Duffin, George T. and Helen R. Final Order of Condemnation 3' :ZC;J ;?' :;;:,:.:;; (--::fi, /' , ~- 3f, n 8~ . ,.l~ 8645 ;"(:JI4 (SPACE BELOW FOR FILING STAMP ONLY) , i 1 2 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BRUCE M. JACOBS 1l"'Ilr Sr:: Ii ~..) i ~~1 ~. BYERS. JACOBS & BIAFORE".Af.U"i,t. , "", '. PRINCEVALLE AT FIRST P. O. BOX 458 GILROY. CALIFORNIA 98020 TELEPHONE: (4~8) 842-3141 (ENDORSED) I l Attorneys for RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF. nU.lnsYf:'pce an4 Trust c~. .Dl AUS211969 '1} ~M GEORGE E.. FOWLES, It tLu COUNTY, Of.~ICIAI. .. ALJG 1 b "f" " -i)"\.i! ,',' ('\'",( EOR\Jt t. hJv~I...~.)) \~; , ( BY A. V, DI Vit1GlU(J DEPUTY :g 60 IN THE SUPER.IOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ' ) ) No. 221324 Plaintiff, >) FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION VB. ~ 14 GEORGE T. DUFFIN and HELEN R. ~ 15 DUFFIN, his wife, VALLEY TITLE ) COMPANY OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, ~ 16 a corporation, as Trustee; GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPI'ANCE 17 CORPORATION. a corporation; ) DOE I through DOE X, ) 18 Defendants.) WHEREAS. on July 8. 1969, this court made and granted an 11 I CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal , Corporation, 12 13 19 20 Interlocutory Decree of Condemnation, ordering and adjudging that 21 plaintiff is entitled to a judgment and decree in condemnation, as 22 prayed for in its canplaint against the defendants GEORGE T. DUFFIN 23 and HELEN R. DUFFIN, his wife, as to the real property descri1ied 24 in the c~laint herein, hereinafter more particularly described, on 25 payment to said defendants or the deposit in court for the use and 26 benefit of .aid defendants of the sum of $15,500.00; and 27 WHEREAS, in accordance with said judgment, plaintiff has 28: deposited with this court the sum of $15.500.00 for said defendants; 29 and 30 WdEREAS, upon ~plication of said defendants an order has been 31 entered herein for payment of said $15,500.00 to defendants, and 32 LAW OFFICES OF BYERS. JACOBS & BIAFORE GILROY. CALIF. TELEPHONE 842-3141 LAW OFFICES OF BYERS. JACOBS 8c BIAFORE GILROY. CALIF. 'nlLEPHONE (408) 842-3141 ~',~,?;""~,,,~? ;'li'~' '" ":,~~.;-,,, ~,~'..'.' '''',''~:~~ 11~, n,~~~".'~:]~5 . ./ ;;'w,,' , '~ tJ.\ \. . 1 d' '" c', ' " " .JI '-rio' ',.~~.. "'~~A j;.., '~bn~;.'- "'~"',~, ,,- '\ ,<..~, " .r ~l'; - - ','; .<./ ~~'i ~ ,\,\'j. -~ ~ J)'~: , i d {J e _."''; , ",:6';.;,' " _ _ -~:; -'1/y ;J \ '4J:'" ~, ,.., _,. '. .- , .", 1 '.' , .,. \ ,: -I' ,( r \," . <", h' , l ~,~ >. ,~~i';. 11-.... ".~ ". _ ~\"";~~., .,,..<;t;~ i i,J;"""i ';~';.'li.jJ, '. "" ' ~j.< ';, " i;;" '" ; "Ii l . ',- '; ~ l'i'1"'" ," b:. '", ,"'" ~ ....:?'~ ~ \f~rl' ., \..... -~ ':'.'>;' ,:~.r ,_~~_ /. "( '''j1'', i;"~),~,,!;'liJilt ~",~' ,~', "", ""H,.I!,."" ,,'," 1 said defendants have fl\,~~r~~~"\W S.tlsf~';~:~'.ju4~"~ 2 NOW, THEREFORE. in c~~l.~ti~1~f the l:~~:~(I'~a;'';~remti.~: 3 it is by the court ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that all right, 4 title, interest, claim and lien of any kind and de8cription of said 5 defendants GEORGE T. DUFFIN and HELEN R. DUFFIN, his wife, in, to, 6 or against the hereinafter described property and all improvements 7 thereon pet.taining to the realty be, and the same is hereby, 8 condetxm.ed and appropriated for the public use of plaintiff as 9 ! specified in said judgment and interlocutory decree, and the title 10 thereto is hereby vested in fee simple in the CITY OF GILROY, a 11 ,MUnicipal Corporation, of the County of Santa Clara, State of 12 California, plaintiff above-named, free and clear of all claims 13 right, title, interest or liens in, to, on or against 8aid property 14 which 8aid defendants, GEORGE T. DUFFIN and HELEN R. DUFFIN, his 15 wife, may have thereto or therein. 16 The real property referred to by this decree, and the title 17 to which i8 hereby vested in plaintiff herein, is more particularly 18 described a8 follows, to wit: 19 20 All that certain real property situate ,in the City of Gilroy) County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwesterly corner of that certain Parcel of land described in the deed from Duff Chevrolet Co., a corporation, to George T. Duffin et ux, recorded February 4, 1966 in Book 7271 Official Records page 330, thence along the Northerly line of said Parcel N 88c 36 East 201.96 feet to the point of intersection thereof with the Westerly line of that certain Parcel of land described in the deed from George T. Duffin et we to Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, Inc., a corporation recorded January 23, 1968 in Book 8003 Official Records page 195 thence South 010 24' East along the last mentioned westerly line and it8 southerly prolongation for a distance of 296.38 feet to a point in the Southerly line of land 80 described in the deed to George '1'. Duffin et we; thence along the last said line South 880 36' West 201.96 feet to the Southwesterly corner thereof; thence North 010 24' W. along the wes terly line of lands described in the deed to said Duffin for 8 distance of 296.38 feet to the point of beginning.)'1I ~ 21 ' 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Dated: Jtvl~vt Ib l'ft? 1 E. lONGINOTTI -2- , , ,;', ~ ~;;;~~if"4'~. The foregoIng instrument tS a "., ~.,.:<P ....,' ,.., 0(, ~~ correctfSO~Y ~~ the.or'ginat /~./~.',,;~ .. .,~,~~ '., on \.e;"': "'~ls oj'" lrA ...... ~... - ';'- '-.~ ".,. . , ":I. ~ '1; ""-WIlt II . , ATtEST: AUG 181969 ; · : ... ~"'s",\" *: ~ ' ~~., ~......,.....\ JI_:"'-I ; GEOh.....t. 1::. t-uw-' ~ " . ..IUl'HlIU Y'..::J C"l.ill\~ ClerK and ""...ffici.. C1en' of Ihe ~.~.~..... .: ."., " ari" CUIUI of. the..S~le of~llorn1a... .' " :A ,',r;t t'~IL&"il..';'I.:.'L"(.....;.tr"la""'. ....&'-')""1.1~.'? "'" ........ ~ :""~ t if-"'"_'",~,,,,,u.o~.... ~ ,~~',;j',Q .,-",:J:'j,~ ",If.~. .,.O~' ,,;.. ~~~~I:-r~'J. ~~iii~ ,,' 'c .... ",!.;' ..... .~ ..' f,r;J (f3a,~~1;<~U /~ (! ;)i{U. .11/1; B.:~ 8645 :';'1rarl ;}:LfiI:.bnsdeb b.ia~; .. \.!Of\ r5.UO ')~:,)j b..J::!t.;.; ~1".7~: ,~~2:~f'1 bna. f:;",~..r iJ.:,X 316 .J.. n ...>. 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'2. ~r\:'i":'''' I rl i:,:'~(;- .l., ~.,_ r....,~ ..',/ ,.' 0 ,'?'...'!.:.....~ ~' n '" A. _";"'.~_"'''' ;" 'H)) no); :1!i;i:;HOl.O".Iq i;\:' r -:r ~," ",'JC~?'. ~;s!!:j ~/,~ ), ':'j ....j .{\,', :.. \ ~:~.'~7:\ r ':) ., " .. rr~ '.~ :/ " '\ :b$jsO: n, l " , ,\..J....J \ " :,' <; ~ ;_..~-."-:-{i'iJo.~r -:'i(;}::; s"li::1-:;;-".i;rIr"':rti" ~~gED7: .....s.~ (\ ,.... ~j ....1 i'("'\ 1.. '-1 ';-".> .~' C"l. ',.J\,:' I'. '.' :t~ '::--. c;s cjQ \1'~"" \ ..>. 82. OC' '. '" oc r ,or' '.'_ '..1 (' J>' ':\u ~"::: e3:')n~o "NA-J :tt~ E'ao~')ft.t. ,a~3Y a 3flC~:'\!.a .:1:i...JA::':' .....(.1H.J:J.'.) :.1!"~-\Hq:,~~;'5T ~ tl-.~r;.,S:~8 C2(1J;~} TO 1012-1 AB C .,. , CalifornIa land TItle AssocIation . Standard Coverage Pollcy-J963 . SCHEDULE A Premium $124. SO Amount $1 S .500 .00 Effective Date August 21. 1969 at 8:00 A.M. W-:^~l I I i INSURED Policy No.B- 320942 GY CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation 1, Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: CITY OF GILROY. a Municipal Corporation 2. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to ill Schedule C covered by this policy is a fee. SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: PART I 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. Application Ho. 1-320942 CY -nr 1; · i .......1: t. :....... ;; i TO 1012-18 Cant. C California Land Tltl. Alloelatlon Standard Caverag. Potle)"1963 S C H E D U L E B - (Continued) PART II 1. ..AD easement .ffect ing the portion of said land and for the purposes stated herein. and Incidental purposes. In Favor Of: Coast Counties Gas and Electric Co. POI' : Electrical Transmission Pole Line t.coned t No-yeab.r 9. 1946 in book 1413 page 283 Official Records Affect.: The Northerly and Southerly 10 f-eet of premises %. At'l easeaent affect ing the port Ion of said land and for tbe PU'l"pOS8S stated heTein. and incident.1 ptJTposes. In 'avor Of: Coast Counties Cas and Electric Co. Por : Electrical transmission pole line Recorded : May 14. 1941 In book 1411 pa.ge 199 Off'icial 'Records Affects : Said Gl'ant does not disclose the Toute of said 1"igh t of' way Application No. B-320942 GY TO 1012-1-1056-1 C OC C American land Title Association Loan Policy Additional Coverage- T962 'j or California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy-1963 SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: THE DESCRIPTION 0' THE LAND RlPERRIiD TO 1M THIS POLICY IS SET POlTtl INEXlfIBIT A. WIlICn IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREO'. .df fiI r Application No. GY-320942 A LXIlIBIT A All that certai& real property situate in the City of Gilroy Count)' of Sar.ta Clara, State of Ca1.ifornia, described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwesterly corner of that certain Parcel of land described i~ the deed from Duff Chevrolet Co., a corporation, to George T. Uuffin et ux, recorded February 4, 19ub in Book 7271 Official RecorJs page 330, the;lce aloJng the l\ortherly line of said Parcel ~. HSo Sut East 201.96 feet to the point of intersection thereof wit;l the \'icsterly lir:e of that certair:. Parcel of land des c rib e din t 11 e de e d fro r.1 C e oJ rg e T. D u f [ i:: e t ux to A po S to 1 i c Assembly of the r~ith in Christ Jesus, Inc., a corp0ratiorl recvrded Jc..:lua:-r 2:~, 1965 if, Book 8003 Offici31 Records page 195 th~;:ce South 01 24' Last alon[, the last meI:tior.ed westerly line ;):H1 its Southerly prolo::gaticr. for a distance of 29b.3S feet to a poi~t i~ the Souther I)' line of land so described i~ the deed tc Leor~e T. iJuffi;l et ux; thence aloq; the last said li41e South S(lo SUI lVest 2Ul.~t) feet to the Sc-uthwesterlv cor:-"e~ thereof; thc,.ce ;,o:;:th OJ 0 2-1' I':. alor.l' the \\'este~lv llI:e or' l~;...Js described 1;>, the deeJ to said [luifi;: Lur 3. d.ist~iI:ce' of 2~Hl.38 feet to the poi:~t of bc~:i.r..~:i::,\.:. CLTA 107.8-T (4-10-69) (5-69) ALTA OR STANDARD COVERAGE INDORSEMENT ATTACHED TO POLICY NO. B- 320942 GY ISSUED BY Title Insurance and Trust Company The following exclusion from coverage under this policy is added to Paragraph 3 of the Conditions and Stipulations: "Consumer credit protection, truth III lending or similar law." The total liability of the Company under said policy and any indorsements therein shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the face amount of said policy and costs which the Company is obligated under the conditions and stipulations thereof to pay. This indorsement is made a part of said policy and is subject to the schedules, conditions and stipulations therein,. except as modified by the provisions hereof. Title Insurance and Trust Company By COpy SECRETARY ~ 1 ..._____..__~... L....~~_'_____. ~_ .- -' r"~~. -- --~- ~. .~" -- '.'../- It\~~ 'l;:\ \. __ \.3 CJ , ~~ ,... ~ ....-~ ~\' /'~... \.\ 11 ......... ,.".."....... L.a.J// . ____ :?i. . \.) ,~ \.') OE~ ... I ! I I ~I. o~. .... '-. 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