Oliveira, Joaquin and Marianna ~ruut irrb JOAQUIN OLIVEIRA and MARIANNA OLIVEIRA, of the City of Gilroy County of Santa Clara, State of California, both single perso~s, the first part 1 e oS . hereby "rant to 'I1"::E CITY OF' GILROY, a Municipal corporation, Il the second part y. all that real property situated in the City of Gilroy County of Santa Clara State of California. described as follows; All of any portion of that certain alley, twenty feet in width and situate, lying and being equidistant from, and parallel wit~, Church and Eigelberry Streets and within Block Two South, Range Two West, as said stree ts and Blocks are laid down and de linea ted upon Map HO. 5 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Partition Action had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, Entitled "Henry Miller et al vs. fuassey Thomas et aI, Action No. 5536, to which the grantor holds any right, title, or interest, and more particularly that portion described as follows: uBEGINNING at a point in the Northerly line of Eighth Street, distant thereon Westerly 150.00 feet from the Westerly line of Eigelberry Street, said point of beginning being also the point of intersection of the centerline of the above described alley; thence at right angles Northerly and along said centerline 149.07 feet; thence at right angles ~esterly, 10.00 feet; thence at right angles Northerly 150.00 fee,t; thence at right ,angles .t:asterly 10.00 feet to a point in said ce~ter~ine; thence at right angles Southerly along said centerline, 149.07 feet; thence at right angles Easterly 10.00 feet; thence at right angles Southerly 150.00 feet to the 10rtherly line of highth Street; thence Westerly along said Northerly line, 10.00 feet to the point of beginning. . The property above described was surveyed, monumented and described, in August, 1941 and February, 1942, for the City of Gilroy, " l' by W. J. Hanna, Registered Civil Engineer No. 3704 and a Map en- titled "Hecord of Surveys Establishing 'n Alley in Block Two South, Range Two West,11 and showing the described property is recorded in Book of Maps, page , Santa Clara County Records. . - ~ .. .~ 1Iu 1l1lItturlUI 1l1lI~rrrof, the said first part i e s ha ve executed this conveyance this third day of , 19/45 April A.1/:l. . .. .'_ drUL/~~ ~t;-~ :~_.no.~~n.~~ ,~~ T~..o A~"\'.; njir")(>oJ tl.,.1.1g U~,::.~I" t, ~Yr;t. h!, r.VftO, l\t hi. rtqt.iltt. ... . nnn.'. .hnh-lIr.lW-'""....~,hl. .irir..;u;1.nr'~..~.h.rH..~.tr.."Q.1~n~l1r-nrrl'tl In . ,,...ct and in U It"Ct .t ib, WIHi,rt.t,nJ ',tan..... ~tatr of QIaliforuia. l QIouuty of ~auta (!nara~ BB. 41 On thisun___n3r.dmm.um.day ofnu..___.m~p.;r.lln___nnmmn___nmh.u' 19l1.f:>.., before me nnm..m..hu_m.........s.y_d_l]_eY-___~.!n__J.".Q);Ul_~.Q.D..___n...m.n.___mmn._m...___.u_.n__....m.a Notary Public in and for said County, per sonally appeared___:nnnn..;[QA.Q.V.IJJ_.._Q.~J~.J.BA...~D.g.u.lf.'^RI~.~NA.nQ~I~.;J;B~_.J....~_~J~. "". n" _. n....... _........ u. ~.t D.g ~.~... .P.~. r.~. 9. D .~-J. ._m 00 m 00 m m _n ... n..... m_ __ _n... no... no n.. n u _. u.. n n....u. n u h_.... _ moon... _..... _. _ _. 00 m_ . .a._____a________._._________._.______._.______________________._______..__________.__________.____._________________.___._._.__._._.________._._________.________._._._.___________._.._.____ known to me to be the person.mfLmwhose namemf.?m.n.h_.n___un~.r..~...mn.m.nm._______subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that ...t:_he_Y.. execute~the s,ame,./ 1111liturBB my hand and official Seal. / --_._--_...._--1";.-- ------- -.----.---...-.-.--.-.-- l'idfary Pub' in and for the Co (/ My commission expires March 7, 1948. n J ~j~ 1\ , V') w, ~~ -<(g ~ ~ -<( ... ~.... [ ...,i,) r'.1 . V') I .. <( 1 .~z r. c! fWo I tit >-.... I UI :::i r U <( Iii: c:a u ... . : OoV') { ..'~ -'<:,. ~;~ J' ,.. ',I J' ~ '-:- ' \i ::\\. : \.J: : ,r J'>'~ ~. \ ~ ~ ';:> \J . q) ~'~-' -::-) ~. fi . 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I I I ! , ,I I I I , i 1 I I , I I i , ! i ! 1 I , RES 0 L UTI 0 N N O. 146 ------ ---- -- BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy, that the certain Grant Deed wherein JOAQUIN OLIVEIRA and MARIANNA OLIVEIRA, of the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, state of California, both single persons, were grantors and the CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation, was grantee, dated April 3,1945, is hereby accepted by said City of Gilroy. Said Grant Deed is hereto attached and made a part of this resolution. This acceptance by resolution is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 1158 of the Civil Code of the State of California. Accepted this 7th day of May ",,1945. (ZV6d: Maiuzr P. ~ attest: G~Cl~e~, City Clerk CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, P.A.Cox, the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the annexed copy of Resolution has been compared by me with and is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Reso- lution duly adopted at and appearing among the official minutes of the re~lar. meeting of the Common Council of such City of Gilroy he d on the 7th day of llay ,1945. . G.~~ City Clerk of the y of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, P.A.Cox, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certi- fy that the Corum,on Gc.uncil of said Gity of Gilroy at a re~ular meeting held on the 7th day of Mat ,1945, accepte the foregoing conveyance-anQ consent to he recordation thereof. Dated: This 7th day of 1111a.y ,1945 ~. ~ .~~/ City Clerk '