Howson Industries . City of Gilroy ,& L Susanne E. Steinmetz, City of Gil roy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95~20 1 City CIerI NO FEE 99790:37 \rltll.FQlfltr._"fJ) 41.J:MQI4STdt C,ff 0 +- G:IIZ() y JAH 17 9 22 AH '89 NO FEE PER' GC SEC 27383 f':- AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO ~ r 'Ie k -1 ~.,. OFF1Cl1. RECGAe,"'?"" SANTA CLARA C:OUtfN I..AURIE KANE ~€CO~OER ., r... I MAil lAll IYAUMEHIS 10 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE . Ci ty of Gilroy I K 820PAGE124~ .1 7351 Rosanna Street " & I. L Gilroy, CA 95020 -.J TO 404 CA (12-73) I - GRANT' DEED I D.T.T.' FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERA nON, receipt of which II ~e~eby acknowledged, Howson Industries, a California Limited Partnership hereby GRANT(S) to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporatio.n the real propertyio the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara Slate of California, described al: (SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED. HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE) Dated: ~EC Etn Bet? ':L( t1iie }ss. Howson Industries, a California Limite< ~,' . "'- ','. .. 1-/ Corpor~tion J ~~A~.~ ~.~~ . ...r XcW'~ n y.~~ 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On bel ore me, the under. signed, a Notary Public In ami lor said State, pers<*ally appeared to be the person_whose name Inslrument and acknowledged thaI WITNESS my hand and official seal. , known to' me subscribed to the within executed the same. Signatur~ Nsme (Typed or Printed) (This ate a lor official. nolari,1 seal) Title Order No. t. ____.__ Escrow or LORn Nn I STATE O~_CAU.:"RNJA, , ~,,8 2 OPAGE 1244 c-,~4tJm!L-/ttfA- l . 0" this ( d.. "-ay of--~ 'f!l.fkE th, yct' OM tMwsaM "'''' hwsdr~daM E(GtfYY~GI-ITb~fot'~m~r-'" . ~ ft. f'11~R jSff. a No:tJf"Y Publ~ St'!!! of Califomia,~ commisJiOfl~d aM SWDnl, In'"sOflally an~ed -r-.-P""'-"~! . L I N'Y"/~ ~_~_w:s._. _d..M--Q-_._bY-'Y#--A'L-WAG1Vff,(' . G:::ge A. parnsh ! -----.-------------------.-.--..--------- ! Y PUBUC<".ALlFORNIA; boum to m~ to b, Oft, of tM lart""S of th, larl"n'"sMI that ~$"eevl~d tM withi.. Imtnmsncl, i -... NOT ::;INCIPAL OFFICE IN i aM adlfSowl~dged to m~ that StICh partMt'ship e.reevled th~ same. : .. SANTA CLARA COllN~2 i IN WITNESS WHEREOF I 1f!rvfN1~2!l s1 "!y haM aM affixed my official seal, ~. ~ion ExpireS Jan. 3~ i.. tM COWftty of~.tJ. _ ^ .L:.l-.i1!ftl---the clay aM y~ar I" this .;11 y--.____.-,...'1v--' certificate first abO'fJe writttfl~' (/' I ~ Th" docvment tI onlv · 91ner.' lorm wtHe'" tnIrY be pt'0Qef' 'Of" lite In IlInple .,.nucuons . r? fJ ;::::::.: =:. Of " In:enc:>>d 10 Kt H' :mill"'. tOl lhe edvtC'l Of an '''Olney ....:.~....._..........._.. __... ..0_ ......._n ........... om .."'n.. ... .. ..__..__ ___ _....._ ____ .. ,011., ~, lnot PfOVr::~ "':, 't'::U:;-~~~~Y ~:t:h:' ';;::'.: ==..'; ~~:.::~ Notary Public, State of California. ~~~~.ei::. ~~~ No. 29-(Aeknowledl1DeDt-Partnership) My Cormnission ExPires..._;J8..rY....:J.~.._L~~............ EXHIBIT A K 820PAGE1245 A five foot wide strip of land more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly right of way of Howson Street (50 feet wide) distant S 680 47' 30" W, 150.00 feet from the westerly right of way of Monterey Street (88 feet wide) as said streets are shown on a Record of Survey of City of Gilroy Church Street Extension recorded in Book 182 of Maps, page 89, Santa Clara County Records; thence N 210 12' 30" W, 5.0 feet; thence 30.00 feet distant and para 11 e 1 to the centerl i ne of Howson Street, N 680 47' 30" E, 130.00 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 900, an arc length of 31.42 feet; thence along the westerly right of way of Monterey Street, S 210 12' 30" E, 25.00 feet to the northerly right of way of Howson Street; thence along said northerly right of way, S 680 47' 30" W, 150.00 feet to the point of beginning. 88180 December 30, 1988 , ::: · r: ~....~, L . , P CL ..A. 1.08 AC NET 6 . .; M. H. ~6.26 .. . PTN. SUBLOT 43 g . ,. .........., -', 7-12 ~'Z Lea .............. ....... ....... f I I I I ':l uir fill -.: .' I I · I I '~7SO ... 109.68 PC L. 8 0.72 AC. NET .6 , . MH. \D t- . riI o '" ? 0 M . N 0 r-I 0 - r-l - N Z . 0 . y S 68'" 47' 30" t~ '~HOWSON . · · 0 '?~ ho- -cs. I o <{ o 0:: .. . I~O oK 8 2 0 P AG E.12 46 . . . I 2/ o CP V 1" = 50' ro' ~ - I , I . . . 239.72 ... OWN./5"CCVCST 01974 -197$ " . /3 - t , I >- W 0:: r.il W = 0 ?- M . N Z r-l 0 r-I 0 N 00 ~ II - 130.0' R = 20' ~ = 9ao L = 31.42' \. Lll N /. -... ./ EXHIBIT B Prepared by: Garcia & Henry, Inc December 1988 1" = 50' K 820 PAGE 12 4 7 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY . HOWSON INDUSTRIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby cert~fy that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified'copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by ___ Howson Industries, a California Limited Partnership of the premises described in the attached. conveyance dated the 12th day of December 19 88 , . , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 10th day January Gilroy of