Graef, Rudolph ~JffiI!llllllli!!lIDlIll:!J1]'1lFlllilll. N~ade the~=-~~~:_day oi'lZ~chc ~~.~ ~ ~ h ~~ -- ~ ,in the yen!' of ow' L07'd one thOl""and erght hundred and ,~.LJy ~~~~ ~ , Between~~~~~~~~1#4_~'cr~~~ ~ ___ ~__ ........................ ... .....................................,.... r...... . . .. _ .... . -- .. of'the Count;; of.....dCl47~ ~--C4:'r.cu . . ,State of CaJjfornia, the pc~rta;:..... of the, first j7al't, and & liiar--tlrO/rld-&~d!lar fb~ ~ qj../k -6JA? D/ ~~ . of the County oj. ..bCvr2k ~~aa"]7--!... ....... . .. ....... , State of California, the part;! of the second part, n;g::::ss ;;;~'d 'llhat the said pal'&;f~ of the jil'"t part, fOl' and in eon8idel'~tion if' the "';fa ::f ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ . .~. ,~.' .... ... DollaTs,~~, . of the Umted States of Amenca, to...................... ................~n hand paid by the said pnrto/.... of the seconel pnrt, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, clos~1L!1;JJ:-l~>~sen~s grant, bnr!Jain, sell, c~nvey nnd . confIrm '. unto t.he said PClf.'o/' of the seconel ~art,. mul to /~ -4....rxJ'...Jl~cl asszgns forever, nll th~ cerhnn lot ,pwce or parcel.... of hUlcl, situate, lying and beu~g ~n the ..JJzq. .o/...~~ .. -. County of.. dClO:1:k ,.t!bf'c~.....................State 01 Unlifornia, and bounded and particzdarly described as follows, io loit:... 1j~~9 a/cu/~~ 4~ ~~ q/a/n ~ ~/?/?~9~-d; !/~ ~ ~c/G2 ~~ /~ / ff~~ -/h ffi~ o/A~ a/ok,.. !tlV1.. cu m;p c:vnd S-Lvr-~ "/JnacLL4 ~~erz,~k ~ ~~ /Y70 CUrLcl ~UYl-A ..uiv ~#U ~ of /~ b~ ~Lvu~ aj--dC7LLd -6dy - Lv d~1u ~~o ~ ~ ik~ ~~~CUd /~ of hl~ ~7' d~cunL- 9B_63~-CL~~, ~s$Y~. ~rI~~4~ 1urr1~~~qj~d ..rf~J/UUM~r~. aluvu; I~ ~,ftr af -S~d CU~ J1~~ :L0-~~ /&<:..u 6~zry a!~/k. i 1tur-t~ ~ of Land- of ;f ~ ~9~ r~- ~ I~ ~~ ~~ cy-.f'CU-d I~/ /~OJ~(.~ &~~,af-.f'cud aL0' ~ 67J.,5Vr:ra-: ~ /Hurr<:-A/r ~ -Lo /~ gLru/Ldy~ u-/ ~dJ a-rf a, ~~, ;~ cJ~ f~ gij(M~/~ 0/ Levnd o;I<fCLL~ ~~(rvu, Oh1oC 'f) -t:Y~d #:~/&~-Lv~ ?7~~ 4~~/~~aLc~/g Ijlf~. ~ o;f~ t2fhy :#0t.U. . 7S::$ZJ WCL..LzzL~~h~ I/~ 11A/rl~~ ~~cLof.~ ~ ~d/~~ cJ~/~ 1 '11nf~~~ 0/ La,-noi c;f ~ ~ &~ g>- ~-Lo /.g~ of ~~y;: ,~~__~.d__~_~ -- ~- i #'~~ of /JL~ftcvr/~4~~~L;; ~ !5tl6-fz-cvzq~/~~d;6~ cdL/~~~oJ~~~' IWMdLv cdL1QA/7c& 4f~ 4/~~~r~(7~~o;(~ ~ , I I I ! i . ----------. I>~ Tot5ether with nll and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in nny w~se ~ .' appertaining, . . ................... ...................... . ..................... . ................ ...................... . .............. ---- TO HJl YB AND TO HOLD all nFJJ.J!1!i!i:!/~ the said premises, together 7Dith the appu.;rtenances, unto the said par0j of the second part, and to...l~...~~ ancl assign~ forever. . ~. . .IN WITJ:fESS WHEREOF, the sald partAf.......of the first part ha.S.......herelu~to set.......................hand....ancl seal......the day and yenr first above written, Signed, Executed and Delivered in the presenc~ of ~~6j}k~~ U f ....[ SEAL.] ....[ SEAL.] .. [f'EAL.] r.- '-' :.. Itat. of ..'If.,.la; COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA. } sa, On this ................day of ..........A. D, one thousand eight hundred ..........., a Notary Public and ninety-.. . ....., before me, in and for said County of Santa Clara, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and his wife, whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, known to me to be the flame persons described in and who executed the said instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. And the said .................... described as a mnrried woman, and the wife of said ............................................................. .............,................ ................ upon examination, without the hearing of her husband, I made her acquainted with the contents of said instrument, and thereupon she aclmow ledged to me that she executed the'same, and that she does not wisp. to retract such execution. IN \VITNESS WHEHEOF, I ha've hereunto set my hand and affixed my Offical Seal, the day and year in this Certificate first above written, Notary Public. t4. ........... .. ~~t.t. " of .'if...,. }' SS. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA. On t~.k1!hdJ:1 ~~~~~day ~...~...~... A, D. one tho""nd eight hundr,d and ninety-.~ -:-. , before me,......~~.., .......... ................a Notary Public ly commissioned and swor personally a ppellred................................ .... oIv.~.. ......._whose name. ..~: ........subscribed to the within instrument, known to me to be the same person described in, and who executed the said instrument, and acknowledged to me IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, the day and year in this Certificate first above written. ~....... tf Not~-Public. -'- --,/ II . -~~~r I t. ~~ I !.~ ~ ;---- ~ /. -'J~ ( "'"-. , : 'J -,- '. ~ , I ~ <:() -;.;:, i:::5 .~ ~ co ~ <+-0. o .p Ul ~ .... ~ tj ~ -;.;:, ~ ~ -;.;:, ~ ~ i:::5 ~ ~ ~ c:> Q ~ ~ -;.;:, ~ j i I Ii II ! I ~ -~ j--i ~+ Ii I! i i Ii ........... --rr- II , ; ! j 1 j , ! I 1 ! i i ! I It i I ! I , I i I J