Howson's, Inc. (2) -r BOOr. 5~64 M;t 587 2140502 Q;;;, 80b(.5464 PAGE587 4 Applicarion No......................... ..- ~., (- -:, r''' I.R.S. ((orporation ~rant l\ttb 3lnbibibual lL :.~i .~.X". .,"_ . /:----,--"" T' 2,f 1"1 rt ClJ'>j'. ,~:.~; ~ C ....J ~ . , " /, D'!"Ol"Z ,.(. \ "1 ~ "In ,,;. ,:" .. I, '..:..' ',' , ,fEL: I,; ,-"...U." ..J' a corporation, does hereby GRANT TO Pr\1_~;.. Ft re' hj,'WS :;.~UNTY :[lLH LR HOWSON1S :INC. C,:;: ~.. 5 J\ l'~ T .'\ ;.~ -' HE.:: F' The CITYiOF GILROY, a municipal corpora't .On rhe real property situate in the City of Gilroy County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Above space for Recorder ,j:-' BEING a portion of Sub Lots 42 and 43 in the City of Gilroy as shown on Map No. 8 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being a strip of land 75.00 feet in width, the centerline of which is more particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point in the northerly line of that certain 1.886 acre parcel of land conveyed to J. M. Howson, et ux, by deed recorded July 17, 1952 in Volume 2453 at page 383 of the Official Records of Santa Clara County, distant thereon N. 680 451 E. 198.19 feet, from the most westerly .comer thereof, and running thence S. 200 E. 201.92 feet, more or less, to a point in the northwesterly line of the certain parcel of land conveyed to the City of Gilroy by deed from Howson's Incorporated, ~ecorded October 19, 1960 in Volume 4954 of Official Records at page 635, distant thereon N. 700 E. 37.50 feet from the most westerly corner thereof. .. Surveyed, monumented, and described in December, 1961, by Walter J. Hanna, Jr., City Engineer, City of Gilroy. No. 1117 ;.,.-,. . I =n ~ . , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused its corporare name and seal rO be affixed hc;reto and this instrument to be executed by irs duly authorized officers, this 29th day of December , 19i 1 . /~~~. By ....{J,.rJd?1~~P~"d,;, By. ..........c:?t...../...~u./.~,~~........................ Secretary LE oLORNIA I COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA \ SSe On this .~.9;lJ 1. '] ; d,ay of December a Notary Public ip ~~'[lil'.'!aid ~oUh'X and Stare personally appeared .J,~'.".:/.'-,.., ,,:1,'0 , .. ' known to me tg,~~;!t",~'~~"".',(~?' . . President aLl W. R. Howson known ro. ~e,-g)~~;~i~.~:j~:<", ~".. _.': \'.~., I " : Secretary of the corporation that executed the within and foregoing insrru- ment, and.~I.~~_k~~4~f(o.,~J\~o. ~..tJle: pe'rsons 'who executed rhe wirhin in SlCument on ~~h~~e corporationther!lf name~nd acknowledged to me that sutP.,~6~~~~~!~tn,?~t.~t~4,thesame. uuff/~{{~"<b'iic' . I , 1961 , before me SYDNEY S. JOHNSON J. M. Howson . San Jose Abstract & Title Insurance Co. --"'~Si RBSOLt1lION tIlO. 662 l\BSOLtJ'l'IOH or THE COUHCIL ACCBPTIHG DEED 1"1\(1( BOWSON'S IlfC., A COUOMTION, CONVBYING PJilBMISES CONftITUTDG A PORTION 01' 'tHB NORTHERLY EX'l'ENS ION 01' CBUacH 'TUIft -ro watdltJRN AVUUB TO 'I'D CITY 01' GXLaOY. 8B IT RBSOLVED that:. the CITY 01' GILROY does hereby accept t.he at.tached Deed from ~on 's Inc., a corporat.ion, convey 1n9 What is known aa a portion of the Northerly extens lon of Church street to WelburnAvenue to the Clty of Gilroy and consents to its recordation. PASSED AJm AOOnBD this 2nd day of January, 1962 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIIMIIt8ERS : Duff i n ,Goodr i ch ,Jordan, Petersen ,Quart i ro Ii , Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOBS: COUNCILMBMBEaB:None ABSDt'l': COUNCILMEMBERS :None APPROVBD : SIG SANCHEZ Mayor AftBS'l' : SUSANNE E. PAYNE City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) SS IT SUSANNE E. PAYNE; city Clerk dthe City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution dulQ adopted by the Council of the '~i-.~roy, at a regular meeting of said council held on the . January, 1962 , at which a quorum:"" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my':~ the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this j~,m;t";Z,~;C. Ja a 1962 "",~"'\I',' nu ry, ;'o"~\",,'.'.,," ..,.... ~~. ..:~::-t\~:f\_".YT: .::),)~::f;_;~';:': /-. ,J65~~:?\:~~