Pieters-Wheeler Seed Company THIS INDENTURE, Made the /3 ~; of' !\{arch, in the year of' our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-two, between PIETERS-WHEELER SEED CO~PANY, a Corporation, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of' the laws of' the State of' Calif'ornia. the party of' the f'irst part, and the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the party of' the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of' the f'irst part, f'or and in consideration of' the sum of' Ten Dollars ($10.00) lawf'ul money of' the United States of' America, to it in hand paid by the said party of' the second part, the ereceipt whereof' is hereby ac- . knowledged, does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey and conf'irm unto the said party of' the second part, and to its successors and assigns f'orever, all that certain lot, piece and parcel of' land situate, lying and being in the City of' Gilroy, County of' Santa Clara, State of' Calif'ornia, and bounded and particularly described as f'ollows, to-wit:- BEGINNING at a 4x4" white stake standing at the point of' intersection of' the Easterly line of' Sub-Lot 4 B with the Northerly line of' Casey Street in the City of' Gilroy, and running thence Northerly '26-1/40 West, 412.65 :feet to a 4x4" white stake marked "D.2 M." standing in the Southerly line of' the Leav8s1ey Road; thence along the Southerly line of the Leaves1ey Road South 640 40' West 40 f'eet; thence South 26-1/40 East 412.65 Teet to the . Northerly line of' Casey Street; ang. thence along the Northerly line of' Casey Street North 630 10' East 40 Teet to the place of' beginning, and being a strip 40 feet in width on the Easterly side of' that certain piece and parcel of' land described in the deed bearing date the 12th day of' April, 1921, made and executed by The Robinson Hard- . ware Company to Pieters-Wheeler Seed Company, and now of' record in the of'f'ice of' the County Recorder of the County of' Santa Clara, State of -r of California, in Book 533 of' Deeds, at page 57. Together with all and singular the tenements, heredita- ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE ~~ TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said party of' the second part, and to its successors and assigns f'orever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of' the f'irst part has caused its corporate name to be hereto subscribed and its corporate seal to be hereto aff'ixed by its President and Secretary, pursuant to a Resolution heretof'ore adollted and passed authorizing the execution of said deed, the day and year herein ~irst written. PIETF,RS-ii'HEELElt SEED COMPANY by President. Attest: -~M 111mt -~~~..~. --..-.-.... .... Secretary. State of California, I County ofl Ja~~ c.l~, \ 55. On th~u'~Y o,k.&...In th, yo", On, Thon,nnd Nino Hundco' ~-<~ ~"~~~Tbt:t:h~z~.t~~ ~~~~~d~d~~~~~<~~~;~~~~~:-'-~~d~--~';~~ known to me to be the J>e~son_~~ who executed it on behalf of the corporation therein named, and l~Jle--r acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto et my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the sal County of San t~ CIa, d d year in this certificate first above writ:en.''____ " .&,,, ":";'<:-.1 ... j:l o ~"I"i iLl"'" iLId OO~ o ~ ~~ ~ ~.. ~g ~ f2d I ... ~.'~ f:o:l ""i E-4 (1, ~~ HO Cllo ~ c::::r ~ ~1 ~ o +:l ... d :::: o "".n :>-t ~.) Od r.~ ~ HO H:=' ~'"' o ~O o r-i ~ ~~ H'I"'I OC) '1"'1 ~~ :::: ::Z::~ E-4::a ('0- """ .t:: C) ~ Cil ~ . '> . C\l C\l OJ ,-i ~ ;; I" \ .~ S ,.'.' - ~',' i ~[ i K" .......~ I ~ ~I I'~ I ., " "" ~~: It'" ~ ~,~. I I '. : ?" \ . ~ ~~ y ..!,,~! . : l!,: 1 L>> ~ .- ...~.>t~ ; "ti - \ :;;f~: ! t'<:I ~ I Z \..'1 '." '\ ' 1 Q.."., . 9'. Z ~ ...,,~! I . -e lit ~ \ ~ . I ';:. C> It' -'-. -<< Ii I ' E Q .i:? :oJ' I ", C> ~ c.J: q;I ...\ ' ..' . . cC::.. -1 :::tl u:. 'x. ~ '< l... .~ : ..] C .. '- ... \.0. .... ,," i ...... . .,. . . ...... -r.\ ,,~C, '1 \:~, : = I "'-' . .. ~. '.- ". ~ cd "':? . '. ~,:- ~. "I :ill.. C3 ~ I d ..J j i ' 8 "I .. fJ E-4 <l ~ ~ Q ..JZ <0 ~CI) t&JZ ~ ~::c ~ Q N 0 ~ .... E-< ' f;i;. _...., '-' f;i;.... ~ . ~ OC Cl)O ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~L1JS t&JZ E-<O ~~ ~