Mondelli, Joseph Anthony - . ,/17:...... co- .A vi' .- .-\~~. c&~ I ~ v.i. s}..r;..-, /'" / I- /"J"C/ ~( ( ,7/-/ RECORDING REQUESTED e.......,., 363315 . 38001 . GY-1082 Title Order NO.nnmm...._.__._________ Escrow NO.n__nm___nnnnn__ ....)4363315 BOOK (C52 PAC[725 ReCorded at the request of I: LAWYERS TItlE INSURANCE CORP, . OCT 5 1972 ';OOAM George E. Fowles, Recorder I Santa Clara COUIl11, Official Recllrd. ...... . nnOK (052 PAG[725 This space for Recorder's lUBe Lawyers Title Insurance Corp. AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO, NAME I" 841-11-41 I STREET City of Gilroy ADDRESS 7390 Rosanna Street CITY. Gilroy, Calif. 95020 ST~~~ L .J ~~I . GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ D. H. GRANT DEED 0 computed on full value of property conveyed, or o computed on full value less value of liens cr encumbrances remaining at time of sale. FOR A V ALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JOSEPH ANTHONY MONDELLI, as his separate property hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation the following described real property in the City of Gilroy Count\' of Santa Clara ' State of California: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Dated October 3, 1972 ~,--~--;d"p~4U.?e:.. . L/ Joseph Anthony Mondelli STATE OF CALlFDRNIA Cl COCNTY OF santa ara October 3, 1972 ~ SS. On before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Joseph Anthony Mondelli OFFICIAL SEAL KENNETH M. CANNADY NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA ~ANTA CLARA COUNTY MyCommission Expires Apr. 27,1973 j known to me to be th,e person(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within ins ment and acknowledged thaLmm..he.....nm......... nd official seal. \ Signature (Space above for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE. Name Street Address City & State Zip .' BOOK 0052 p^cE726 "'CT',;iJ!' Being a portion of that certai,n parcel conveyed by gift deed to .' \',1. " . , '1"1;\, ,'" '. '.':, ,',:;.!),.',:, , Joseph An~hony Mondell i, fi led flpr . 'II. " II ',:' '.:. 1:' Santa Clara County, Cali forn i a, in . , '." .".'/, .. ,j, ':.' . '."., ", ~" 20 therein and' being more particularly ; . ~ ' , '. , ' . ~ I ' ,\' ,) ) . ,-\' ',' .:',\~., ,..\: \ , " ::' ': ;; ; :;~.; : ,::.::'\, ,', . I, ,'. ,"II i'. . ,I' . f "j:" ',', ,',; I; , ',': ,.1-\' . . .' '.' ... I Boqk400S of Official Records I~t page ''1.';' " , ' It" "'/' -.-; )'.. 1'1 'I I described as foiiows: I " ;..' ,', ,\ .. , . , . '. 'I . I \ I.' .... ,. . ~ - "" ,t, ,'I I ~,EtOR~ER:~,: M'EM() , . '," ". , ,.' FAINT WRI'nNG,OR TYPING ~, . OR CARBON COPIES MAKES' '. l::.' POOR PHdTOGRA~HIC RECORD Beginning at the nor~heast cor~er of Eighth and ChestnutStreetsi \", < ',':.. .,. :1' , ,,' ',:'{i", thence. northerly along the easterly 1 ine of Chestnut Street N 190 18' 50" i ~ '\ 1, "..:,:..1.:': W, 1)8.00 feet;' thence S 340 41' 34" E, 143.14 feet to the point of intersectio~; '(:':".: ,~. . ','." .~: wi th a northerly li.ne of Eighth Street; thence S 700 4V" 10'~ W, 38.00 . I. .' '~.J ,ll;(<:, . . . . "I' ,'to. I' ' .f., 1 ,./ feet.to the point of beginning and 'containing 0.060 acre5.of,'land more of ..,.' ,. ':" ';'.",.: ",,,,' '.' .':i " ",':: ,I,.. :t,' "';""'i:":'j '.' ,':' 1.55" ,::"~,,.., " , :':':' :,:':-,i','.I",,',' ";:....,, .,,' ,', '. ! 4. "~!' ", · !"'!4d'l;Iooa' .' :.,' \'" " ,.: 'Ol!o:>'aH ?IHp\1:~?,Ol.G> ',' " . i.,..,..'. i'~, S;J)I'VW' S3IdO~ .N08H:<i:;> ~o " Pa rce 1 II E>f>lldJJ.. HO E>NI.LIblM l.N\'if.::l O\fHW S;1l3QllO:>Jli " ' " ,t ,I. .f, , . . \ \ \' .,', !l Ii ,I',' , , I, .1: 1 ' ,. record in the Office of Recorder of J Parcel I I> '.' j 'j ,', ' . .: ~ /', Beginqing at the southeast corner of Chestnut Street and Old G~lroy Street; thence along the'eastefly line of Che&:tnut Street S 190 18' 50" ,':, I . r then~e from a bear'.ng of N 190 18' 50",W, along the arc of a curve to the right through ~ central angle of 1090'57' an ar~ \ " E, 14.27 feet; ,', 10 'foot rad i us " ' distance of 19.19'feet to'the point or tangency with the southerly line of ';'" Old Gllro~ Street; thence along said southerly 1 ine of Old Gi 1roy Street . N 890 21' 50"'W, 14.27 feet to the point of beginnJng and containing 47 " I squafe feet of land ~r.'or less. :., I'" '.' . ..............-........ -'-j .' .' '.". '" I;...~~<<:~..; , . <:( ,:: :;ll:,:!';::i/;;; ,: '::. I .. ~I . ' ~ J' ;'(l\ 'j,'" . ", I I ..... I :',' ..',..,'.:.j'{/,..\ I.:.'....,;.! .,;';, ,': :,l',f(;:,':: :::!'" i,r . t . I. (, ' I I t l . ';.~. '~"", "~ .... .:;!' 1',<"< ....,;..:' .,.. . of 1 . , ," . :. '~F. '.,... , . . t<. , ". . . ~ :,'... ': , ;"'..'~', 1:<;' . . ""." . " f , . , .' C-,-i ~', '~'/7Yf~)i::'--- , . . '. .',t .' ~:;~ ,<,.. ')~:. .' . ''''f " ,,'" ,,1 't. ':'':(?': . ~., " .,'.'4 " '" ' " .' ;,...' ','. r' ..'. , ~ '. 'I' 't, ',_,.,,.. ,,: -t " .. ',', 'f I I .. :' , , \, ,'.. ' ; h' , .. ~/ \ :c: . " ',' I ':," , " ~ ~ , ' I ~' t,.,. ... " .t' .' . .. , ' " . , 1 l :1 IT . , I' ... .. . " ",' . .: . f " EX'H./Brr,A , . " .' I 'f ..;., " , . , 9 I ~ . . ' /.:,' ~ . 'J , " ., I ~ I ...., I , I " <. . " I I I" I, ,11" ; 't. ,'. ..' , ~, ''''I ' I, . I ~ . " , , I' " BOOK 0052 PAGE727 ,:g ::::cJ rl rn r- \ J '---' I 1lW~!,i'Y., ;- '.....~~-'" -AREA-.:'Or"TAK IN G .. PARCEL. I.... 0.060 '"ACRES - PARCE.L. n.1-7.Sq FEET , I 9 ,- .. ;, ." , , I Z' :, ~ () O>~ VI o ~ :< Qj ('T1 <JI -; Z' C -i VI " :-41 , I i I '. I I I' i . , ,to \=I . ~ . ;,',.:"',.,1" ,,',' , ' . ,.' . " ;". ',' . . " 5 '<':>' ~~.... '.. . N .' ., 1- r;;- l> JV e9$<,~~' ,..... \''; ".' ~ - to .:"'y . SO"", ,,'. $~'" . \: ,'~,... f\) \0 II 0<1 J:v.: " ."; , -oJ ~'- 1\ r: .n' , ", " , " '" '0' 0 ~ <o;;y:~...,' ,:: . ,\0 0 \J' \ , /. ,., () " '\ ~ ~. -....l '.\ , (,p ."oJ 01 , I ' I.- V1 ~ ~ o . ~ , I I I , I f t I '. , , I , i ~.I ~=I u;r co 01' o. \' r- I r 'H I \' , ' %-70'4710 W-- ! -38*00. I I , ; I r , i j t l ~ I -I I I ; I . ~-u .0 JJl RONAN A\JE.-:..5. CHESTNUT IMP. DIST. I. ..'1.... ACquIS1TI'ON'. NO:'~'C" MJ.,' MONDELLI RECORDER'S MEMO' . FAINT WRITING OR TY"rmo , OR, CARBON COPIES MAKES POOR Pl-lrlTf"I/",C>" -III.!! _ - .. I "L.."-Uf"(U SCALE =J': 50' BOOK C C 52 PAGE728 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY FRED O. WOOD I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by JOSEPH ANTHONY MONDELLI of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 3rd day of OCTOBER , 197~t and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of OCTOBER the City of Gilroy. FQ 10M 5.;12 CLTA Standard (Pol. 75) < . SCHEDULE A 95.00 Charge $00 u_m U u_ _00___ 00 uoooo 00 m POLICY NO. P 188-484 AMOUNT EFFECTIVE DATE October 5, 1972 at 8:00 a.m. ORDER NO. $-.- - -- -~-~-_?~- ~--~ - ~-~._.__.- SJ38001/G1082/KC 2. The estate or interest OF 1. Title to the estate or interest covered by this thisJ>olicy is: This Policy does not of this Schedule: against loss or ers shown in Parts I and II 1. Taxes or assessments whiChilte not shown as existing the/Te@rds of any taxing authority thatleVies taxesol"asses~e real property the pulJ~ic records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claimswa.re not shown lJy ~~... ~cords but which could be ascertained by an inspectioPf.ilIiid land or by maRing of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in are.a,.. ~ncl'~achxnell.t$,ofia.tly other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are nQtshown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. SCHEDULE B P ART II FQ l~M:;/72 (BK) FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL ENCUMBRANCES. P 188-484 AT 10M CLTA STANDARD (POL. 75) SCHED C; P 188-484 SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this Policy is situated in the County of Santa Clara, City of Gilroy State of California, and is described as follows: Being a portion of that certain parcel conveyed by gift deed to Joseph Anthony Mondelli, filed for record in the Office of Recorder of Santa Clara County, California, in Book 4005 of Official Records at page 20 therein and being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Eighth and Chestnut StreetS: thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Chestnut Street North 190 18' 50" West 138.00 feet: thence South 340 41' 34" East, 143.14 feet to the point of intersection with a Northerly line of Eighth Street: thence South 700 41' 10" West, 38.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.060 acres of land more or less. PARCEL 2: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Chestnut Street and Old Gilroy Street: thence along the Easterly line of Chestnut Street' South 190 18' 50" East, 14.27 feet: thence from a 'bearing of North 190 18' 50" West, along the arc of a 10 foot radius curve to the right through a central angle of 1090 57' an arc distance of 19.19 feet to the point of tangency with the Southerly line of Old Gilroy Street; thence along said Southerly line of Old Gilroy Street North 890 21' 50" l'lest, 14.27 feet to the point of beginning and containing 47 square .feet of land more or less. ~ ... ~- Q - ,r 'r..:- ~;}; ~ I' <( Z ct 0 e ..... :; <( u )-' f- Z ::J ,0 I) 4: ex .c: ..J u <!.. f- Z .c: (/l 0: 0 If> 111 ... lJl ,/l .c: )0- f- Z :> 0 u ... 0 ... ~ ... ... 0 .. ' 1 "- ~ : 01 '" ~ '0 ... ~ , " ""I)... t-= U') :is .. ~ 01'", t @ I - 1.S'V3 Lu CD ~ " CfI 't..~ _~ .__ __ ____ N -------------,- 1-' m ~ ~ *' W LIl ex If) N al ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ,.. 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