Perez, Irene I City of Gilroy Name 7351 Rosanna St. Strl'et Gilroy, CA 95020-6141 Address Attn: Public Works City & State L Name Street Address City & State L -l Z -l f- <{ Cl. ~ CN) - ~, --..1 . / .I;.f~ ~,. REC\lRDING REQUESTED BY -Va11ey Title Company !j INSUREDIl Escrow #205502-B ~APN# 799-13-.058 (Portion) \ AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO N 42 8 pn GE 0 8 0 I / --r (0 / , / (SH 12481758 -, l1. -.l Hecoraea at tne request of Valley Title Company MAY 05 1994 8:00AM BRENDA DAVIS, Recorder Santa Clara County, Official Records MAIL TAX STATEMfNTS TO I I -.l CAT. NO. NN00582 TO 1923 CA (2-83) SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Individual Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): RECORD WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 6103 Documentary transfer tax is $ GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALlFORNJ,l ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or . . . ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remauung at tlme of sale. ). f and ( ) Unincorporated area: ( City 0 , FOR A VALUABLE CONSlDERATlON, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, , IRENE PEREZ, surviving joint tenant hereby GRANT(S) to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the following described real property in the city of Gilroy, .. County of Santa Clara , State of Cahforma: BEING a portion of Lot 38 in Tract ~o. 2336, in the City of Gilroy, as shown on the Dlap thereof filed for record in Book 104 of Maps at page 25, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described as follows: running BEGINNING at the most southerly corner of said Lot 38 and ~:a.J.:ng thence along the westerly line thereof and the northeasterly line of Princevalle Street N.20000'W. 30.00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to t.he left with a radius of 30.00 feet, from a tangent bearing of S.20000.E., through a central angle of 90000. for a distance of 47.12 feet to a point in the southeasterly line of said Lot 38 and the northwesterly line of Tenth Street; thence along said line S.70000.W. 30.00 feet to the point of beginning. CONTAINING THEREIN 193 Square feet or 0.00443 acres. r:~ee Map - Exhibit. "A" Dated: -----e2-~ (?JA;-') STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF }ss. On before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, pt:rsonaliy appeared Si~ and deli ~jr~ in the. pr.esence of LZLCkWi.J ~m ~ personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of sat- isfactory evidence to be the person _ whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (This area for official notarial s('al) Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. -,-_.--,---------- ..____ ___n._"......_..__._.._._...'. _ ....~ ._.""~. .m_" '.__,. ."_. _, "'__"_'__'___'___~ --------------MAI-CTAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE ... N 1+' 2 8 PAGE 0 8 0 2 SUBSCRIBING-WITNESS CERTIFICATE ("WITNESS JURAT") . No. 5195 .~~.28 ~~.2'~ ~~ ' State of C A L- I F- oR I\J I A }. On this the , 'f"'- day of vt\ r\lec... ff . 19..!.t..-. b~fore me. the undersigned ~ '. S5.:', JA'''A_'",- ~ \LLA ' ..~ CountY of 5P110"\ A C L i<\ ~ Ii'r ' Notal)' Pub~lC. personafty appeared ~ \::i\t'Jo vvv~ (name of subscnbing witness). : lil. personaDy known to me ; 0 proved to me on the oath/affirmation of (name of credible :~ witness who identifies ~Ubscnbing witness). a credible witness whom I know personaDy, to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as a witness thereto. who. being by me duly swom. deposes and says that S It..p ~she) was present and saw I ~ G . Pt: !Z.t;z.. . (name of principal signer not appearing before W""""-.,,.., ~ <,., . ~ :,' .-.... . RANDY R. SAlADO ~ \~ ~~ NOTARY PUBliC. CALIFORNIA ~ ~ '. fi, SANTA ClAM COUHiY ~ ~ ~.t'.,~:. MyCommlss!cnE;:~;nA~rru:l1. 1995 ~ ~~~- j:.::::f,',P...J"......:///....////;~,~}' ''l.J-:'/.rj~"'ff';,:'" :t".!.....i~~,...I:'';..:;....:c..;.t;"..:\~i'~ Notal)'), the same person descnbed in and whose name is subscribed to the within and annexed in- strument as a party thereto, execute the same. and that said affi~t subscnb~ h tv- '(I'lisJher) name to the within instNment as a witness at the request of ::!v:M1 e Ul '2-' . (name of principal signer again) (L.J~ ~. ~~) \ , (Notar'{s signature) ~ ATTENTlON NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL. it could prevent f<audulen! attachmenl 01 this cetbficale 10 another doo.:menl. TIilS CERllRCATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO lHE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Title or Type of Document 2 Individual-Grant' Deed Number of Pages Date of Document None April 6, 1994 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above Cl992 NATIONAl. NOTARY ASSOCIATION. 8236 Remmel Ave. Cano;a Pm. CA 91309-7184 ... II 14 I I : :1 I..~I ~ f' I ~ I : 1O I~ ~.lIHI I ~~ .1 : ~~ 'I ~ 1 I , .1 ~~~ -- lu, w ~, W ..J, ..J ~ WI o Z - OC' 0.. I __TENTH STRE~+_ .... I DATE: mil. lGJGJ3 SCALE: r ~ 30' JOB NO. GJe03B (fl SHEET NO. OF Ii 39 L.. N 4' 2 8 pn GE 0 803 I ../ 40 r=r- emf"' l' r.ut. 1 m 10.. IWS e, I :1 I ~I t\1 r--:I I '0.00' IClOO'OO" t: fW:lIN.. 104 M:25 TRACT 2336 38 I 37 ~* ,q,00' j (/ 39; M 53L TRACT 60451 UNIT 1 ft.^ f MAP HANNA & BRUNETTI P~fl()J 0: Wf '0 CIVIL ENGINEERS ac LAND SURVEYORS 104 ~ ,uot:: f)Ar~ 9~ 7651 EIGLEBERRY STREET \.JI'" 1Vlf\J"/ J f\1.4' v.) GILROY, CAlJFORNIA, 95020 SAArA ~ ~1Y ~ (408) 842-2173 (.lfY ~ c,uoy# ~ EXHIBIT IIAII :(\~QTit'\ () I I . I .II {"~ 'l'11A/'1. r I " " ~ I .. " N Ii 2 8 PAGE 0 80 4 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the grant or deed dated April 6, 1994 from IRENE PEREZ, surviving joint tenant, to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer on behalf of the City of Gilroy, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on {\PRI'- 8 , 19 ,4- . Y BAKSA C \T'f A 0 rl'\ I rv I S IRATe R.. 192160