Penrose, Caroline /' This ?/- I ndenture, Made the--ul.f/#-h_day of~.Jul'y. our Lord one thousand nine hundred and_tWO_r' Between in the year of , CAR.o.LIN.E..hPENROSE ...__of the County of._~_...___..~allt.au...uuCl.ara) State of California, the part.y......of the first part, and .. CITYhor.GIL.ROY, of the County of_.::i~L.utah..clara., State of California, the parLY_ of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party_ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of E.ight.uuHund:r.ed ~Dollars,.. "--G.Ql.d....hu.Co.in..____of the United States of America, to_her_in hand paid by the said parl.Y_ of the second part, the receipt whereof is herebv acknowledged, do he.S by these J;>r~ents grant, bargain, .1 '. SUe.."eSSOrs sell, convey and confirm unto the said part: y_of the second part, and to"hlt.S..hei:= and assigns forever, all th.at..certain 10t_, piece_ or parcel_of land, situate, lying and being in the Ci.tYUUO..fUhGi.l royu,u County of, Santa....C.lara,_State of California, and bounded ard particularly described as follows, to-wit: h...B.egiilui.l.lg:Uhat.uua....grani.te.mOD.lUnent...situate....o.n... tt.l.e.... East. . sid.e.... of.. Honte.rey.... B.tree.t.. .44... .0.0. f.e.e.t... E.a st.. o.f... tl.he.. .c, 8.nt.er....l.lne....o.f............... ... Mo.nterey.. .Btre et..at..the....inter.s.e,c tio.n.. .of ..me... cont.inuatio..n....o.f..the ..u ....c;.e.nt.er....l.il~e.....o.f.u.Beventh....S.t.re e t.~..... th el1C.8. u~outherly....aloi-1g:....the...Ea.st....l.11:e ....Q..L.M.o.nt.erey...Street.....a....di.s tarlC .e.. ..0 .f....2U,. 17. feet.;.... thene.e... Easte.:r.J.y....llO...OO .. ..fe.e.t.;... thene.8 ...Nortller ly....alo.ng...tn..e...West...line...o.L.l1aiLrQad...Ave.nue. .59..W .. .f.e .e.t..;... the.Dc e.. We s t e rly....llO.OO.....ufeet.; th.eIlCe...~o.utherlyu...alo.llg...th.e........h.. ...E.as.t e..rD... .l.ine....o f...Mout.er.e.y.....Straet....3.1....3.3.,...fe.e.t....t.o..... the.....plac.e.....o..f.....b.e.ginrP'- ...~.1)g:L....!?.~.irl...p.ro.pe..r.ty.....be.ing-..a....p.a.r.t...ho.L.Lo.t....2."....Bl.o.c.k....2~....B... .R..... .1.... E.... . as... ...~how.n...by....ttl,.e.....o..f.fic.i.al....Hap.....of....thc.. .Gity....o.f...Gilroy... ..... The....amount.....a f......... ...f? .Cl:.t.0.....J.<:i.nd.... .b..E;?.i..~M:;.. ..5H... 50......f.e..e..t.....by.....l 1.O....0.0.....fe..et.... ~ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaininf}-_... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said premises;.. together with the appurtenances . successvrS unto the said parLy_..of the second part, and to.....i.t.s_.~ and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part'..Y_.of the first haS........ ........._hereunto set_"J.l.\3..r._..hand_.... the day and year first above written. ./) ..............;.....&:..a.A~~ ......lit~L Signed, Executed and Delivered in the pres- ence of QJw :;: Zo~ .................r;'.............................................=...;c;..........~.....7:...r......... . +-.-.-...- I ; Stab of Q!;alifol'uia. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO. }ss. On this _________..l'/-~--..---day Of___~___h______..__ in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and~...., before me, JOH~.-\Alt(LIAMS, a Notary Public in andfor the said City and County of San Francisco, State of C-alifornia, residing therein, duly commissioned and fWOYJt, personally appeared ~..___I1!.~"""''''''h'_'''__'_'_''___ knOWlt to me to be the person..._ whose name...#:( subscribed to, and who executed, the withitt instrument and..... _.. __~...... acknowledged .to me that..... .~.~l. executed the same, Sn SUne.. _Ilel'eof. I have heretmto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal at my office in said City and County of San Francisco, the day and year ill this certificate first above written. c}~ 'T 'tJ - ,....... --.. "-N~i;~/l;iii~-i~-;~~"''''h'''' CO/41fty of San 1J?ancisco. State of Cal,Yornia. -'\ ..;/... . . . :;~-~-ih. ..' iIi I 1. """"..w-/ Y \Ii \~ '"~ \ \~ ~ ~ /~ _/ <~ ~I ~ i'" o lJ.J lJ.J o !t\ If\ If\ lI' 'I' '" 0) uj d ~ - .--< m ~ ~ m ..... --i . .-4 ,-j o ~ ~ .1'" . ~, ~ 0 1.....,..~~ 8" ~ . >-> 0- k .-i ...-i ~ 4-i o .. N d :1:i .--j ':J-i ~l ~ r-i ::1. ~ ~ +:>: .rof c..:i "0 c.; .... c;j Cl . V' CJ rJl , ~: ~ '~ ...: ~ CJ "0 I-< ~i ~8 i~ 'E ~ ~} ~~~, ~" ~ : ~ o : c.; .... c;j .... r.n >, ~ I I. >, .... P P- CJ Cl :a t