Eaton, Mia Catherine et al DOCUMENT: 17665636 Pages: 1 1 When recorded return to: 111111111111111111111111 Fees. . * No Fees Taxes. . Cop i es. . AMT PAID City of Gilroy Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City RDE ** 009/16A 3/17/2004 9:42 AM Record Without Fee Government Code Sec. 6103 SP ACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Project: Rte. 152 Improvements Document No.: 27220-2/-3/-4 APN: 841-18-050 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS Mia Catherine Eaton, as her sole and separate property, as to an undivided ~ interest; Alfred M. DeFrancesco and Dolores J. DeFrancesco, husband and wife as Joint Tenants, as to an undivided ~ interest; Alfred DeFrancesco and Dolores DeFrancesco, husband and wife as Joint Tenants, as to an undi vided ~ interest, hereby grant to the City of Gilroy, public service easements over, under, upon and across a portion of that real property in the City of Mountain View, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Y:i:J Executed on this date: ~. ff ,2004. By~a AJfredM. DeFrancesco 11: i ~ >~BY:' - '/ Dolores J - BY: YJ}/?o- L'tiihtZ(;Ui tjo~ . Mia Catherine Eaton BY: realest.form_qct.public utility easement.doc (\ -13-00) STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ss: COUNTY OF Santa Clara On March 8, 2004 , before me, Lucinda Reineccius , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Alfred M. De Francesco and Dolores 1. De Francesco and Mia Catherine Eaton Personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatUfe(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP WITNJ:;$S~rr;y han '\ / ,.. LUCINDA REINECCIUS?;: o COMM. # 1359728 " o . . NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA IUO 0:: SANTA CLARA COUNTY ... L ~ -... -... S~~'~:.;.J~:,:'2OO~ 4. i l / . / ( Signatu~/ "'---'---/ Ilotryack rev. (010698) 27320-2 1006-08 1/07/04 DESCRIPTION PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OVER LANDS OF De FRANCESCO, ET AL TO BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF GILROY PARCEL 27320-2 All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California being a portion of Parcel 2 as shown on that certain Parcel Map filed for record in Book 279 of Maps at page 48, Santa Clara County Records described as follows: An EASEMENT for public utility purposes and incidents thereto, under, upon, over and across that certain real property described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly comer of that certain 0.310 acre parcel described in the Deed from Alfred DeFrancesco, et al to the Santa Clara Valley Water District, recorded October 3, 1985 in Book J 477 of Official Records at page 780, Santa Clara County Records; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING along the southerly line of said Parcel 2 S88002'56"W 9.628 meters; thence leaving said southerly line N85014'16"W 30.680 meters; thence Noo55'28"E 3.415 meters; thence S85057' 16"E 44.266 meters to a point in the southwesterly line of said 0.310 acre parcel; thence along said southwesterly line S57057'46"W 4.734 meters to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 147.7 square meters, more or less. Bearings and distances used in the above description are on the California Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 3, Epoch 1991.35. Multiply distances shown by 0.9999899 to obtain ground level distances. Multiply by 3937/1200 to convert to U.S. Survey Feet. Prepared by the firm of Dillon Surveys San Jose, California M:\ProjcctslR T 152\DwglDescriptions&Plats\27320\27320-2.doc Last printed 1nl2004 315 PM '. ! 27320-2 PU5:.:;to, City 147.7 sq.m.::!: (1,590 sq. ft.::!:) '\ Co<<dnatee. ~ CIIlCI cI1etancee ohown crtI on the CaIIfomlCI CoonInato .,.tern of 1118J, Zone 3. [poctI lllll1.35. Multiply dletancee ohown by o.llllllllllllll to obtoln IJ<'OUI1<I IewI dletoncM. To ~ motr1c clletancee to U. S. &lrw feet mill b 31137 200. , ';' ',,, 841-18-050 DeFRANCESCO /-.0677 O.R. 571 F>A~CEL TV{O " :\..Ll ; -,------ }X> E , ::'.f'Llf)- " /' i\/:2;t:_ /, 0 n .<j1-t..bt<<' .... \' -~ ~ ---, " ,'" G.,,1 'I J . If \, /"". i " . CjJ bt. ./,', ,.\ / '""" ! :S8S"57'16"EL~_---:-~-.7:-:- '.}'. '"..:;/:,:.:..:..t3. '~O' f '6'" '8\' '0' ..T..:.:..:..~:' "-~: .i:..-:-;:.::-:,~~ '. ~ ~ ///./ /\',:\ . :. ~~~ .~~. ..- --' . -, m~:-{.'.:--..~~.:.~... ....... ....... ....... ....:. ....... ....... ....... ......-"'....:.,.: ,~:..-. --:.-.~ - '\ N 8S"14;"r.' :;;r ""'- -<-. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .' 16 - ~.~. .:..:...... .... :~...,..,..,..,,/ / ,-"\, \ '. \ S88"02'56"W n 9.628m._RQB:~ \>.. -------- ..-........... ._:'~M'i~..32-:\:.Q[~46-8C..--.----~~~. .--.- .:::;'---->~-- _.__.".__'..._____m__________._________ ---.,--.----------~-- --..-.:.:...--..rc.-.-,;..~--:.:-....----.. "m_,_ \ \ -...(...--.--- >':~ ,,--:;--, ! " ( ,r._./; J /'/ ---- N9fSS'28"E / 7.007m -../ I ! .,/ - ----_._~_._~..._.~-_.----_..------ - .)/' NM Line "NM" 31 +44.334 POT ..--~-- ------/--..-=:.~~~~---- --.-- =ROotE152 ',->' -.- : -'.~~~:-~~--= i ~ /--- - ------.:,--- -:::.:.:.-\ <::".,-;/-- ~ \ - - ----i... '," - ~.---j. --=---=-.=--.--- i ""'" ~ , ,. , ,'. I . u / / \;~._-- _. -k J , I \ Z;:::7[ --------- - i \ ' \ , . '\ \ " \ , , \ , \. , >__~u-.---+--.......---} I ' I I I I I , I I , , , " / / :, , , .,/ ,,' ,t' , , .. , ~ PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION PUBUC UllUTY EASEMENT OVER LANDS OF DE FRANCESCO 10 BE ~ 10 1HE CITY OF GILROY PARCEl.. NO. 27320-2 GILROY CALlFORNIA . II ImIII . 3D I , I , , I , , I I . . . rm II II 100 SCAU: DILLON SURVEYS DAlE: 12 olOIl NO: 1ClOS-Oll """""JK'ts'RTlS!"\llwll~1;.\2732G\I!732O-l O1/O7/l!OO4 09047047 AM PST 27320-3 1006-08 1/07/04 DESCRIPTION PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OVER LANDS OF De FRANCESCO, ET AL TO BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF GILROY PARCEL 27320-3 All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California being a portion of Parcel 2 as shown on that certain Parcel Map filed for record in Book 279 of Maps at page 48, Santa Clara County Records described as follows: An EASEMENT for public utility purposes and incidents thereto, under, upon, over and across that certain real property described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest comer of Parcel 1 as shown on said map; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, along the southerly line of said Parcels 1 and 2 the following courses: S88040'34"E 51.662 meters; along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 599.549 meters, through a central angle 0[3016'30" for an arc length of34.270 meters; and N88002'56"E 181.629 meters; thence leaving said southerly line No055'28"E 7.007 meters to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING for this description; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING NI003'47"E 6.000 meters; thence, at right angles, N88056' 13"W 1.520 meters; thence, at right angles, Sl003'47"W 6.000 meters; thence at right angles, S88056'13''W 1.520 meters to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 9.1 square meters, more or less. Bearings and distances used in the above description are on the California Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 3, Epoch 1991.35. Multiply distances shown by 0.9999899 to obtain ground level distances. Multiply by 3937/1200 to convert to U.S. Survey Feet. Prepared by the firm of Dillon Surveys San Jose, California TIriJ=d11LunwmYdrr~t ~~rn~i;~ licensed land surveyor M:lProjectsIRTI S2IDwglDesaiptions&PIauI27320127320-3.doc Last printed 1/1412004 7:02 PM ~ "-"g. and dlotancee ohown .... on the CaIIfoQIIa Co<<dncrt. .,.tern of 1883, Z- J, [pod! 1181.35. lIultlply dletancee ohown by o.~ to obtain vround ..... dIetan-. To -.-t metric dleton.... to U. S. SUIw feet mul b JQ37 200. 841-18-049 DeFRANCESCO PM Zl9 M 48 PARCEL J Of577 OR. 57J ,,,...:.>, , , \ , , , \ \-:--~-==-- -- \ , .\\;P~i .,/' I 27320-1 I -.~..-~~-Sf.-=~:;=--=(';~f:- :R~~~1fI!;'":~.. =-__CI'~-;; - ~~L - S88"40'3-4"E 51.ll82m _. L~.2?Orh-- ",.'. ... 00 ' -' ... .....- ------ '"._''" ---~C-:~;'----'---- ,"- ---~C'- ~-)-- H ll8"O2'56" E 1lIU_29nl'STAlERlGliI ---!inDEED S 89 '32".[ ROlTFE-152 -------_ =-='T~"ml'!-~-- '.: - ':\ .\ -'\'; ! \ '. '-l'_- \ '-- \" \;, .- . F \.'; --,/ +<'+ ;~; :~~ I l',~:-h .:\ I"'" .', ,// - . -' / / · i !: ?lu ;"111,/'/; ': i If'11~?;!IU i: -841~.2:--o05---:___ .: / ; ii4 ~?a? I ~---':: , ' CO~1).J.AGRAR ------ ----- . 'oe.... //~i ..! ,-. \ \ ,,~ ..,. -.-c---__ ---.---_, Wi'i.!t //~. L "5f' '\,~~~\~~\1\,~,),\ \\\\,'~f?\'\~:---;~lJ' LL^ " '- \"~ '- ~ \ v--\.......v......... /\'f~ ~ \ \ ;i! ; '. '. ':' \, \, '\ '. '. '\ '\ " (. .~, \~,\~:'\--- it ! :i . ".j i ,,/' ~ ,A spfi ,,11 , j I : -~CNC: ;,,>;,'i. /\00V{:: =::,H/.D,-;>}':~~ 841-17-019 COHAGRA PNlCEl FOUR RS J04 M 2f) PM 62JM2J&22 PARCEL 2 ~7;/L;; , DOINIS A. Iltl..LON. PLS 4528 PUBUC UTIU1Y EASatENT o'tm LANDS OF DE FRANCESCO TO BE CONVE'1m TO lliE CITY OF GIlROY PARCEl.. NO. 27320-3 SHEET ONE OF TWO SHEETS GIlROY CAUFORNIA . II IIIlII II II I , I I , I , I I I I . II II nIr 111I III 110 SCALE DILLON SURVEYS DA IE: , "\ProjecU\RTlSNIorg~u'27320'2732.HshLD'JG OVO:Vl!OO4 030t0041 PM Pn Co<<-cInatee. be<<1n9" and cn.t_ ohown en 011 the CaIlfomhI Co<<-cInat. .~em of 1983. Z- 3. [poch 1181.35. Multiply clletCll1CM II.-. by 0.18188I8 to obtain vroun<I ..... ckton-. To con~ metric clletoncee to U. So Surw feet mill b 3037 200. J ~ ,-- , , . "L LAN8S OF DE FRANCESCO I 27320-3 PUE to City 9.1 sq.m.:f: (98,'sq~ft.:f: ) .' . '; J~ __ :') :.') '. N88'56'13"W 1.520m N01'03' 47"E 6.000m , /NOO'55'2J3"~ (, , 7.ab-7m . --I N88"56'13"W- 27320-1 1- - - -'If-,..S88'56'13"E -- , 'L. ,1.520m : 18f.629m N88'02'56"E ~ .:T --------ReuTE 152 ...,........ , " \ \ '\ \ , \ \ , \ \ \ .l--\~,.l._.~~---~:--~\ /'1/'/'/ ',/ / / /1 ,/ " I I I I I .' ' I I I I I '-____,/ ~:;:~'?;,~~~_f '~ -------/:.~-------------- --~/ ~~-~-_...~ 0[C:r:- I \ I \ '\ I / 1/ ~ ~A ."'. --_.____,/ 'l,=,j/ I n :1 :i " I: Ii ~ \ \, '\ \ i' \ \ \ I \ , \ \ , \ ' '. I \ , \ \ ! /}-~T7 -~7 I I I I i/ / ,I / ......., TREC:~; A. i: ! I !i i 'I , . I' l! TPOB -L~----r--r-- "NM"_ 3Z_+69~~.40 - s'c ~-,._...~:. :=C~-FO NM Line /' ( PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION PUBUC UllUTY EASaCENT ~ LANDS OF DE FRANCESCO TO BE CONVEYED TO 1HE CITY OF GILROY PARCEl. NO. 27320-3 . 10 mil III Sl I , I I I I I I I I . III <<I ,., II II 100 SCALI!: GIlROY CAUfORNIA DILLON SURVEYS SHEET TWO OF TWO SHEETS DA 1E: 1 "\I'rojocta\RTlS2\Dwg~_ts\27320\27320-3-1!.D1iG 01/0712004 0245<1& PM P$T oIOlI NO: 100&-01I 27320-4 1006-08 1/07/04 DESCRIPTION PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OVER LANDS OF De FRANCESCO, ET AL TO BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF GILROY PARCEL 27320-4 All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California being a portion of Parcel 2 as shown on that certain Parcel Map filed for record in Book 279 of Maps at page 48, Santa Clara County Records described as follows: An EASEMENT for public utility purposes and incidents thereto, under, upon, over and across that certain real property described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest comer of Parcel 1 as shown on said map; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, along the southerly line of said Parcels 1 and 2 the following courses: S88040'34"E 51.662 meters; along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 599.549 meters, through a central angle of3016'30" for an arc length of34.270 meters; and N88002'56"E 181.629 meters; thence leaving said southerly line No055'28"E 7.007 meters; thence N88056'13"W 20.664 meters to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING for this description; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING NI003'47"E 6.000 meters; thence, at right angles, N88056'13"W 3.050 meters; thence, at right angles, SI003'47"W 6.000 meters; thence at right angles, S88056' 13"E 3.050 meters to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, Containing 18.3 square meters, more or less. Bearings and distances used in the above description are on the California Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 3, Epoch 1991.35. Multiply distances shown by 0.9999899 to obtain ground level distances. Multiply by 3937/1200 to convert to U.S. Survey Feet. Prepared by the firm of Dillon Surveys San Jose, California J::J';Z;Z or oodcr my dir~t ,upe~:: licensed land surveyor date M:\ProjcctsIRT I 52\DwglDcscriptions&PlatsI27320127320-4.doc Lost printed Inl2CJ04 3:47 PM Co<<-cInat... ~ve ...d dlot_ ohown ..... ... the CallfolIlla CoonInot. e)lItem of 1883. lane 3, [pod! Il1e1.35. MuItlpIy diet....,.. ohown by o.~ to obtaln ground IewI ~ To con..t metric diet....,.. to U. S. SUrw Mt mill b JOJ7 200, 841-18-049 DeFRANCESCO PM Zl9 M 48 PARcEL J DOTl OR. 571 , , \ \ :,'-:,'.; / ~ 'it>' / - ~_ '___ __'. . I 27320 1 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .........~~T---c::::7...,~':-~-:x~f~il!;'=:; .=-_.c=r~-'-.. - 2d~~:~ .I:'i-.-.--.~~-C~_=-::-:.. -, --:::C'r.----- .,--... 588"40'J4"[ 51.862m . L-34.2?Ori. ,--.. - 00 ' ,- -' N B8"02'56" E 181.~29riI; ~I~2~ l:POB" . '. S 89'~ .L. ~- --~--~- ------- __._m......_...o - ROtJFJ;~~152, --' ,~---==----- ----------,;.SPH~'!.-uNE. - -- ---- -- - ----- -,--,._._~"-~- '=' ,._- . -/ ..." '-; \ l ~<\ i...L.J:.,..\ - f/ :-1 ~.-' . --.-' , 1/ I' / (,. , , " . . / ;./ / ~~>'71/>:) ".7 / 84-1..,."I2.=:Q05----___ .. . ~ I / \ \ CO~G,R~~--~-~-':-;-=-~=~-=-_=_---,-.--- :: !~I~ \. '- \ ,.i. '- '- " \ '- '- '< '- ',\,j.~--,'-..-,---__ ~t:S.-"7:..'.. ./\..........nt'\.....:E:e\. L~:-.o-:i\ '- " '- \ 't{\ '- '- ----;,~ "11)' '- ~(~\M/~\.--..-\/ .,\ '- '- A', '- '- :;,: i \ \. \. \. \ \" " \ \,'\ \/\".,,'}t,<>.,\..., if . !_-=:--..,] ,'; ~':;:-' ,.; S !--~ f-',C) C~ 'AS ~~Ht.DC:'N~, I>,SPH 841-17-079 CONAGRA PARCa F'OUR ,fSr :r f / DAlE PUBUC UlIUTY EASEMENT OVER LANDS OF DE FRANCESCO TO BE CON\'EYED TO 1HE CI1Y OF GIlROY PARCEl. NO. 27320-4 SHEET ONE OF TWO SHEETS GIlROY CAUFORNIA III MIIII II II , I , I I I I I II III rm III 180 IllII SCALI: DILLON SURVEYS DA 1[: t "\I'rojocU\RT~\k.CJ;rtlan_"ld.\2n20\2n20-4-LDVG otI07ll!OO4 03040049 PM PST ..: // L ;...-\_~,- - - - - - - -r-- - -- "" /NOO'S5'2/3"E" ' 7J:507m Co<<cIk>at-. bear1n91 and dId_ Ihown ..... OIl the CclllfaC;nla COordInate .,.tom of 1883, Z- 3, [poc:fI 11191.35. Ilultlply ~onCM Ihown lIy o.89lI98lI9 to obt... oround Iewl dIeton-. To --.~ metric ~onCM to U. s.!lUw fMt mult II Jll37 200, LANO-S:OF DE FRA'NCESCO N88056'13"W 27320-4 ,PUE" to City 3.050m ... 18,3 ':sq, m.:f: S01'03'47"W) ie, ..,:(197::' sq, ft.:l:) 6.000m ~ti-';" · N01'03'47"Ef-\: 3.0S0m ~~/:J.} /----6 OOOm \: ~'..~.:.x~~J;'''''- i. ~, -- "~- -- ":',,;1;1;' . 20.664m ' - -I 27320-1 I N88'02'S6"E .r- _:rr - ~-----ReUTE 152 ""', , i= I I ~ , I. " I i / ~---,' / . l" <<c--~)l?,tci:~j;?_ -+- A '3F1H ~j--_~___jl \ ~---~-'- . 1 ,-- ----=--c-~ --,,=~,~:-~-~ ----.I .-',,_. , \ \. \ \ , \ , \ \ \ \ ' \ \ , \ , ' , \ , \ /__mm.'}_ -+--7 ; : / / / / ! ! / ,I /' ,/ // " f I I I \ '. \ , ,. \ \; ,-, ,:::.C' TF~[[S .........", 1/ if / I A. ~~J~ n r-., ',./ \ "N~M"..3ito~~6j--6' Be"'" .C=SZ-=FO NM .' Line-- -~"-........." ~: PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION PUBlIC UllUlY EASEMENT OVER LANDS OF DE FRANCESCO 10 BE CONVEYED 10 1HE CITY OF GILROY PARCEl. NO. 27320-4 . III !mil II II I I I I I I I I I I . II 40 rm II II 100 SCALE GIlROY CAUFORNIA DILLON SURVEYS SHEET TWO OF TWO SHEETS DA'IE: 1 "'\I'rojocts\RT152\Dwg\Dna;>--..uoI& ts\!132O\l!732O-4-1!JlVG 01/07/20G4 o:Jt4.4009 PM PST .JOB NO: lClOS-Oll " Deed Type: Proj ect: Parcel No,: Grantor: PUE Rte. 152 Improvements 27320-2, -3, -4 DeFrancesco CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (GOVT. CODE, SECTION 27281) This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the within and foregoing deed or grant to the City of Gilroy, State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer on behalf of the City of Gilroy, and the City of Gilroy consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. ~#7 Executed this day of ,2004.