Michael J. Filice Family Trust ,. . , . NOT INSURED RECORDING REQUESTED BY 7808693 '6to i -' LAWYERS TITLE CO. CITY STAT~ ZIP L CITY OF GILROY 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 r::-.., --.~ I I i;C\.- :- tt ~~- i """"0 I 1 ;"1 ::.~;; / l i i~ : ~!';T -,i- ~_''''_ .~.l ~.~..... I H 876 ;1~.G: 53 RetordIt at lttt tcq.t " Lawyers filM SEP 8 1983 .11)AM 91}.d1, GEORGE A. MANN. Recorder Santa Clara County. Official RtcOtIls AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO, NAME r I STREET ADDRESS ..J S MPr Title Order No..... ... .... Escrow No. GY51?l:0:-.CR. . This space for Recorder's use APN 841-16-056 GRANT DEED Documentary Transfer Tax $ -0- no tax allf> Computed On Full Value Of Property Conveyed Computed On Full Value Less Liens & Encumbrances Remaining hereon At Time Of Sale. ~Wye itl In~7ce Corporation FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERA nON, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, MICHAEL J. FILICE TRUSTEE OF THE MICHAEL J. FILICE FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 7, 1970 AND JOHN M. FILICE FAMILY TRUST, DATED NOVEMBER 8, 1970 hereby GRANT(S) to The City of Gilroy, a Municipal corporation t'-- ...J i~ ...J I- \ <l: Cl. ~ \l"- .~~ the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara City of Gilroy , State of California: FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" "-& ........ -- ~ \n o Z a:l 0:: <t: MICHAEL J. FILICE TRUSTEE: Dated ("L'~ .~ I.' l\{\l.\.\ '. 't - .- t/.~._. I \(1 r.. " vi '1\ ') \ : I STATEOFCALlF~~, (I,. COUNTY OF;, .~~X\.(<. , .\L'Y{;~ :' , I. _ ..". 1: .4;<"'1 On (\U(jj'" I~i.-..v:,,) before me, the , undersigned, a Not4ry Public in and for said State, personally appeared; Michael J. Fil ice. Trustee of the Michael J. Filice Family Trust and John M. Filice, Trustee of the John M. Filice Family Trust, known to me to, be the person(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within in~trul11ent and acknowledged that .... ...t.~~y...........-.."............... :executed the same. WITNESS my hfhd...~nd ;of.fiC..~~.l ~e!1il.," I.,...;. I . () ii ", i. ) ,- (. ,i' \ .t'" Signature ~ .... i! '\ 0''- 0 j(. t. ,l MARY LOU PROBERT, t ss. JOHN M. FILICE, Family Trust \"" _,~\. I'. 1." _~ "._ ~___ r .~. . ./f--- / / /') .'t'.~.r(:" ./,/'. ;-j/~< .;'.<c.;r'~..f~ , proven to me or personally OFFICIAL SEAL MARY LOU PR03ERT NOTARY PUBLIC. CAllFORNIA 1 SANTA CLARA COUNTY i~ My comm. expires MAY 26, 19861\ '~_1 7951 Wren Avenue, Suite "A". f;ilroy, CA 95020 --- Notary:~me (Typed or Printed) (This area for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE, Name Street Address City & State Zip -- (~) 2R~~~~~~_TO BE ACQUIRED " EXHIBIT A P :\ R eEL NO. 18 H 876 P!GE 5,~ CITY OF GILROY 9th Ex. 10th STREETS l:l?RO\'E'lENT DISTRICT NO. 1982-1 ~ESCRIPTION OF RIGHT OF WAY TO BE ACQUIRED FROM THE JOHN M. FILICE FAMILY TRUST: . BEING a portion of Sub Lot 21 as shown on Map No. B accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action ~o. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in 3nd for the County of Santa Clara, and being more particularly described as fol10ws: 3EGINNI~G at a point in the northwesterly line of ~r~t certain parcel of land conveyed to the Co~~ty of Santa Clara by Deed recorded !~ovember 14, 1963 in Book 8333 at ?age 402, Official Records of Santa Clara County, distant thereon N.69059'30"E. 91.06 feet from the most westerly corner thereof in the northeasterly line of the lands of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, and running thence along the northwesterly line of said ~arcel conveyed to the CO'-lnty of Santa Clara N.69059'30"E. 236.13 feet; thence alo:lg ~ curve to ~he left with a r~diu5 of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 91051'3011 for a distance of 32.06 fee-c to a point in the northeasterly line of tr..a.t certain parcel of land conveyed to the John M. Filice Family Trust by Deed recorded December 9, 1974 in Book B 201 at page 350, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along said northeasterly line N.2lo52'W. 361.11 feet to a point from which the most northerly corner of said Parcel bears N.21052'W. 118.78 feet; thence leaving said northeasterly line along a curve to the left with a radius of 675.00 feet, fro~ a tangent bearing of S.13029'03I1E., through a central angle of 8032'57" for a distance of 100.72 feet; thence parallel with said northeasterly line S.210S2'E. 24s.69 feet; ~hence along a curve to the r~tht with a radius of 30.00 fee~, through a cen~ral angle of 910S1' 30" for a distance of 48.10 feet; thence s.69059'30/lW. 268.15 fee-c and S.20000'30"E. 4.50 feet to the point of beginning. EXH IBIT "A" -, . l I 0\"1) fA ~ f\ " .->' ;/ 1/ . /7 'j',. ,Ii . l " ~ / .' i ~. ~ at "- ~ ,~ ~ ~ Q:) vi rv ::: ~ V) l-\ V L.l U I 0 1 I I U 1'4 iVll-\ i-' . \..a.1 ' _~~ff NINTH ~~' t5T,.eEET , . 380.56 -\ ~~ ~~ -.l.. ,'v 0 ll' ") VJ vt ~. (\\.\ o. f' ~Q (j TA;J. BRG. S. /..3 C2::'03 ''G. ..e=G75" .6 = dO 32'57" L = 100.72 ~ JO~ ~ 2.40 l' 5 Q . FT. 0.056 ACS. , 84/-/6-56 ~ ~ I~ ().l~ ''() I'T) I.r) ~ ~ t\J ~ '\) "J ~ '-- ~ .<;) ,,' "J ... P 0.13 ~, r-- - ~~~.,~ '" --- 1 b'73 SQ. FT. i:f03B ACS. /(',.30 -. - ~= 9r51"3t; . L;: 4-8/0 - \ . ,S.6~.5:JJtfW. \ 2GB.IS __ csca./ 5.A.AJT--" CLARA CO, N o.c '.30IJc 6333 OR.4oz. .69.:..J:J .=. --~ TENTH R= 20' , L) ::. ?I"~.J ...sTREET L=32'~'1 I 1 A ...e E A = 5//7 S Ii. FJ: = 0 //8 A c S, ~PN 84/-/6-56 SC/lL€: I ~':: /0(7' { 1 3~ ~ ~ CJ <. <( 'x ~ ....,J .... ~ 1'\1 <: ~ , /H8'76"Gf Ss . .. J~ LAWYERS TITLE-G.Y-~140 <:T ~r')I,,,