Howson, W.R., et al #j~ _._ I,.., "... .IJ, r1 Application No........::............... , . BOOt 5420. PACE A.35 21180~1 :. ." i>':t ":1' I I.R.S. ~rant 11\ttb 3Jnbibibual W.R. HOWSON and FRANCES M. HuWSuN, his wife, and J.M. HOWSvN and LINNIE F. HGWSO , his wi fe , . I '! Y I"J .! \Jnf, l.~i (.; t. l'e l! '1U !r\"Z 02 Iii ,"'t' " .';, ,"'"" P/-,.U ! ,,-~ ''; :'~~ :) s utHY OF~~'! ~-1 the lirst parr i e s ,hereby GRANT TO SAhli'.:, i;,L,.,'. . , CITY L? GILROY, a municipal cornoration the second parr y , all that real property situated in the CITY liF GILRlJY, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: b, t( Above space for Recorder Sub BEING a porti0n of! Lots 42 and 43 a s shown rn Map No.8 accompanying the report of the leferees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior C0urt 0f the state of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 50.00 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Monterey Street, distant therenn N. 21~ 15' w. 54.00 feet from the C0mmrn corner to Sub Lots 42 and 43 as sh0wn on said Map No.8, and running thence S. 680 45' W. to the intersecti0n thereof with the easterly line of the nrrtherly pr0jecti0n of Church Street. WITNESS hand this 7th day of December ,19 54 ,.;1"" / _.:::....<. .;..~.'~..- u_.(...~... ....:::~:7::;~:.,~:~~~':::>~::::;:;;.::.~~~~::~.~:"::~./.__ n n_.n n__ n. U. W~.~.. Howson '//-/1 . _ .. -1 ...../..k~1:-:.J;!.A..L..;L..!...lzL.....!.:~....1:.:~:e.:i.:.:."-L.,-:-........................... Fra~~es M. ~~s.on -'x' . 9J l' '1\(f'L{/,r;;3-~" ' :rlJ.~'.~..HOWSQ}).:..~/~mu.....u...u...................................................... ~~:~~~~..:.u..::~~::.:--:f:-::!.:~~........................................... Linnie F. Howson i / STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 55. ont~s,.,:f:?f{.."d"y of ~, 19~if, before me, h~:nj..~~~.;::I'~~./ I ..". '. / known to me to '" ',h, ";6".$ W"';'.~' """ ,",",,;b<d '0 .h, fo~.o;.. ;n,..;n" ~ .<know'..; r.' ~ J"~d ,h, ..m.. .................~..................... ....... ..... <. ........................:.;............... / . . oc uMk ....../' "'ili" J .'r;' r....:f ~V~j ~SOLvrION NO. 664 RESOLUTION OF Tm~ COUNCIL A("C:E~PTING DEED FROM l:IDv-JSON I s me., i" CORPOR}\T ION, CON"vE':t ING HOWSON STRF';ET TO THE CITY OF GILROY. BE IT RESOl.VED that the CITY OF GILROY does hereby accept the attached Det:d frura Howson' sIne. convey ing 'What is known as Howson street to the Cit'y of Gilroy and consents to its recordation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this .1.n.9..- day of January. 1962_ , by the following vot(;~~ AYES: coUt~CILH.EMBERS :DuffintGoodrich.Jordan,Petersen,Quartirol i. Wentwortht and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCILMfMBF.~S :None i\.BSENT: COl.Jl.iCIU1.E}.1BERS: None l\PPROVED; SIG SANCHEZ Mayor ATTEST: SUSANNE E. PAYNE City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) I, SUS\NNE E. PAYNE, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the ~ day of January, \962 , at which meeting a quor~j'~s present. ;J"::~;\~.:."'''''; " mY"'~l1d..nct'.af fixed 3r,d",:;'..day. of' .~~~f:: ~':), .'i}.: f" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this January. 1962