 0( ~ 1'I UI 0: 0( .. III 0: 0 Z = ZOO 0: . 15 o j w 0 .. J- Id ~ ~ 0 0: III .J Z o Z ~ 0( 0 }: :J Z U :E 16 o 0( . ~ iii U III S 0 101 0 % ~ .. 17 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .., III 0 Z :r . >- Z 0( ~ Z Id 0 III -' 18 (J Z 1'I .. ~ ~ OIl I- - ~ ~ . 19 I 20 21 22 23 241 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~oo<< 7574 ?A~t 178 Parcel H is situate in the City ot Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and more particularly described in said Exhibit "A". IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the 1966-61 real property taxes for the County of Santa Clara be pro-rated as of the date of recordation of the within Final Judgment, and that such portion thereof as is attributable to the period from and after sain date be, and the same is, hereby cancelled and the Controller of said County is directed to effect a separation and proration of said taxes between said Parcel H and the larger parcel of which said Parcel H is a part. Done in open Court this 28th day of November, 1966. M. G. DEL MUTOLO JUDGE OF THE SUprnrOR COURT . ...... t ; ," · osb'(U't\Qnt \S}:,torrec .' 1M toreg~~tgth~ Of~glrt.at on f!l;" copy- ~... tll 1:hi! offici' " , '"<~Sli>~'i~'Q~ ~t ,~..~t h".. , " .. ."" ';:'. ~ ....,' ~". 'it' ~;~~;~~_G'1':r",jrtt 13:~y~~~e~u, . 2 -r "8'00'; 7574 P,\~ 179 ~~rr ~IA ff .n Allt.hat certain :real fJr()~.rtl s1tuat. in the City or G:11.roy.. C(!tmtyot Sant& !~la.B, Si,;a(~e (}f' C&11t'om.:ta, mf;lre~r.. t1cu.larly descrtbed as toll~J'W&: l"arael 11 1e1~ a port 'lonof R~n as ~~nown Oil ki' .Ht~.. '7 aCCOfi!)- Myinf! tn. 'lnalR.t~art of t.he Bet.rM. in t.he LA$ Animas Ranehe Part! t10n tlui't.. A~ tlQi'l lIo. 5536 bad in tne ~~tlp.r1or COllt't of tOe St...t. otcalltQrrU.a, In and fo.r the county tfJt Santa Clara, en-d betngmo" pa,;rt1~ularly de5erl~(t as foll~iH uS_IIIING at apot:nt in $l1)ut~hea.ti.r11 I1ne~f that cer~ain ~,4rcel of land conveye4 Ge~l'ilit~T" iMt1n 4Uld H~!EUl R. D\1I<<1o, nis w1te, by Deed :r~ori.d :Jebruary .4$ 1 ~~6f:) in DQOK 12710t O:ft1elalr~_ordtt ~i. 330, dIstant tnereQt1 N" 8H. 'E. 6~)().~~g teet trom the~$t .I.()ut~h.r comer thereof. Md r\m:n1n$ t.beJ\~e :I.. 41". t. \if" 3i~6. teet to a point. in tb. no:rt~hw.at$rly 11ne said j tt140ca al:,ng fJa:1d nort.hwolt.erly li.n. I" .e...50 · R~" 9ft ..1""1:#) then{;1$.\ ,fL. la" ':H;; I ~.~; 'Cl1. ")- .t,;;q. ........t. l n"'-ll~l ............ ;.'1* ..",,\U f.; h..." ... t""rl1' '-":"'-.J' ~'. ",",,' _,'j.~t._/ ,,I.~,~' :~I ~..,.-_ ~~ "',il-\,l;f:.l ",,'~'~; ~"Y ,,t'w.~ "iU"i iI l.1JUl OfR.1d Pa.:f'CelN. ' E;. :)~? teet; tnfl)U'iea ~. ~?;2. I ., E. lo,:rr) rl\t$t ill 1, in aa.l.d soue.heuterly ~~~~^;?I;~::~at:l=::i:t ~\Jl~t~aste:rly l;~: s. f1<:'o · w" COftAIltINO TimREIK o. 7419 a.':tre~}'.. ..