Belcher, G.L.
Made the .................................... ............... of
. . . in the year of our Lord one thousand nine
~dtUttn...~....L. Belcher, of th~.....qity of Oakland, CO~.~1.....?E....
Alameda, state of California
...............Th.e.....cIt~T.....o.f....Girroy....Ta...rmi11i.l;:iij.aTi1~y.,....T~h~r~aCf6rrii{1 ttf first part,
and.................,................................................................. ..... ...................... ........ ............:..............:...................... ............................................... ............
Santo" Clara, State of California
.. ................... ... ...... ...............the part...~..,.....of the second part,
Witllezzd~:J Thcd the said part......Y:...of the first part, for and in consideration of
the sum of.......... .................................. ~~:r:t.....(~g.'-......................... ...................................................,............................ dolla r s,
.....~.~.~:~.....~.~.~.~...uuuuuuuu........of the United States of America, to......~~~~............ in hand
paid by the said part.X......olthe second pnrt, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl-
ed~ed, do.f? these presents, remise, release, a,nd forever Q UITCLAI.A!l.
unto the said partY....of the second part, and!J...............heirs and assi~ns,
II h oae . l S . (> -E\ 'l . . City of Gilroy
a too.. ..certaLn ot......pLecl?.or parcer::...of and s~tuate Ln the......................... .
. . .......... ......... .. ....... County oj'.............Santa.Olara.. ...., State of.........Cal-ifoTI1ia....
,and bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Commen?~~q;..~~~.~l~~ No~~~~~..~~(;t cornt;~....?~.J~O~~~.l'~~.. ~....~~.1{:~ ..... .....
Streets, and runnirl('; thence along the East line of llonterey
...................................................................................-.....................-........-.......................................................................................................... ..................
feet. thence Easterly Eig..hty-eight and five-one-bundredths (88
(4.. .3?/LQQ )....rfj.~. ~i....~11EJ11(;e....F~.f3~~E~Yu..Q?~...11~1?~.~.~... .a.~~i....r?l1Y.'...~l1~.. .Il~~~.~Y..
five One-!luncJ.r6dths (104 95-100) feet to the West line of an
?:rl9:u...~~.Y.u~)~~y...~~~mm9.!~~..~':l!1.~Ee..~~~~m(~?.?.~)!~9.Q)......fee.u~....'.?uu~1l.~.....~?.1~0 .... .........mmm.
commencement. Being Lot Eleven (11) in Block One (1) 'North, of
panyiIlg..the u.1".epor~()fuutl1e ..1te.f.e.:r~~~ ~.I:aut~epart~~ion 2ui t. of
Henry Mill..~E.Lu.~~....a1.,T~..u ~~~~.~~y'.~homas, d~.: - andummmmuu
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................
Cormnencing at a point on the North line of Old Gilroy street
distant Seventy-three and twenty one-hundredths (732b!lbOr'
un. u. __.. u____u______.... n.h. n...... ...... ... u__ n.... u_ u........ ......_..' ............... .. ._. ".. ...... .............. ,. .. ... .......................................... .......
fe~~'Yl'es~I'~J'fT?n1 the North-westerncorner of Old Gilroy and
Chestnut Streets, and running thenee Westerly, alone the North
.. .. ....................
!~:l'l~..u?r9~.~1. Gilro', street "Ninety-five and ninety one-hundredths
.C1J1cL.. .f9tt Y.:::.9r.:l~.....9.t.l<?~!.1~1!.4.~~.E;.~l.~b.~.....(~.;??....4.~l~.9..9..).. ...f..f3..~,~.....~9.....~~~~.. ...e.g\l!J!.J:. ...~.~.1?:~.......
of Seventh Street; thence Easterly, a.long the last-rpentioned -line
Nirl~+Jy(90):Fe at j. &J1Ll then C8u S outI1erlxOl1ehundre~aIldsix~y-
l:1even and seventy-seven olle~hUnd.reciths (167 77/100) feet t.o the
p~}~~ of be ginl!~~~uu~~~I:l€?u}?~ u,!,vT?uu(~)uJI1uu~~?. C;~uu~\'r.?uu(~uuu~?l~t.~,uuuuu.u..
Ha]"Jge. Four (4) East 'uua~..~~~u~!1a~e(luuO!l}~~P....~l.l!~?~E....?~:J(:u.Sf,) as
hereinbefore referred to: - and
Comrnencine at the Southeast. corner of Rosanna and Second
......-..................................................n.......................__........ ..........__..................... ....................................................................... ......... .........
Streets and running thence along the line of Rosa:na
S.JC.l'~8~u Souther ly l?J..~~...f~~JG~ .~~~~l~~u ~(j.~~~!'~J.~..u~.~9 .30 fest j thence
Norther 121.50 feet to the South line 01' Second Street; and
thence: long last mentionEd line Westerly 159.30 feet to the point
of u~uc:ll!~~~!~Gement.u~~~.!:1~.. ~?~..u~~~~~uj.9uL.~~.?ck Four (4) North,
Range Three (3) West.
..... ..... .-. ... .........................-................. .........-.-......................................-..............................-...............
..n..... ......................................._..... .... ..._u...............................__........................
-.............................................. ....................--...... -........ .............-...............
.... ----............... ..u.......... ...... ..........._.............................................
........-..........................-........................-...-.............................-....................................-..................... ...........-...........
..............-.........-......................---.......... ...........--..........-............... ........ ..............--..........-....................................
.... - --.....--.----.....--.. - .--.......--..-..........- -...........-........- -....... - "''''__.__'h_....nn._ __n..__..._ u.__.u.. . _n______ .. _.n.__.. .._.....__... _.n..__....._n.....__...
iogd~er with all and sin~ular the tenements, hereditaments and appur-
tenances thereunto belon~ing, or in anywise appertainin~, and the reversion and
reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof.
'10 1ljatle anb to 1ljolb, all and singular, the sa,id premises, together with
the appurtenances, unto the said part......of the second part and to.
h . d 'ff f'
eLrs an aSSL"" ns orever.......u
JJn ttJitnesz UJ~ereof, the said pary--...of the first part had.. . hereunto set
..k.............hand.and seal.... the day and year first above written.
5ignrb. 51?;:u;;;m<< of ~4Z~
..... ~.~~;~~JI
State of Califol"nia,
City and Coanty of San Fttaneiseo
JJ;) tk/~
On this 'm uumuud:1Y oLuu. u .......uuu, in the
year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Four, before me,
GEO. T. KNOX, a Notary Public in and for said City and
. ~::;~;:::'d~'~d~~,wom, p."on.lly
known to me to be the person described in, whose name. U
subscribed to and who executed the annexed instrument, and he
acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
IN WITNE~S WHF~RE(lF, I have hereunto set.. my hand and
affixed my officiflJ seal, at my office, in the said City and County
of San Fcanoi"o, the d,y and yea< '.,t a~tn
In and for the City and County of San FrancIsco, State of California.
Gi +~r\ ~ '}
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'!'hAt. t.hl' u1d p<i<,rt, toh" firat pa,l"t, ror "'.; i In C'Hl'ld.ra,tlC>.~'i," ... (.f 1'tt
(10) 4011.,-", Gold C01n or tr~ U~itltd S~tlU of mar leSt\. to bili ~ ,.tel by ~c li41d
p.t.rV ot tbe _cod pr.rt. till re_lpt when;ot 1s hereby .cka'3w1.' . b:r t:hu.
pre.ata. real_. rel...... IoIld TOI"u-er (u1 unto t:. 8414 t the .cOt\d P&.rt.
~. to U. hll1r. &lid. ..ea1gna, .all tho. cer' lota. piAO'tal Clio .ot Uoncl lI1."
1n ~CU~ ot Gllro~, Counv ot SMv. Cl&rA. st&tI ot O&Uft...,. t.....d ...PI('tt
loulu~' ".cril,ed a,. tOllow" _-wit:
co-noilll At tbe Iorth-e..t comer o~ lIontare~" Sixth S 4 running ....
&long 1Ib8 .....t liM ot )lonteny str'ee t. ll'or1blrly P'Orv-two and.. ... -hundreclths
(42 10/100) t..t; thence 1I:.uUlrly ~ighV.e1ght And ti.., 88_ .5~OO) l2e.~1'_
;.;; SO;;.~1;;~;~~;;--thir;-e;~to;.-=;~~;d~;(4-'8AOOi~_..n~ ....r17..
hullclNd .nel tour and nine 1V tin one.hund.ra3.ths (104 95-iOO) ft..,~.. ...., Uu ot .
&1187; bDOII Southerly &long the l....t man tioned line 'l!nirV-dz,..... ....nto'-ax one-
hu!ldred the (,6 76/.1.00' tee t to tbllforth 11ne ot Sixth Str'e. t. ...atheno. &1c.'ng the hit
_nUonsd 11_ 'Westerly One hundr~d IoIld nine V thr.. (19" re. t to h point ot co_nos-
_nt. lleirig Lot lllnen (11) in 'Block One (1) wOrth. ot RMIII 0.. (1) ."...t. ... ...i1,Mt1l4
upon J(&p 1fua~r Six (6) "ccolllPo\ftY1ng tl1e report ot b Reto,.... 1n re the pArtition suit of
Jf.enry .Uler et &l. VB. .48891' 'ftlom_8, . t al: and
Co_nc1ng ..t A point on tht'I No'!"th line ot Old Gilroy streo' dhtMt se..,.nty-ttu...
6Dd -II"'" one-hundrdths (7' 20/100) feet Wutarly trom the WorGl..'lftstern eorn.r or Old.
Gilroy &Ad Chutnut Street, and running. thence W.8terlJ', &lODS tbI vo..tb. 11.. ot Old Glll'O)'
stree.nnetY""1"i'N And n1MV one"~undredthJl 95 90/100) teet; "110. lI04"tblr'J.7 0_ b\andrt4
&Dd t:hirv-ti..,. &Dd torty-one one-hundredths (1'5 41/100) fee, to_ tobI SOutlll1. of 1lI...tb.
street; tbenCll 1IIA.terl;r, &long tba l..st_ntioned line Ninety (90) fee to; Ull U.ft08
SOIlibeio17 One hundred and. ,dxV.....,.a 4ftd -..,.iv-se..,.n o"'t~recltb.~ (161 71/.1.00) t..,
to thIt polnt of beginning.. Being Lot TwO (2) in 316Ck TwO (2) ~ta'~;1t""'Jour (4) ~\
_~_~. !!~~~,O"~.~A-~_~~r_~.(~L~_~M~_!f1bl1tOJ"f$ ,.b~nA~". ~
- ao__iiIC At .. fJC)u oOl"IIer ot Ros.uuw. ;x.'\d SIleoa4 S.....t.. 6.4Cl naaung bae.
.uODg .. 11na ot ao""n& StA. t SOubrlJ' 121.50 to._ b...........r~.lS9.'O teet;
..nOll "~r'17 l21.S0..t.., to u. 8ou1ll1", ot Second Sm..t; Mil thin.. &lollS lut
~""'d l~_lr..terly 159.30 teet to .... pe1ltt ot O~~i'. .tc LO' t:brft B)
r- II10U ~ur (...., ..... R...- 'lIa.ree (5) Dst.
'lOO1II'IRIR wHIs &l1 ... .!iipl.&r .. ......'*' tat -:..caU.....,......urnar.......u.,..
unto belo_lDc. or 1a ........-4toPJ*rt&1II1.a&. aa4 .. re_....... _4'''~.1O... .....~clfir
. . ',. . -'. -''';;
MIl ....ua4er.. rea.. .1_...... P!"wrt ,. tIi.,...t.. .
'''0_'':':-::::' :.-.:: :.:':: ;.: :'$~:~~:t:..7"
g "!l-' If.rdGr,.!,, .4........fIl .. ft",l"~...~_ ., hit bM4 u4
..~.. .. ... JMr'tint ..... wrt'''';' ".!i~
" ,~')
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"..1., 1iIl.:I.M ... DIU...... i... ~....,.~
~....&.. ".At ~
--~---"~---~._~.......... .....:--:-'~'-'----.~----'::~.~->-;.J.~..~ ". . ...... " ."
any.,..... .. .. n.-rt_. '
_..h-...". ( ..:1.)
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1;;;., llti .1'!/ initla" t~.
~! _~c """ i;l'ltl ,.. r".
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'-Jl.:f .....a........... -J.............. .......... ~.. ......;
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..-'---~~._-----~......_..;...------...._~--.-....-- -,~~~~ -~."..-'---.."----.;..~_.~,._-'--,-
_.~ ,~. - -;~--'-.......-/-/ _:'-" .-
-~---'--'--.:::.--......."'-"'---.-.:---.._-""'------"'-'.".>-~- ~.....~~
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l'~~~;,.,;, ~': I; "d!~"''''~''' 'D '~:
C,_ :'~,' ~. , .' . . '"'l!!i!j;I~'1~"(~ ~t~. (' ~'
~~:f'.. -t. 1'" ..f.;j.~;,1~~~ ,,"'t. . :
~,. ~ '{"f ~, Ii ~~. \ \ J_J~ r ~ J' ., 1
deso,.l1Mcl la, WhO.. n.-- Ie eub8crlbe,i 'ho ud 'IIlho uucatBd ttaI ,1ll1J'\eDd :.n~tn!ll\ltrl t. .u\d hit
~""cl to _ thAt be u.ou~d thiI .....
I'f 'I'I'ftI'EB 'WH'IR~Of, I bAn laceunto .t rq h.\nd. and. &tflX1t4 IIIIY otf1t.:hl _Al, ht my
oft..., 11\ .. N,lcl City &lid Counv ot S4n pr&nc:t.oo, tbt d~ M4 y.Ar' J ,ut <>.bon 'frittIU'l.
_ nllO'l'ARIAli S1I.\L) Geo. T. lQlOX WOtAr;y' publ1l) 1n And tor ~ltI (H.t;; &'Id C01U:l~f (l~
S&II Fr IoIlC 1 lleO, stAte or (1":'.~' to nth..
_oordecl At the ....p..t ot C" N. nOOTlr Octobelr 6, A., D. 1904 at 50 nin. p",et 9
0'.-10., A. If.
.~ , '. // .,
1"/. /.( /,'~ /1/ Ct'.-.-.., L ,
~' ' . co\~n1;Y RtHI'4l."der.
" /"'~, I .f?(d .<1' /1. ',/ e "',' ',' " " ,;
/ /., f .f,. , / jl
....'!If'RIIRJID'BNBJlBJlBnMBllBJlBJeBlIBIIIDIml:F.ll:BKBKBlIBlffiltB)fiJj ~R!lIm1<1I~ Joffi M'l.I" tf~ ,-\).111)1'\ ,,")f}l)ffiJolW
'l.bI CAliforniA GUarOlntee Inve stunt COIllP4I\Y
).fAry p.\,rlHY.
0.......0.... ...owo "0.0 flO..O.... Of! ,wo .0"0 M "0 "0 MO" 0" 0 "0",0 "0 fin "owe.> 110" 0"0 nO t"l (: "at,' -lit ~~, ~o "0 "'~i "0110..
. "~f"", .
"l'HIB IN])1lN'l'UR~, lIade tMe ~th da.v ot Septlm't:"l" A" D. 1904 be tfleen 1'1')8 e...'.1fornh.
l)uuanteo Inves..nt OOIllPany (& oorpOl'"Atlon) or tbl Qitir and OOUjl'jty ot S.ul p'rAftCitlcO,
su.. of O~:Utornl.., the par1;y ot tJ18 ti, IJt pArt, and J{~ Farm.yo of the Q1t;.v of nan .To.,
COUll_ ot S&nt& Cl&ra., StA~ ,jf Q-.lltornh., thII party ot the 88 COIl(, F.o.rt. WIn*ll:Smem:
'J'h.6,t thI -=~ld part~t 01' the 1'~Lrst part. for' IoIld in condderat'on ot ~:;he sum 1)1' "'n (~10..)
DollArs. Gold coin ot the Unitld St;.WlI (I.r AlIlericll., t.Q. it in ha.rtd p.dd by t:na s0..14 PoU"t;y
ot thi _ClOndp_rt, tlW rece~pt. whereof ie her~by 6t'know18dged. h.;t' g,',,;;,;" .;. ",(," ~~
;and 1I01d, oonveyed .-.nd conf1l'1!l8d, "",d by thI_ Pl..sents does grc.nt, b<i\rg:.;Jn ana. :e,"11,
convey IoIld confirm unto tb. s,ud pa.rv of the l.er1nd )'Jo.rt, and .tct her he! rill .ucd ,u;8~cn.
:to~Yltr, All thAt ctlrt&:in 10 t, piece 01" :p-.rcd of 1ond, Bltu~... lyUl@; &nd being 1n tt..
counv or SAnta. CluA, StA. ot c.l1:Corn1.., &"4 bounded Utd particularly <tttacri'beci AS
to llow a, to "":"
co...nC1!tlJ At the soutbn..r1y lnwrlillction of .ru1hn .nd E><tl'ltllr str...e tli.I;
nann1ns tb.enoe,SOU~"Ilt.erlY &locg tlW westerly 11ne> of 9Inller stnll~t ODe 'i4WldAd. .utA
twnt;y-a1s (125' te8t: tMnoe ..t r1cht _"1lIile:s SOu t:..=stuly Oii& ll.\Ui{u"ed(1.00) tee t;
Ctuuaoe A' rl,h' .,.gle.. ]IOr.....;.l)" "Dt,y-s1x (26) ~..t; tMr.'" At r1g.l>tt AWg1.i'Il'
eoutllW.ter17 .0 (1.0); bnee A' right .t.nglea lIOrtbw..terly one hurl;irwd..(lOO) tNt
to the Soutbtr.l.7 11_ at JUl1l11l st....t; tblDefJ along tbs M.ld 1'. !It: JuJ"illoD ~trft..,
JlDrbA..,.17 .. !Nn4~6 &nd 1I&D eLlOl tee t to tJw p::.c.ce o~ o01_n...e_nt,.
'l'OG'R'IRIIR ~tll ..11 IoIlA _i.aPlAr .. _anent-, ber.c1it.ul8nts ws.\ lIlPpur_..,... "ft-
UDilo 1M10llC1... orin ~. <IPPIrt61ning, _d tha ......,.ranoll ..,11 IU"Jre.1.ou, 1"1111&1.-.1"
&ncl ~ra.NDtlI, 1..__ _ protitll tbal"ftof.
101fAjjlB'to 11O!.D,lItoll aa\ ~;....~.r bwd ,,..mi.., tIO€;9""1-t' t1\ 'tb1l ~61l\tr..
~'ltUIOI.. uto t1II .Aid p.t.r1r ot ... _t.lo>tI p..l.t't., &nd to her >>Srt ..llll;1.p1lll
IW 'In 1I'WIS 1/1PlFl'lVP. tJltI ....14 .,.,.t1 tbt f 1 rat pu t t'.u bt~. ". 1:
. , )>>On... ..~. ,1tIf d,*'~"r11 .'1'4 old' tiJ" f!~ iJ;:o.e wr ir. - r...
_._."-~.,---,._-_~ __~__"'c_.---","-,,-~..,.-,,--,_-______
>.~_.___--o..--'____. '_...._"'..__
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.""'j!it" ~l1l',U. p",.1d,*n~
t:~A!'It. OP CA.L1~K'q .\. )
~r1'Y A.1'I'D crw1rtT OF ':Wi ~RA~tSC'O. t
".. Od. 21 It d.v ot SIt p 1)1 :rilH~~' ~,
o. tbouN.$l nSn') h.,J?'!N>d ","d 1'el.ll
"-to" _ GeO. T. JOlo~ of. lfll)t1t7 Jlbb111 in AId tor 11&14 Ci\y tn4 CJOtU'ltf dul,. cowal.1d~~
. }l
.nd. :"'U'1l. PU'Hu&lly 4P,..~(I 3_1; R. l'Otll;r. knOwat:o .. to be .. ptr~a wbo. __!~
subscrlbe4 ~ .. w1th1u In.tru_.t WIll tile P....l.... of 'l't.- R1'M1"II1.. SAT1... &nil r.o_
.. . .. #
~c~..... UlI &OltIInl...... w". .., .... 0.,.,...&tl0ft ._~"4 .. ~.
D Wl1n8S IK~" I M..'..," ~ M4 Aft1sl1l4.,. oft1Gh1..t.l. .t. .,.,
y#.-';: ;' .,.";'..;" ': .:
:.>t'~loe1....t.l'.J -_l.~t 01 ~ 4fld CO"un"'. 'lh. ...,. ... ;ye.... In tibia c.rt! n., ,H,.~i; "-'bOw
wr1 UI"
( !roT AR tAt- S1ItA1.)
0.0. -r. :K'nOX JlCkr7 Paltlh in.. tor add Cl,,-, a..w
_ St.'tIt.
Reoorded. . t u. f'Il que 1ft ot 0. ~, FJAtllQibb.-n oetDber 6 A. D. 1904 ... ",5 ~.
9 A. 11.
a?:~{ ~~,,''1<'
cC""'fl ,it',\41., .....1".
h n- " i/> '"
'.s~ !T/'l4t-.~ . ,./U'~,/l
lm"'1'JMBlIBJilBKmmIIBIf~~)ffi)fl\1l8If!l~JI."IDIBJmIIBD ~'1IIBlfB:eMIf.B_~,,.(. .~
/ '
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b ct\<- 6f' IJllr.t.
idKlldl.mJllllmunufdJmGIB~INB~D~""~~'f8'" ~.
" " . "'~it .'ic';
D.lZhVD, .. .. 1'._ .. of oo__r ~ t_ ,...... o.f our JA~'.l:_M .......,.
. . . . :"1~~"; .~'
..1 ,~lU" be...... G. t...ldtr Of ......:1_ of a~. ~ .,........1....",:
:~,~a<. ,..1"'" of ... It.,.,.rt, .... ,..01w of'cl1iro,. (. "tolp~".J :ie'
"': :?'.' .: '~:. ,: .,:4, ".; '" .,. . ~
..... Clar.a.. ..... ot ~ft...u..." -.r! of .. _flMJ" p.n. .__~:~"
. .:. , t ;" , .. ,'. ,~,"."'.Ii'
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