Filice, Val A. and Elsie E., et al STREET ADDRESS CITY OF GILROY 7351 Rosanna Drive Gilroy, CA 95020 I REC FEE MICRO f5bf 7789009 H825:)!s~3ao FJLEt) FOR REOORD dbR~~ AUG 11 m 01 All .~ ' ".O,'f!OI4L RECORDS .",..~ It, tLARA COUHTy -:, :otWE jj kAHH AUG 1 9 1983 11;GiS1'ltAR lolECOAOE:R This space for Recorder's use , ACCOMMODATION RECORDING RE!:IUEST'ED BY " . t LAWYERS TITLE AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND,UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: NAME r UEN ~inT CITY STATE Zl~ L S f'dPF .J Title Order N~.~?f).4~A . .. Escrow NJ1Y. ..5J..44. . . . . . GRANT DEED Documentary Transfer Tax $ -0- City Corporation Computed On Full Value Of Property Conveyed Computed On Full Value Less Liens & Encumbrances Remaining Th on At Time Of Sale. L ers e In a e Corporation nn name. FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERA nON, receipt of. which is hereby acknowledged, VAL A. FILICE & ELSIE E. FILICE, husband and wife and ERNEST S. FILICE & ANN FILICE husband & wife hereby GRANT(S) to The City of Gilroy, a Municipal corporation the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara unincorporated area , State of California: ..J z FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE ,ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" ..J ~ <l: Q. ....... ~ o Z co 0:: <( STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ~ANTA CT A,lil11 On AUG 18. 1983 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared; VAL A. FILICE, ELSIE E. FILICE, ERNEST S. FILICE AND ANN FILICE PERSONALLY KNOWN known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that .... ..THEy............................... executed the same. WITNESS m):: nd official se . t SS. FILICE Dated ATT~TTS,[, 11, 1983 FILICE Signature CRYSTAL RAFFERTY NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Commission Expires Aug, 23, 1965 (This area for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE: IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE, ' Name Street Address City & State Zip EXHIBIT A H 825 r'~GE 331 PARCEL NO. 28 CITY OF GILROY 9th &. 10th STREETS HiPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1982-1 DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT OF WAY TO BE ACQUIRED FROM ERNEST FILICE,ETAL: BEING a portion of Sub Lot 21 and Ranchlot 44 as shown on ~~ps 7 and B accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL ONE BEGlh~ING at a point in the southeasterly line of that certain Parcel of land conveyed to the County of Santa Clara by Deed recorded January 18, 1968 in Book 7997 at page 690~ ~fficial Records of San~a Clara County, distant there S.09 59'30"W. 591.94 feet from the most easterly corner thereof and running thence along the boundary of said parcel along a curve to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet, from a tangent bearing os s.69059'30IlW., through a central' angle of' 8~o59'30" for a distance of 31.4 feet to the most southerly corner of said Parcel in the north- e~sterly line of Alexander Street; thence along the north- easterly line of Alexander Street S.20oE. 22.89 feet; thence N.68034'07"E. 5.71 feet; thence N.20cW. 12.75 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 30.00 feet, through a central angle of 89059'30" for a distance of 47.12 feet to a point in the southeasterly line of said parcel conveyed to the Count~ of Santa Clara; thence along said southeasterly line s.69 59'30"W. 15.70 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL ruo BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of that certain 9.792 acre parcel of land sho~~ on Record of Survey P~p filed for Record in Book 464 of ~~ps at page 30, Records of Santa Clara County, and running thence along the easterly 1 ine thereof N.,O 012 ' 20 "E. 20. 15 feet; thence para lIe 1 v.'i th the southerly line of said parcel N.89056'35"W. 175.83 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 30.00 feet from a tangent bearing of N.4B032'011~., through a central angle of 27006'08" for a distance of 18.92 feet; thence N.21025'53''W. 555.45 feet to an intersection with the westerly line of said 9.792 acre parcel, being in the easterly line of Alexander Street as sh~wn on said ~~p; thence along the westerly line of said parcel and the east- erly line of Alexander Street S.20000'E. 588.80 feet to the southwesterly corner of said parcel in the northerly line of Banes Lane; thence along the northerly line of Banes Lane S.89056'35"E. 188.35 feet to the point of beginning. Ie:; EX1i IBIT itA It . . H 825 f)~GE 332 PARCEL THREE BEING an easement for the installation of sidewalks, landscaping and public utilities under over, on and across the following described parcel of land: BEGINNING at a point in the easterly line of Alexander Street distant thereon N.20oOO'W. 588.00 feet from the intersection thereof with the northerly line of Banes Lane, as shown on Record of Survey Map filed for Record in Book 464 of ~~ps at page 30, Records of Santa Clara County, and running thence along the easterly line of Alexander Street N.20oOO'W. 171.92 feet; thence leaving said line N.68034'08"E. 5.71 feet; thence S.21025'53"E. 727.32 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 30.00 feet, through a central angle of 68030'43" for a distance of 35.86 feet; thtnce parallel with the northerly line of Banes Lane N.89056'35'~. 26.46 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 40.00 feet, from a tangent bearing of N.48032'011~., through a central angle of 27006'08", for a distance of 18.92 feet; thence N.21025'53IW. 555.45 feet to the point of beginning. . , - , - -- -- - .- ".. r'; (_ J-EI,!7-!i___'~ !_~_~~]~___ S 69"59' ""0" I . .::J 11 . 7 99 7 O.J(. C L ~ I2A r; ~'_.---5'-!?;I9.~ S 76. ::.-;" , ' c~ Vi V 90 1 ~ - I'.>. U. ' v.. ' .. -- - .. ---- ,-~_-...... -- ::c: 00 N CJl /l:.lO' '0 l;r;j.~/.~a!;j~~o' SAN;~ ~ ~"'-'o' C' "-.....1 i.,. E:<; ~ 7' oJ c , ~~I 47.,1. ...~ 1'\. oS zo" 00' E: :~ : ~e'.! . 7"E. "=:" I: S.7/."- ;;; ,.., 1l..7,!; G..) ~ t-,) I 351FT' It.l_ { C I ry OF a/L..120y' ~i I ./1003 Or.:> '20 f", -yo- J or....... --' J . I I \ I , (:~i ~'. : I h /z r--- '" lit' 1-" ~, j':;' \" . '" -:" < '... r-......' u .' :l~ ~......- .1. I ... :i /l~ J .1 .' , ~ <: ....... It .9.792 ACRE PARCEL 46"4 10APS 30 c <>, ~ r'; 0) ... ~.e/./EST F/L/cE; ET AL .0 rf!32 O.R. 625 If) ROW, " ~ b ~'O ~ 'Tl I ('!-. t. (' ~-! <, (;, 'l '...; I.... I "'- I'" /t' ,...a III J f)'1 J'l :. >oj EASEMENT ~! : ..--d7'~-1 SC.F.Tl ~ {/" l~!~~ ~ ~ 258'; Fr , C, on a-c. 30' 30 - I ~A'~O' '1: b",.Cl6'oe- . l=I2l9l , . ~I:;'~o' \ e It"!O'.''- L~!!_I!. , .... -.. ~;t?'-e.' 1'::- 10() I OED I CAT E 0 ARE AS -= 15,565 5 Q. FT. -= 0.357 A C S. APN 84/-/6-48 Ulo.'YERS TITlE GY -514.4 SJ-8624.4