Brem, Sarah A. RE';I'URN TO: Clty of Gilroy 1390 Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 GIFT DEED x_v ~. ~PK 0.172. i.W;r 4.51 I () () r':ccorGPd at Ih ~ r~Quest of t (0- 'LAWYEPS llTlE INSUI'MiCE CORP. DEe 29 1972s:00AM , . .""',OLG...,E6IR,6-_-,, . L.J ('i C Aa~;a g~r~~~Iill~^A~fR '=R -'~ gift deed to the CITY . 80m: 0172 PA&t451 SJ-37995 GY-1076/KC AP #841-16-54 --:- \Ju \t\^- SARAH A. BREM, surviving joint tenant, grants by OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, all that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: Being a portion of that certain Parcel Three of land described in 11Decree Establishing the Fact of Death and Terminating Joint Tenancil and vesting title to Sarah A. Brem as ordered by the Superior Court in and for the County of Santa Clara, California, on July 13, 1965, and filed for record in the Office of the Santa Clara County Recorder in Book 7037 of Official Records at page 504 therein and being more particularly de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of said Parcel Three and along the westerly line of said parcel N 00 5014511 E, 27.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along said westerly 1 ine N 00 501 45" E, 734.10 feet; thence S 20 231 2711 E, 683.86 feet and S 100 491 23" E, 52.43 feet more or less to the point of intersection with the northerly line of the lands of the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water Con- servation District as shown on that record of survey recorded in the Office of the said County Recorder in Book 69 of Maps at page 17 therein; thence along last said northerly line N 890 09135" W, 49.21 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.354 acres of land more or less. Dated th i s /)/~ day of August, 1972. (J/;;eS5 [/ '" r.;;/jY.:L /) .,/7 /{,7 d/. //", r:~':'-:/ / J' ~~:-<. ./~U~'" "! ,;,.' { <:' " ./ - " " t;t ,,// vl/uCi./ ' / '- j./') /(~-.., k:J /~~~:7:7'Z,// ,/ ) ) j:LL. .A( J: /(./L~ /,7) L,; \L-<./t. /' ,- c. ,~,,'''c,''---L''''-'2~'''--'___._..~_. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) eQOK G1?2 f'Ac:452 On this 15th day of August, 1972, before me, BRUCE M. JACOBS, personally appeared FRED O. WOOD, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as a witness thereto, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and said: that he FRED O. WOOD resides at 7640 Santa Theresa Drive, Gilroy, California; that he was present and saw SARAH A. BREM personally known to him to be the person described in and whose name is subscribed to the within and annexed instrument, execute the same; and that affiant subscribed his ,.......11..11111111111.1..11..1.11 ;..11111.....11......... 1, '. BRUCE M.JACO'BS E ',',' ,'", NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA :: Ai f PRI;\IC1PAL OH ICE t;', :: , . SANTA CLARA COUNTY ~ IM~ Commission Expires September H, 1973:! ....n...n.uu......uulnnlllllllillil..lfitR..U"" ion. name thereto as a witness to said '///Llif ~. Bruce M. Jaco s, Pub lic in and fo and State My commission expires: 9/11/73 BOOK 0172 PACE45J CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY SARAH A. BREM I. the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Sarah A. Brem of the premises descri bed in the attached conveyance dated the 11th day of August , 1912-, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of Auqust of the City of Gilroy. I " I' 0"), 00 I 'J ~I'I' l' c\,' , : \ . \ \5 \ 1 .1 ,1 ;! ' 6\ ! /\-*. i, ~ ~ \'en . ':~ a.. V) ;; 'J; ~i co -\ . \ . 0 \ \J . 0 ~ ~ ~ " ~w' I \.() .... ,. .{ \.. 'v I It \; ~ ~j \ '>I ,:,'c>;.,11?OLf 1 , "'I i ~~ 1 . . / ~ \.-~~! ~~ N I . 1: f... ""\..~ (0 . , ~.,~.!j r... .. ~ (\J , -- }i .~" ~~ ~ ' . ~ '1 CJ) II . : ~ I II \ l ~! a ~I oJ. ~ !i ~ ~.. .. I If ~. ' .' '. I. I ~ . C) C\,\ " ~ .... .. I :1 T~UE ~t :' I . \ " pot:> ~ . ~i rJ ,;. - ~~ 7 l~ 1 .~ I 49.2/' ,-" '- .bL89!..o9J 3S"i^l.::Z.83.3.0- ". :RON!'.N A'I.. N .1 "'. .sCCI'"Cwo. SO'....CHESTNUT ST..IMFr.::OlST; . : Der ARE:A.'OF.~~TAXE' .PROJECT~]971.j.- _ ~ . // ~ p, · , "'--j5~ 'A . .,..-----.. S\TIO N · ./ ~ .. .0. . a"~--'-PAACE["2~..Fo/w.~~::ACQUL . - 1 i II ~~~~~~~.:!.~~~e_~--.~r-~ =-'E~~~v-- ....--~._...._, ~_. -J ~........ - --- " r-~'Bl:JP'N ~ 5 ~: . '( . f ' . ~ '1" :,l ., t:I 'I \.~ . ; ~, I 'iD' 1PCm......--d"U,....:I~ ,....L....~ .~....J ~... t"- 'A. )1" '1"'1 1 -q".lL'I'~ - LA N E. I (), " 'S'''w' :-.:98.0.51 ......: N' c ._09 .3 '.., . 0' ~\ II, : . I BOOK 0172.: PAGE 454 . i I .l I' J ~ r I ,. ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~... ~ y~\J\ ' 1.' J ,~ N I.: ~I ~I ~ ", .' N :~ 'i " ~ ~ " ;1 . t: A2 10M 5-72 CL'I'A'Stantilard (Pol. 75) SCHEDULE A 95.00 Charge $________ w____ __ _____. _u_ _____ POLICY NO, P 189-319 AMOUNT EFFECTIVE DATE ORDER NO. $_..J.$.5.Q.Q.~._Q.Q......n._ p'~g.~.~~.._~~_.t.._.~.~.?'.?'__.~~___~__~.Q.Q....~.~.~.~. GY 1076-KC SJ 37995 2. The estate or interest J>olicy is: This Policy does not of this Schedule: against loss or rs shown in Parts I and II 1. Taxes or assessments e not showll authority that levies asseSS!l1entson 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims whi~h~re not by ecords but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by !l1a of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage i~ afea,~fi.qf~ach~~t&.or<a.ny other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservatioIls or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. SCHEDULE B PART II 2?M 9/72 (BK) P 189-319 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 1972-73 as follows: 2nd Installment $1,765.52 Bill No. 841-16-54 Code Area 67-009 (1st Installment $1,765.52 PAID) 2nd Installment $763.66 Bill No. 841-16-55 Code Area 67-009 (1st Installment $76 'tlplude any ng freeway, nia, recorded Records of 2. The fact that the rights of ingress said rights having October 10, 1969 in Santa Clara - AT 10M ;LTA STANDARD (POL. 75) SCHED C P 189-319 SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this Policy is situated in the County of Santa Clara, City of Gilroy, State of California, and is described as follows: BEING-a portion of that certain Parcel Three of land described in "Decree Establishing the Fact of Death 'and Terminating Joint Tenancy" and vesting title to Sarah A.Bremas ordered by the Superior Court in and for the County ofSant<lClara, California, on July 13, 1965, and filed for record in the>Office of the Santa Clara County RecorderinBook<70370f.Off';cial aecords at page 504 therein and being more particularlydesC%riped as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwesterly COrner of said. Parcel Three and along the Westerly line of said Parcel North 0050'45" East 27.50 feet to the TRUE POINTOFlmGINNINQ;the:nC% ontinuing along said Wes terly line North< 0050 ' 45" <J:;ast 734.].Q " ~<ithe:nce South 2023' 27" East 683.86 feet and Southl0049'23"8a.st 43 feet, more or less, to the point of inters~ctioniwi'tl1 Qrtherly line of the lands of the. Santa Clara > (:ounty F1C>Qd troland Water Conservation District as shOWn onthatrecOf,$urvey recorded in the Office of. the said Co~ty Recorderooki690:f Maps, at page 17 therein; thence along last said No rly line North 89009'35" West 49.21 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIN and containing 0.354 acres of land, more or less. kb ~\D ~ Q. / ~ -----ql (~ , 'ikJ ~ / ~ ~. @ - I , ,-LI ,,' .' Ejl. S I / ':l 1 ~I u: ---~~- " r -t ~ A'o'M33~..:i )0' f- z :> o u <( 'd .( -' v <( I, Z 0( <!l ~ n: o '1Il III I~ 0( A317Vli H.1.nos -"l " It I. I I I I I I 01 to I.. '" 0 .":16 -I ' i;; I I I l- I'i. I .... 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