Gilroy Gaslight and Fuel Company
THIS INDENTURE made this Ith day of Jl}.I1U9.!Y A.D.I903 ~et'Yeen
a,r;...r-C ,*I~ <.<.,' ~
~ilroy G~l.lg~~.L190R:._8111) 8. corpor1J.tion having its princip&l pl~e of
business in Y!e City of Gilroy,County of S9Dta Clartl)State of Califor"
ni'!, the p~,?'.... of t.he :f..!cr!l.P~~) and the "~"l.ty".0r,~~.1.1roy, in \he Count~T
0'.. I
of Sa.nta. G,lal"t3.,Stllte of California., the party of the Seoond P&1't.,
'. 7
Wi tnesseth: - -' That the sna party of the fl.rst pStrt for md in
considera.tion, of the Sl.lIr. of ElelJen thous and five hundred ($11.500.)
dollars) to it in hfilld paid by the said pa.rty of the second part,thf!
reoeipt of is hereby acknowleageu, does by these pre:se~ts grmt,
bam~n. sell, tl'~sfeI' and assign, convey Ind set oveI" unto the SaloQ ,.
party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the entite
plant wOI"ks,system,pipe-lines,m~lnr:.ery and o~,heI' property owned by
the party of tne first part in cOlmection with its business of m811U-
flJ.Cturine and sell ing gas,811d all of the franchises anJ14unicip &l and
ether rights of 1I8.Y owned by s~d pa.rty of the first pa.rt) and ~l ths
ceI'tain lot,.piece and paroel of 1811d,situ&te,lying and :>eiIlg in the
City of Gilroy)County of S8D.t~ Clsla.,State of California, 'Jounded and
described as fOllows,to wit~-
Lot One) SI')~ltl.)\9.r:L.e Ori.e E 6S t) in the City of Gilroy, Ed lI'Ore par-
ticularly desoribed as tollows:-
Commencing at & point in \he south line of Sixth Street, distant
144.10 feet easterly from the S.E.oorner of Montere~1 Street, and Si][t~
StI'eet, thence 41.'0 feet, along the south line of Sixth St, to'
an alley) t!lence southerly. end alOIlg said &lley, west side)IO.71 teet,
thence westerly 10.00 feet,tbence nort.herly 11.40 feet. to the pOint
of beginnir.g.
Together with &1.1 Ind singular the tenen..ents,heI'edl.ta:uents .un
appurtenances t.hereunto belonginL or in any wise apper.tainir..g.
To Have and to Hold, &11 80d s:Lngul &r the ..bove roentionea preIili-
ses and propert.y, together with the appuI'tena.nces unto the s uti party
of the s..on4 part its SUQceSSors 8f1Q assigns forever.
In witness whereof the party of tl~e first part. hss executed
this inst.rument and caused its eor'porate n8tLe to be 8u"l80ri ~d b:,' its
President and Secretary.
Gilroy Gaslight and Fuel
By.-... a. dJ L_~AIiI ,,"
0'//<':' ,":,<'~.,/ /. ~ -./- / r"'., ,
'//,.; 1 ~..' ,,/'f '(:'(/;?<.-? 4,Y;~c-r:..--? ,,1;.- v' ':'''-' "L'."-.-.,,,",,,,
/ ~ / -." " " I //
ResollJed by the Board of Directors of Gilroy Gaslight and Fuel
Company,by tll.e power and. &1tt..ority vested. in it by law,and pursu811t
to tIle power and 9.Utbority vysted in it by a cer'tain resolution of t.l:e
stockholders of said Gilroy Gasligllt and Fuel Compl},Ily, at a legal meet-
ill(; thereof held on the 22nd day of December,A.D.I902, that this COI-
poration sell &ld convey unto the City of Gil roy, in the county of
Santa Clara, State of California.) its entire plant,wor'ks,systeu.l,pipe-
lines,machinery 'llld other property owned b~; it in connection witll its
business of lU'llluflJ.Cturing- ~d selliDL gas) 8lld 8J.l the fl$i..'lchises md
municl.pal,811d other rights of way owneQoy tlas corporation, and all
tha.t certain lot piece and parcel of 1 and situate, lYl.Il6, !LUG beulL in
the City of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara,State of California, bounded
and descr.lbed as: follows to wit:-
Lot One, in Block One,Soutt..,R8.Ilbe One East) in the City of GilIO~/,
and mOl'e partl.cularly described as follows:-
COlliIuenc iI'lL' at a point in the South of Sixth Street) distant,
144.10 feet) easterly frolli the S. E. cornel' of Monterey Street) a..Tld Sl.)fth
StI'eet, tl.l.ence 41.90 feet easterly aloIlL the soutr~ line of Sixth Street
to en alley, thence southerly, and along the west side of sal.d alley,
90.71 feet. thence westerly 50.00 feet, thence nortt..erly)i!.40 feet to
the pOint of beginning, together with the appurtenances.
And the President and Secretary of tras corporation are hereby
authorized end directed to lliake, execute IllQ deliver on beh~f of, and
as tlle act and deed of this corporation, a. good 8.D1i sufficient deed ani
conveyance, and all tl'ansfer~ necessary to said. eCt." of Gilroy,of, and
to all of the property described above)upon receiving frl')IU said City
of Gilroy,tt...e SUI.n of Eleven TIJousand five hundred dollars, in lawful
lUoney of the United States of Aroerica,tLe s~e being in full consid-
eration, for the property described above, end knOWll 9.':; the works of
Gilroy Ga.slight and Fuel Company.
I the undersigned,y of Gilroy Gaslight end Fuel Coppany
do llereby certify that the above and. foregoulg, is 8. full) true and cor-
reot copy of a r'esolutlon duly adopted by tlle Board of Direotors of
Gilroy Gaslight 8lld Fuel COIUpany) on the 22nci aay of DeceI~1er,A. D. I~O~.
at 8. leg81 meeting of the said Boa.rd, of whicll ILeetUlt; all of tl.t.e meIJ.-
hers had Que notice) and at whicl... I14eeting ~ li.aj ori ty were in attendance
lllld voted unanimously the..efor. ~ ../'." ~/ ~.."'" ~",,/_ ...~. _
0<.....~(/ ,(<:..,-:..(::::-". i;c::.~,"-c-, . ,-~..
Secreta.ry of Gilroy Gaslig:bt
ana Fuel COIJ.p any.
$tatc of <!rolifornia, )
;~==~~ #:jdu:6r?Jlat~/ H=Hj se' t:,
On Ihi; . ;rJJ[ .... _' day ~~<<.~~' .. .m the
'year one thousand.' nin~ 1i}jn;d:!1!ha'r~~~~.~.J............./............................., before me
:Hmmmm;/~~~,.~.....m.a l!otnry Pztblic .in a~'d
for the County or..~U:.ta.....~..::I\A.....................personally appear ed
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who executed the within in.~trutne'wt on behalf of the corporation therein named,
and acknowledged to me ~hat sU9h corp,oration eX,ecl~.ted tlu?' S6t,'nJ"e.
In Witnrzz ll1~ereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
my Official'Seal at my office in .the.:...............u...................
, County of~ti......eI~..............the day and
year in thi.s Certificate first above written.
....wAtfil?'-';fA .....mmmm
Notary Xlic in ~. the County of. .
v....~.................... ......State of Cahforn;l>a.
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