Miller & Lux, Inc.
w4in lJubruturr 1 made of
-----March----m-m----.----------------.-- - thousand nine hundred and_mtWe_nt_y____tw_O..__u.m.
itlwttu MILLER & LUX INCORPORATED, a corporation organized and doing business under the laws
of the State of Nevada, the party of the first part, and__~Tha____C.i.ty.....9.f_JU..l..rJ~.Y...--..~...Ml1JIJ.g ~.P!l..l.u.
_ __ u. __ Q.O r.p. Qr. .e._ t.1_crn. -t- _ _ _. _.__ _ h _ _ _.. __..._ _ __... _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _._ _ _. _ _.. _ _ __. _ __ _. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"'h'" - - ___ - - - - - _..... _. __. - - - - - - - - _. u -.. - -.. - -.. - - - - - - - - -.. - -.... --... -". -- .--.
__u........u.._. __... _.__ __.... ..u. .__..... _.......u.___u__...... .... ....u._. ___...... ...h.... _h' ... _..uuu..u_____..____ ____the part._ _y___ _..0 f the second part,
IIIUutllatlq: That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) dollars,
gold coin of the United States of America, to it in hand paid by the said part-y____mof the second part, the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, bargain, and sell unto the said part__ym__.._hof the
second part, and to___. -----i.ts-.--.-----..---- _____ __h.~"ttm'i assigns forever, all th_at_u___certain lot._____, piece_.__h, or
parceL_uof land situate in the.___...Q.i..t.y. _9tuJU.l.r.9Y.... _h__Uh __.....__ _.. ....u______.___.__....._m.......h........................
County of hu..~~J~..t~.__.Ql~rJL..u...uu___.. 'hU' State of California, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
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All wulc., 1'5 ht, u,.
wngtlq.rr with the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertain-
ing, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits the~eof.
wn 1jfaUt aUll In ifnlll the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said
part-"J/-m...hof the second part, and to__.......__.._m_.h__i.ts-______..........m_..___...m._.._....~~ assigns forever subject,
however, to the lien of taxes for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, 19__2_2, and to all assessments, if any, levied
or assessed by any irrigation, reclamation or other district.
llu lIIilu.rss JllIq.rrtnf1 the party of the first part, by its officers thereunto duly authorized by
resolution of its board of directors, has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed and its corporate seal
to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written.
S 13886
/ II f4:
On this ...,. day of
One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-two before me, JAMES MASON, a Notary Public in and for said City and
County, residing therein, duly ommissioned and sworn, personally appeared
~'i ~ ~ Qj~(~ ~(2.~
President 0lM..{/ /;J~f /f'..V It~ ~
L rf-~ .J::L>
in the year
known to me to be the
the Corporation described In and that executed the within instrument, and
also known to me to be the person f' who executed it on behal f of the
Corporation therein named, and l- ho (/- acknowledged to me that such
Corporation executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my
official seal, at my office in the said City and County of San Francisco,
the day and year last above written.
In and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California.
My Commission will expire December 4th, 1923. '--------- --'""\
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