Filice, Mary Kay and McTigue, John Co-Trustees 1985 Filice Revocable Trust et al(2) 1 DOCUMENT: 16172651 Tit I es : 1 / Pages: 1 0 to. When recorded return to: U 1111I1 1IIIIIIIm ",0016172651"' Fees * No Fees Taxes. . Cop i es. . AMT PAID City of Gilroy Public Works Department 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy CA 95021 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Ci ty RDE l:I 011 3/22/2002 10:53 AM Record without Fee Govt. Code. Sec. 6103 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Document No.: 27302-1 Project: Hwy.152 Improvements APN: 841-18-043 GRANT DEED Mary Kay Filice and John McTigue, Co-trustees of the Marital Deduction Trust under the 1985 Filice Revocable Trust ulDrr December 17, 1985, as amended October 25,1995, July 6,1998 and July 28,1998, as to an undivided 876,668/2,730,000 interest; Mitchell W. Wright and Linda Ann Wright, Trustees of the Wright Family Trust, ulDrr September 9,1994, as to an undivided 100,000/2,730,000 interest; Albert B. Denice, Trustee of the 1995 Albert B. Denice Revocable Trust ulDrr October 5, 1995, as to an undivided 876,666/2,730,000 interest; and Ben Denice and Eleanor Denice, Trustees of the Ben and Eleanor Denice Revocable Trust UID/T December 18, 1995, as to an undivided 876,666/2,730,000 interest, do(es) hereby grant to the City of Gilroy, a public body of the State of California, described as: See Exhibit "A" and "Exhibit B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, which description is by this reference incorporated herein. GRANTORS: BY: c2~S /0 ;;z.. I ( Pg. 1 Date: )... - /1- <J 1.- Date: :2-2-.)-- {) (> ---- Date: ~ -,;L,y d :2- By:.@iJJ ~ Albert B. Denice Trustee By: ~ ?:l.....~-_:J 'f.-,uz:... Date Ben Denice, rustee Date: 'J ~2~ -Q~ 1- -~y _OJ- Date: ;2 w;2S ~ {J .:J RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~ Linda Call on, City Attorney realest.acq_form.grant deed Pg. 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ALL PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT County of '\Sal1ta CI<na dtn ~ ,') 3u&lv1 Yh. ~ tr~ On a -~ 6 -0 a... ,2002 before meJ.- the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared ~~ ~ =. ' personally known to me ('9f-- l'f'e'vlea to gi isf v lckllc~o be the personOO whose nameOO eare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/@' they executed the same in hiS@/their authorized capacity(~), and that by his~their signature(.i9 on the instrument the personW, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(~ acted, executed the instrument. ~ - - -- -- -- ;U~~;A~-- - ~ Commission # 1221991 ~ Notary PubITc - CaliforniQ f z - ~ San Be.,ilo County t ~~;,~~-~~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ALL PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT County of Santa Clara On ;1~~~,. I ( ,2002 beforM ,r;t' e,_ undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared """"^-- W.' I//, , personally known to me (or proved to on the baSIS of satIsfactory eVIdenc to be the person(s) whose name(s) Is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/ they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. '. .~. - . ...~ .\:....;, ~_.,.: '" ...; :01.1."," c~~ (vw-v '..v~. " ,. - ;.___,; ~0.v:';", '-,; -' "... ,~.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~^ J., County of Stlntll Chrra .:JLn~) /) c- W01n YJ1.-J...Iut~ On 0< - ~ '1 ,20~2 before me,A the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared bJ!-1 a uJ) r 1 J/1?IU (!..e.. , personally known to me ~er pro'leg to m@ 9U the ba'ti.;: ~f "Mi"factory p.virlpnc($ to be the personOO whose name~)Gs/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that h~/ they executed the same in his/@ltheir authorized capacity~), and that by his~heir signature(~ on the instrument the person~ or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instrument. --------------1 SUSAN M. PAURA l commission # 1221991 :z: ~. Notay PUbl"lC - Califomio ~ Z _ San Ben, ita County 1 L Mieomm.~May28.2003 -..-~.,.,.-"'" ..""~ . .'\' ' :si'.-.---&.;r-<;::E'-~n.~...-.;',~~~- ',"' ~ ~~ ~:.v- 141. Pg.3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT , County of- 8aRta. ClmaJdflI3uUJiJ ALL PURPOSE ~1n.~Ya.- On ~- ~ ~;'Q02 before me~ the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared~nJ~ , personally known to me~. pl0 \1c.J tv l11e OR" the: ha.sis of satisfactory e'/id@Refto be the person~) whose name~&/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tha~he/ they executed the same in ~/her/their authorized capacity~), and that by~/her/their signature~) on the instrument the person(~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instrument. 1- - - - -- ;~~;A~-- -- ~ ~ Commission # 1221991 z ~ _ Notay PubrlC - CafiforniQ ~ ~~.~~~:;;~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT .~_ .~ County of SaIHft ChlI"d ..:5d-(} :pe1U. ALL PURPOSE n fJ1. /laYA- undersigned Notary Public, personally , personally known to me (.ef- o be the personOO whose nam~s:Ds/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thatd5:ehhe/ they executed the same in~er/their authorized capacity(ij)€), and that by d1mher/their signature~ on the instrument 1 ~on~r.l~<JltUY ~W1r, half of which the person(~ acted, executed the instrument. . SUSAN M. PAURA - Commission' 1221991 WITNE h d d ff' . I ~ NotaryPublic-Cafifanla f y an an 0 IC sea ~,~..".~?Z,'~.._~=~~ On Ol - ~S- appeared~ otary Public in nd for said State ALL PURPOSE ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT '~~J6 County of ~ ~Q.t~ ClaFa s..tJ.11 ~ ~ rn.iLrA.- On OZiOl~ ,2002 before the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared j..--rJ ~ a , personally known to me (efl- pt:e',ed to me Oft tbe eagis of satisfftetory evidc,n~o be the personOO whose name(~Qj/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he~ they executed the same in his~heir authorized capacity(ih?, and that by his/~heir signature(~ on the instrument the person<Al, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instru t. I~~:=r.l~:l ~ NokrY PublIc w CaIifoo1ict ~ ,z .' San BenitO CountY E ~-.u ~-My~~~~~ . Pg.tf ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA ALL PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT.~ .~ County of s-al~ San ~ /J A &tun Ih.~~ On cJ> ~ C?/J~"', J- ':120012 befQre me';' the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared {1~.J r::Jl.. ~.L.e...-; , personally known to me (.or- pwved to me on the bagis of ,,~tisfa<;.tp~ p"id01'1ce1fO be the person~ whose name.Q~)Ghre subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me th~she/ they executed the same in@her/their authorized capacity~), and that by @her/their signature~ on the instrument the person(~ or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instrument. .'___~.......:,"..'i S~USAN~.~.PA~. -...-..... ~ ~ Commission' 1221991. ~. Hotay Public:- California i j ,SOnBrio Counf1- ( . --~~~~~~~ A TTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fradulent attachment of this certificate to unauthorized document. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE A TT ACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Title or type of Document Number of Pages_ Date of Document ___ Signers other than Named Above Pg< 5 27302-1 EXHIBIT A 1006-8 1/21/02 DESCRIPTION LANDS OF DENICE, ET AL TO BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF GILROY PARCEL 27302-1 All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California being partly a portion of Lot 5 and partly a portion of Lot 6 as shown on that certain map entitled " Map of the Subdivision of the Elizabeth H. Martin Tract" which map was filed for record in Book F of Maps at page 31 Santa Clara County records described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the easterly line of that certain 43,046 square foot parcel of land described in the Deed from Kenneth Machado, et al to Mary K. Filice, et aI, recorded October 11,2001 as Recorder's Document Number 15905718 Santa Clara County Records with the northerly line of Old Gilroy Road as shown on said map; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, along said northerly line N82049'03"W 133.716 meters to the intersection thereof with the northerly line of that certain parcel of land described in the deed from The State of California to the County of Santa Clara recorded August 19, 1968 in Book 8232 of Official Records at page 470,Santa Clara County Records; thence leaving said northerly line of Old Gilroy Road, along last said northerly line, the following two courses: from a tangent bearing of N47009'59"W along a curve to the right with a radius of 12.192 meters, through a central angle of 24047'14" for an arc length of 5.274 meters and N22022' 45"W 3.065 meters; thence leaving said northerly line from a tangent bearing of N85054'04"E along a curve to the right with a radius of 386.300 meters, through a central angle of 9030' 1 0" for an arc length of 64.070 meters; thence S84035'46"E 72.516 meters to a point in said easterly line; thence along said easterly line from a tangent bearing of S3039' 12"E along a curve to the right with a radius of 326.750 meters, through a central angle of 2051 '34" for an arc length of 16.306 meters to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1 ,798.2 square meters of land, more or less. Bearings and distances used in the above description are on the California Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 3, Epoch 1991.35. Multiply distances shown by 1.0000101 to obtain ground level distances. Multiply by 3937/1200 to convert to U.S. Survey Feet. script~on 7/1.::1: or under my direct :u::ion licensed land surveyor Prepared by the firm of Dillon Surveys Hollister, California H:\HOME\DILLIRoute 152\Descriptions&Plats\27302\27302-1.doc Last printed 1/22/2002 2:36 PM Coordlnat... beorlnge and dletan.,.. ....own are an the California Cllordlnate eyet.... of 1983, Z- 3, €poc:ll 1991.35. Multiply cn.ton.... ....0Ml Ily 1.??oo101 to obtoln around I.... cn.tonCllL To con~ metrlc e1letan.,.. to U. S. SurvIt feet mult b 3937 200. MARTIN 1f!Acr--'" '-. .0............ F/Ai 31 " ,t'O / / I ,~-,-> \ FIPE '"\ '. . ..~. -.-.-..... I MARTIN TRACT F M 3J . ,"",";;>><-_",.>,,_~ ,~_.."m,"'''''W'''''':^' ""'----- _-' rn;-'\52;~'~.", t\V" I~ -: .~>.." ;;:;::,>,'~'''' 1 ~i .-- ' C ,'- :;..,~.~~, 'NM'.19+92.642 EC ':;'C:;;~;:-:;;;::::::::::':::"~~_ 'irf ---- ~_N'-'''' 841-70-018 BERRY '6 PARCEL J ,,~B5 PM 4s 8-/ .. 841 70 019 PARCEL J 300 PM 53 0 2lI 11IIII 40 10 I I I I , I I I I I 0 40 10 nIr 120 110 l!llO SCALE EXHIBIT B 841-10-043 PQ8... ~-" .---.--- ~~.~ n ' lrI! o '" . . C " PARCEL 2 300 PM .53 841-70-02:Y/'j~- .. BEISRY ~ /'/.'/ PLOWE~\,\ PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION LANDS OF DENICE, ET AL TO BE CONVEYED TO lliE CITY OF GILROY PARCEl.. NO. 27302 CAUFORNIA DILLON SURVEYS Ho~D.l \RlIUTE IS2\1lESCR1PTlllNSloPLATS\27302\273Ol!.D 0112312002 U,!2J3:5 AM PST STATE OF ILLINOIS ACKNOWLEDGMENT County of Cook ALL PURPOSE On (/~ /1 ,2002 before me the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared ~ W. 1Wt' - , personally known to me (or proved to on the basIS ofsatlsfacto vIdence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislher/they signature(s)on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person( s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal , ,..- jJ 1 - Notary P ~, hie, (, t"" . v-..... v.~.",,"_ . -~>~ ~.~ ,. ~2. :; ..'C';r: ((~; CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) Certificate of Acceptance of Conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Mary Kay Filice and John McTigue, Co-trustees of the Marital Deduction Trust under the 1985 Filice Revocable Trust U/D/T December 17, 1985, as amended October 25, 1995, July 6, 1998, and July 28, 1998, as to an undivided 876,668/2,730,000.00 interest; Mitchell W. Wright and Linda Ann Wright, Trustees ofthe Wright Family Trust U/D/T September 9, 1994, as to an undivided 100,000.00/2,730,000.00 interest; Albert B. Denice, Trustee of the 1995 Albert B. Denice Revocable Trust U/D/T October 5, 1995, as to an undivided 876,667.00/2,730,000.00 interest; and Ben Denice and Eleanor Denice, Trustees of the Ben and Eleanor Denice Revocable Trust U/D/T December 18, 1995, as to an undivided 876,666.00/2,730,000.00 interest This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the grant deed dated February 25,2002 from Mary Kay Filice and John McTigue, Co-trustees ofthe Marital Deduction Trust under the 1985 Filice Revocable Trust U/DIT December 17, 1985, as amended October 25, 1995, July 6, 1998, and July 28, 1998, as to an undivided 876,668/2,730,000.00 interest; Mitchell W. Wright and Linda Ann Wright, Trustees ofthe Wright Family Trust U/DIT September 9, 1994, as to an undivided 100,000.00/2,730,000.00 interest; Albert B. Denice, Trustee ofthe 1995 Albert B. Denice Revocable Trust U/DIT October 5, 1995, as to an undivided 876,667.00/2,730,000.00 interest; and Ben Denice and Eleanor Denice, Trustees of the Ben and Eleanor Denice Revocable Trust U/DIT December 18, 1995, as to an undivided 876,666.00/2,730,000.00 interest, to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 99-90 of the City of Gilroy adopted December 20, 1999, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office ofthe County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, document #15167735, dated March 1,2000 and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on March 19,2002. I:\CTYCLERK\FORMS\ACCEPT ANCE,DOC