Rios, Daniel G. and Natalia F. " . 1 (J 201 6'31 j) , < lJ flU U 'I; cd vJ\\ AT REQUES;' OF Gill Of 81180Y Me Z to 25 AK '89 ~ ~ ,.,.. '" II. NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Gilrov. CA 95020 I NO_fEE Susanne E. Steinmetz,City City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Clerk -1 /0;)01103/ " . :1 H C! S \}j W<l"V SAN! OlHh I L;~FC OF; ~'~~ t. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE I l L 042rA6E 800 10201631 1.;J.1:.y or GJ..lroy 7351 Rosanna Gilroy, CA 95020 ., -.1 ra 404 CA (12.73) GRANT DEED D.T,T.S FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Daniel G. Rios and Natalia F. Rios hereby GRANT(S) to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation the real property in the Ci ty of Gilroy County of State of California, described as:.. (SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEEEOF BY REFERENCE) Dated: 1-1 Ci. v-ci< d- t..f 1 I q go 1 tLfJ ~ 42,; -I (~~ . 12~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF Sa ","i-c. C ICl..r<\ S5. On M I). lrC-+ do- ~/ ) I if ~ c, bel ore me, the under. signed, a Notary Public in ami lor said State, personally appeared Da. Vl; e I 6-. 72 u"S Q LA cf Na.tc....JI'4 F. R.os ----- ----------- .' .-'--'-.....-..."..".."'..--.-....-.-..-...--.-.-.-...---'...-....-..----.----.------- , known to me to be the peraon~_whoie name-5 a r-f' subscribed to the within Instrument and Dcknowleclged thaI n €.i--executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ~ Cf':1!c~ Sh''r-/e1 J.Va.cle...... Nom (Typed or Printed) OFFICIAL SEAL SHIRLEY J VADEN NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA SANllA CLARA OOUN'PV My comm. expires JUt 2, 1989 7960 Westwood nriw .'<.p" Gi'r~". CA 95020 (This af(a lor official notarial seal) Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. . .' ~ . l042rA6E 801 EXHIBIT A A thirty-five foot wide strip of land the westerly line of which is the centerline of Kern Avenue, and which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of Kern Avenue distant N 01000' E 110 feet from the common line of lots 20 and 21 as shown on a map of "Henry Miller's Subdivision of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 23" recorded in Volume H of Maps at page 5, Santa Clara County Official Records, said point described as the southwesterly corner of Parcel 2 in the Grant Deed, Aguirre to Rios, recorded in Book B 696, page 636, official records of Santa Clara County, California; thence from said point, NOlo E 10.00 feet to the terminus. 3-16-89 88270 ~~ ~?' , P.O.B. I I ~ WELBURN " . r , t . - - :.::- I.IJ ~ >= :.J ~ 0t ~ t . I Z 0:: oW ~ - ~ 35' ,.....".,,~ ~ .- IS' R W 2 11,~t -~-l. : en ~r 11 .., 16 N I~ 100 >- 0 28 N . ~ a:: ~ .. .-. ... 3 .. <( 0 !!! ..J '" C) n,r .. ,~~ 60.~' --~--- z.t.o '" ,.. .. . 74 73 '1.10 .... .... '- ":'7(; 2.98 AG. GR. 2.77 AG. NET so q !! :: .... --" ~ ~7S r :72; -..... '" 4 :~ ~ - .. !!~ .p// 1 //~~; o - . If! .. .. S '4 Z, I I :1 1/ I I 7 . w .... ". 00 &e. q 69 -.. .0' ...... ,.. co' ... E 12 II 13 '71.fI~- n.'ll _....:".7. 1&"t.~ . t70 .. U ~ ~ ~ '70 " 1....~7 "~4 i lO 4 1.50 AC. GR. , 2PA6E- 802 -70 '.. 'JO....:r 4 AC. GR 3.82 AG. NET - o ... No .- o ..J 67 35 tI '0 '7 i. ~SO~ 1.12 AC. GR. . ! 65 66 ! ,...... ~ ~~~-----~--~------- ~'"'~ ------------------------ ... PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION OF STREET DEDICATION AVENUE March 1989 Prepared by: Garcia & Henry, Inc. Civil Engineers