Page, G.B., et al !J Form No.1 BOOK 1470 r-J';!\"!r. 296 ok k;.~.:k,J <!9rant 1.9ttb 1 ,~ th~ll~flf.I~II~f~iill1li11161Wl11~1i1T.it~rti't9nn1nllt~i~~~~l(l'~Wflan , 11 G. B. Page and Marion Page, his wife, R. H. Mc Keon and Nellora Mc Keon, his wife, J. Lacaze and M. T. Lacaze, his wife, the First Parties hereby GRANT to the City ot Gilroy, a Municipal Copporation the second party ,all that real property situated in the CITY m' GILROY, County of Santa Clara, State of CalifOrnia, described as fOllows: BEIlJG & part of Lots 7 and 8 in Block 3 & 4 Harth, Range 1 East, in the City of Gilroy according to Eap No. 10 accompanying the :&lin&l Report of the Re feree s in the Las Animas Rancho PErtition Suit, Action No. 5536 nad in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the COlLl1.ty of Santa Clara, and more particularly described as follows: "BEGIHHING at the easterly eommon corner to Lots 8 and 9 in the westerly line of the SoutIlern Pacific Company right of way, and running thence along said right of way line N.20000'W. 48.37 feet to an iron pipe; thence westerly along the pro- jection easterly of the centerline of a concrete wall S.69006IW. 16.00 feet; thence S.20000IE. 48.16 feet to a point on the line common to Lots 8 ami 9; thence along sa id c ammon lot line, lJ.6904Q1E. 16.00 feet to the 'Joint of beginning." RESJ';RVIlW rJ.lJiEIn~TO the right of the Grantor, his heirs, assigns, or successors, to ffip,intm n thereon the existing concrete buildi ng which now occupies the westerly four ( 4) feet of' the llbove described land, sm d right to terminate and become void when the present building no longer stands in its present location. 1Jn lIIIIittttss lIIII~trrnf. the said first parti e s day of ;m~/~ have executed this conveyance this ,I94 7 0,.... A.... --~~------.. .---..---.:---.fe. ---...........-----..---.....--............. ---..#: ..r.~ . ,.~ nv1.'.m.~.~n .h..h. . ..l!.......: .. ..t1'h,hhUm.Uh.............._ ~.~~ m?7=j~ .. ..m .. ~.;X.~~... ........'..r'.....uu.................-?n.......~.~... l ;;KI~ 1- 'r.; , ,'.. cr) L(; ~ BOOK t 470 pre: 298 ~tatt of ~alifornia, l ~~ ~ountl? of ~anta ~a { · ~~'l'~"y~ I 'I .' /../" On this.m.oooo...l,;~~_oo....oo_....m.. day Ofh...............~.r~.bmm..m..m.h om...' 19...4.7.00' before me ooOO'''',,'u ......~~.~oo~.~mI:Illy~~.......oo...m..mm....ooh.moom..h...m..mm' a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared.......................... .()......!S....~~.~....~~..~.....~...oo~~~.Q~tm.m.....m................oo.....oo..oo..h.h___oo knoWJj.to me. to be the person8..oo.:whose name.8'h'hm.......mh"hoooooo..ar.8m.....m...mmmm...moon.subscribed to the foregoing ~~!it?i~~f:~:t~~1Vledged that m.i.he.Ym._ executed the same. _ ... ......: 4" ^,' ",,#~;~ ~ --:; :' /::. " lIIIIft~~ '~y=hand and official Seal. : t. ':."........~,. ~ .-<' ,.~'~ ,....,.-"::'... Ii.y.' .9~~~~~1)n.expire8 July 15, .. ~ ~ lor . , "i. . ~ >.J.J Q:: ~ ~ C c.: "v N rtf \......-:: "d __2! ~ W t;l ~ o p~ ~-=l 1-1 c':l I'I,! '* "~: ~r A: y d=4 o ~ l..u..:.. \ : ci o ~ P 2:! I o f-4 I ;..T-I o ~ $: ~ ;..; ~ :r,.' ';13 r~-I 1949 ""C ~ ~ ell Cl ..t- 0\ .... -.-:-,:-c:..~.......~-__ ~ \ ~.~ /c '\ NI 'II ,dT "\ i ~ -JlltJJI~~ 111C)<<j r:I' t : I . 1\"'\:'\1 Il.'I: ~ W I 1 ~ :II". II N \"1 - GI:$ fB I II:! <... ., m en < a:: r.-! iJ ).,.1 :2 ~ ~ ~"..~ ~~ -: '\<l ~:I ~ i\;l..J -$S \1 _~. ~ C) ....,..l! ~dl l' (;) ~- , r-N I : , .,..,.. J,. -''''. '-l..; l 1 I t-. -, '. _....J~ 1119_ ;~"1cA : : : .,..? - '"':'.:.'} : : I ~"f. _-; \J{ ;.~ : : j JC..'~ '" ~: ,-:i. _ <'V~: \'- \".i .: ~ ' :Z:~ ,t"4 -. 6! c..: \\ ~~ (J t.Jv ~. , I \ ~ I "'-J I '), -'\ --"- "' -U 'S'"' 1) I >'. \' N :: r"' :-~ V) _~ i ~:-: d (1,).1 ~ \\\ '~: ot..~ 0.:.. L.a..' 3 eD::; ,\, \ c= 1..9 1:2 ~, ~,,"" \. '~ Co V '.. L-.....,.,.-, . ') . '- B ""C .. lU '" ,~ ~ . ""C "r '" ;S 1i E lU '" res lU - 0... '"0 lU ""C ... 0 U 0 ~ s:: Z lU ..c:: tL~ '"0 ... 0 1t:L J1 .;) 'C .:::> "~ , J /,\ '\~ u~'" \~ ""-= '\~ t;;;;l = = ;""f-< =rxl c;;jl!:lrxl =l):;r.; -f-<..... .,SrIJ ...l ;:: f-< t3 E-crIJ ~~ ~ "'5 :I: e. =f-< Z ~l):; < ~O rIJ ,.cZ ~1O ~" ~- ~ = -<, = ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Santa Barbara, On this..m2.4tlL...day of.........m...~'-Il.............in the year nineteen hundred and..m...m..m'..nl~'eD........A. D., } ss. )' before me, THEODORA R. MORININI, a Notary Public in and for the said County of Santa Barbara, State of California, re~ siding therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared.m..J~~~gQ~..~~~...~..~...~P.~.....m...m ____.......__u....__......___....................___...._....._...................................._...........................................................__......__.___......._____...._______..._______....______...........__._..________....____.._______________.. .,' ...~,\~:.i~i:~4?~.....................m....................................................................................................................................m.............m.................... ".(,'~,\. .:...~-).:~;1j~,.." ..;-{~,f:> Ii? ... ..'. .,".i~.\lo'~ ~. .. ,~...~.;;~ ~ personally knoWn to me to be the person.... whose namem........mU......subscribed to / <:::'i!'l;;~ ,,:;<.' . ~.,,;:~ ~ the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that .tmhe.7. executed the same, .; io'd ot.", ",' ~" -. " ~;_ 'I:.~",'~.... . .. c.; ~ \,'~." . ~t: g IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official ~y~ -;- j; "" fE Seal the day and y in this certificate first above written. . '1?>c,...~. .:.~, i.'~ ',. '~.'l'.. .:;: ~~. . '~7~' " "Jt.",," }, 't, . II) Llfl K ~ ~,?, 1:~~' .................Not~~..Publl~.i-;;.~~d.f~~.~h~.C~~~~y..~f.S~~t~..B~~b~~~:.S;~;~..~f..c~iif~~i;:........ My connnisSion expires January 29, 1949. Y STATE OF CALIFORNIA,) ss. County of Santa Clara ( On thiL..l:4t.h.....m....m....day of-..m....Ap.r.U..............._.m.....in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty...~~!.~.~ before me, ........m...m..~~~!iI....~.~_~y..~:r..~m.......................m.....a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of c;alifornia, personally appeared.......~.!.~,gA~.~... .~P.-4...M.!.r.'!.~.QI4ZE-I....hi.s. ...~~.f.~... ..d.. ..... ..... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........ ..... ........................ ............. .... ... ... I t I 3/ BOOK 1470 ';"!"' i~'V" .tH~A:. 297 ------------...----.----.-------.--------------------------------.----------------------------------------------------.-.---------..-------- ~nown to me to be the person.JL.........whose name.,S..........ar.EL..stWscribed to the within instr~ment and ac~nowledged to me that....t..he.Y.....executed the same.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my office in the County of Santa Clara, the day and year in this certificate first above written. ... 'G":::... .c.. .......m................ ............!..... ...,.. ...... '''.'' ............ ...... ........ ......... ....... (General) Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, i.tate of California V" . CURTIS LINDSAY, STATIONER .. SAN JOSE - ._------~--- ._--~..-.-.~_.._.- -.-----_.._----- ------._--- - BOOK 1470 'r"''''''''~ I.' ~ i~JLi ,295 RESOLUTION NO.1?? BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, that said City of Gilroy hereby accepts the conveyance hereto attached and consents to the recorda- tion thereof. Passed, approved and adopted this 5th day of May, 1947, at a regular meeting of the 6ommon Council of the City of Gilroy. AYES: Councilmen:-George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner, J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas NOES: Councilmen:-None ,ABSENT: Councilmen:-None r\ Attest:' . G.~~ City Cle~ /{!. ~. Mayor CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, P.A.Cox, the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do here- by certify that the annexed copy of Resolution has been compar- ed by me with and is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Resolution duly adopted at and appearing among the Official Minutes of the regular meeting of the Common Council of such City of Gilroy held on the 5th day of May, 1947. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City of Gilroy this 5th~~.~\\or ;,M,ay, 1947 .' \:. ~G.,~ City Clerk of he Ci/of Gilroy, ~ County of Santa Clara:i' ", $tate of California. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE " I, P.A.Cox, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the Common Council of said City of Gilroy at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of May, 1947, accepted the foregoing conveyance and consent to the recordation thereof. Dated this 5th day of May, 1947. .^ , ~~. ' &~~.~% Qlerk.;:] City . '"